Chapter 4: Lotus and Live Lyrics

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"These," Mr. LaRusso held up two circular things in his hands, "are deck sanders. They're gonna help you fix this rough patch." He handed them to me.

I slid my hands through the handles and began sanding the deck. I pushed my hands up and down, the noise of the sanders rubbing the deck sounding loudly through the air. Suddenly, Mr. LaRusso stopped me.

"If you sand like that, the wood will become uneven, or unbalanced, and you might loose track of the parts you've already made smooth. But, if you move your hands like this..." he moved his hands in a circular motion, outside-in, "then you will come up with much neater results. Now... sand the floor."

I nodded my head, and began trying to do the correct motions. Mr. LaRusso did it at the same time as me when I started, so I looked back and forth between his hands and mine, making sure they matched. Eventually, I was catching on.

"There you go! Keep it up!" Mr. LaRusso clapped. "Let me know if you have any questions." He started backing up. "I'll be back in a little bit."

I kept sanding after he walked away. It didn't take long before my back and shoulders ached. Sweat formed on my face because of the bright sun shining down.

After a while, Mr. LaRusso still had not come back. I stood up from being on all fours. I raised my hand and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I looked around the yard, but didn't see anyone.

"Mr. LaRusso?" I called, but got no response. I stepped off the deck and walked towards the small building.

I slid open the door, but paused when I saw Mr. LaRusso, Sam, and Robby all meditating in silence. They all looked over at me. Robby had a faint smirk on his face.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know you guys where..." my sentence trailed off. Mr. LaRusso waved his hand and stood up. "No worries. Did you get the deck sanded?" he asked.

"I'm not sure... I did it the way you told me, I think." I raised my hands slightly. Mr. LaRusso smiled. "Alright. Let's go check."

We walked back to the deck, but Robby and Sam followed this time. Mr. LaRusso bent down and ran his fingers over the wooden surface. He nodded his head approvingly. "Not bad, Y/n. Not bad!"

I smiled, feeling accomplished. All the time under the sun paid off. Now it was time to wash those cars, then finally get into the karate.

"You're not done though," Mr. LaRusso added. I raised an eyebrow at him, as if asking how. He chuckled. "Now there's the other side." He held his hand out towards it.

"I mean no disrespect, Mr. LaRusso, but when you asked me to smooth a rough patch, I didn't expect you to mean the whole deck..." I spoke. Mr. LaRusso nodded his head understandingly.

"Yes, well... sometimes when you think it's just one part of your life that needs fixing, it's really more. It is only after you fix it all, when your life will really start going smoothly. The same goes for this deck here."

I processed his words, looking over the deck.

Mr. LaRusso began telling me how he wants the other side sanded. This time, he had me move my hands in a circle from inside-out.

After he approved my hand motions, he turned to Robby. "Hey Robby, would you mind staying here with Y/n? Keep her some company this time?"

Robby looked at me, then back at Mr. LaRusso. "Of course, I don't mind at all," he answered. Robby picked up two more sanders for himself.

Mr. LaRusso and Sam began walking away. But before she got too far, Sam looked at me with a smile. "You're doing great," she told me.

Robby and I began sanding the deck, both of us on all fours. It was quiet, the sound of the sanders filling the air, before I eventually spoke up. "Who were those people? The ones that wrecked your guys' demo at Valley Fest..."

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