Chapter 8: Valley Viral

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I didn't have many injuries after the fight at the mall. However, I did have a couple bruises on my legs and torso. My karate skills aren't at Robby and Sam's level, but with the hard work I plan to do, I should be there soon.

I showed up back at my house later that day. The sky was already dark. I had dinner with the LaRusso's and Robby.

Mr. LaRusso told me how proud he was of me. His words of encouragement made a warm feeling develop within me. I was proud of myself too. I mean, it was my first ever karate fight, and we won.

Robby barely paid me any attention at dinner, though. I'm not sure why. I didn't bring it up.

Now I walked up to my house, unlocking the door and going inside. My mom was sitting on the couch watching a movie. She waved to me when I walked in, blowing me a sweet kiss. I blew her one back, before walking up the stairs and towards my room.

Just before I reached my room, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a different one, quickly shutting the door. It was Jaxon.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "What the hell was that for?" I asked him, rubbing my arm. He shook his head. "No, you can't curse at me now little sister," he told me, getting his phone out. I watched him in confusion.

He pressed a couple things, before holding his phone up to me so I could see the screen. I was not expecting to see a video of myself. He had a video from the fight at the mall today.

"You were there?" I asked him, my eyes wide.

"No, I didn't have to be. This video has spread all over the Valley. It's gone Valley Viral..."

I raised my eyebrows at his words, before looking at how many views and likes the video had. It was a lot. Jaxon stared at me, waiting for me to explain.

"Jaxon, please don't tell mom," I begged, putting my hands together in front of my chest.

"Maybe explain to me what you're doing fighting in this video, then I'll think about whether to tell her or not," he responded. I sighed, dropping my hands back down.

I explained it all to him. Well, mostly. I told him about Miyagi-Do, the Valley Fest showcase, the chores, the fighting... All while he watched with an unrecognizable expression on his face. When I finished explaining, I waited for him to react—yell, laugh, do something.

Eventually, after a long pause, a wide grin grew on his face. "That sounds awesome!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me. I was confused, but accepted the hug. He pulled away and looked at mr again. "My little sister is a total badass!"

A smile grew on my face. "So you're not gonna tell mom?" I asked. Jaxon grimaced, tilting his head. "Well, no," he answered, "but I think you should tell her. You know, just in case anything bad ever happens. I definitely think you should tell dad too. He would love to hear it."

I laughed, "You're right, you're right."

"I know I am. I never doubted it," he said, shaking his head like it was something obvious. Then he put his hands on my shoulders. "Listen, Y/n. Be careful. This new ability you have can be used for both good and bad. Which leads me to remind you..." he paused, while I waited for him to continue, "'With great power comes great responsibility.'"

I laughed, not at all expecting him to say that. "All right, Uncle Ben. I'll remember." I smiled. Jaxon smiled back, "Good, now get out of here. No one ever invited you in." He opened the door and pushed me back out of the room he was staying in.

"But you literally pulled me in-"

He shut the door in my face. I sighed. In college, but still acts like a ten-year-old, I thought.

Then and Now // Robby Keene x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now