Chapter 17: Broken Again

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"Samantha LaRusso... You know what you did, and now you're gonna pay for it. I'm coming for you, bitch!"

The overhead speaker cut off.

Robby and I whipped our heads in each other's direction. Our eyes were wide with worry and confusion. Just then, the school bell rang overhead.

Robby and I jumped from our seats and started running. We pushed through the sea of students and bolted out of the room. Robby's long hair whipped wildly as the air hit his face.

Finally, we came across a group of students crowding the hallway. We pushed through the group towards the front. In the middle, stood Sam and another girl.

I recognized the other girl immediately, but I couldn't quite place her.

Robby looked over at me, and I looked back at him. His face was hard and tough. He let out two words, "Cobra Kai."

I immediately understood. I knew where I had seen the girl. She was at the beach club the day we all went. She pushed Sam into a table of food. Sam pointed her out to me after I saw the food all over her. Sam said her name was Tory.

"I saw what you did at the party," Tory spoke. "You kissed Miguel."

'Ooooo's erupted from the crowd. All my questions were answered. Tory and Miguel are dating. Sam had mentioned her ex boyfriend before, but I never expected him to be the leader of Cobra Kai.

People started whispering to each other. I looked around, my eyes landing on a familiar group of people. In the middle of them, stood Hawk—the guy with a big red mohawk. Around him, stood more Cobra Kais. I recognized them from the fight at the mall. They all had evil smiles on their faces.

Suddenly, Tory lunged forward and threw a punch at Sam. The kids in the halls suddenly got very loud. Sam dodged the punch and tried to run, but Tory grabbed Sam's backpack, pulling Sam back and making her face Tory again.

Tory kicked Sam in the stomach, making Sam fly backwards into the other Cobra Kais.

"Get back in there!" Hawk yelled, pushing Sam back towards Tory.

Tory kept throwing punches and kicks, some of which were blocked by Sam. I didn't realize that my fists were clenched. I couldn't watch this anymore. I took a step forward, but Robby held his arm out in front of me. He just looked at me, before running forward towards the two fighting girls.

Robby grabbed Tory's arm and yanked her back, sending her stumbling away. Robby looked at Sam. "Are you ok?" he asked. Just as Sam nodded back, Tory lunged forward and grabbed Robby's shoulders.

Robby spun and pushed Tory up against the lockers, holding her there. "Settle down!" Robby yelled. "I'm sure we can figure this—"

Suddenly, Robby was tackled to the floor by Miguel. The students watching just made even more noises.

I couldn't stay put any longer.

I ran towards Robby, ready to tear Miguel off of him, when someone pushed me from the side. It was Hawk.

He was quick to throw another punch. I leaned back and blocked it. He threw a roundhouse kick, which hit me in the side. He tried to kick me again, but I caught his leg and yanked it, making him fall to the ground. His back hit the floor and he grunted in pain.

I took a quick look around. Now numerous Cobra Kai students and Miyagi-Do students were fighting up and down the hallway. Everything around me was chaos.

I looked back down at Hawk in the ground. He put his hands behind his head and jumped swiftly back onto his feet. He looked at me evilly, before taking steps closer to me again.

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