Chapter 12: That Feeling

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Robby leaned forward, laughing as he held his stomach. His hair fell forward over his face, blocking my view of the charming creases that formed by his eyes when he smiled.

Not that it really mattered this time though, because I was too busy laughing myself. We just left Mr. T's class for the day, and since it was Friday, we won't have to see him until Monday, thank goodness.

"His face was priceless," Robby said through laughs.

The deadline for our project was approaching soon. And by soon, I mean we're supposed to be presenting on Monday.

Mr. T called us out in class today, clearly expecting us to have none of the work for the project done. But once he saw all the work we had actually done, he was speechless. Seeing his big mouth at a loss for words was something I thought I'd never see. Robby didn't expect it either.

Robby and I have done a lot of work for this project—even more than was required. I'm not sure why, or how. Something even more surprising was that Robby did most of the work.

When I was first strapped with Robby for this project, I felt like just dropping out of school so I wouldn't have to deal with him. But now, I don't feel so strapped in.

Robby is completely different than what I had thought. And honestly, I liked it.

Suddenly, I paused.

I started replaying all of our meetings, both at school and at Monroe's. My eyes kept looking at Robby, who was still grinning widely beside me. I looked at the outline of his face, the way his chestnut brown hair fell, the lines that carved their way into his cheeks when he smiled...

I felt something click inside me.

Holy shit.

I like Robby Keene.

"So what do you think?" he asked.

I snapped out of my daze, my heart beating rapidly. "Sorry, what?" I shook my head slightly, trying to rid those thoughts—those images of Robby—from my head.

"Wow, we finally get the project done and you're already back to ignoring me," Robby joked. I elbowed him in his bicep, making him rub the spot with a smile. "I said..." he emphasized, "that we should go out tonight. To celebrate."

I felt my heart stop.

How could he possibly ask me to go out with him tonight? After the realization I just came too? How inconsiderate!

Then I realized he couldn't hear my thoughts, and I suddenly felt a wave of relief wash over me. But my stress just came back when he spoke again.

"We don't have to..." Robby said. I must've been making a face that made him think I didn't want to.

"No, no," I shook my head, "I mean, yes. Uh... Where were you thinking?" My words spilled out before I could comprehend what I was saying. I could barely even hear myself over my heartbeat.

Robby put his hands in his pockets. "Well, I just so happen to have two tickets to see Ivory Traveler perform tonight at the Hargrove." He pulled out the tickets and fanned them in front of me.

I gasped and grabbed his wrist, stopping his arm from moving so I could get a good look at them. This is one of the bands we said we both loved.

"Robby, these say backstage access on them..."

"Oh really?" Robby asked, tilting his head. "I didn't realize," he spoke sarcastically.

Then and Now // Robby Keene x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now