Chapter 10: Unanswered Questions

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Mr. LaRusso sat us all inside the dojo, before beginning to explain.

Mr. LaRusso in Cobra Kai? No one ever expected that this would be something Mr. LaRusso would endure, let alone admit.

He explained his experience to us, using very vague but meaningful details. Cobra Kai changed him; it made him violent, short-tempered, angry...

Sam seemed just as in the dark as anyone else, even though she was Mr. LaRusso's own daughter. "You never told me about any of this," Sam spoke, her eyes following her dad's movements as she listened intently.

Mr. LaRusso sighed and held out his hands from his sides. "It's not something I'm proud of, Sam," he responded, his voice light. "But my point is that anyone can be seduced by Cobra Kai, even me. And I'll admit, Cobra Kai makes you feel stronger, tougher, but it will also get you in trouble. And that's what happened to me. I'm just lucky Mr. Miyagi was willing to take me back. So, remember, it doesn't matter who anyone was before they stepped into this dojo. All that matters is that right now, today, we are all Miyagi-Do."

After Mr. LaRusso finished his explanation speech, the room went silent. Everyone thought over what he said to us, while looking around to the other students in the room.

I felt a small smile find itself on my lips. I feel like there's hope. Mr. LaRusso knows what he's talking about. He always knows exactly what to say. He's pretty wise, and I can't help but silently thank Mr. Miyagi for it.

Suddenly, Demetri stood up from the mat. Then he looked back down at one of the new students, the one he had been arguing with earlier. Demetri held out his hand, helping the new student up to.

"How about we try at that rock again?" Demetri asked. The new boy smiled, nodding his head. Demetri looked relieved. "Good, because I've got a new idea..." Demetri's voice faded as the two boys walked to the back yard.

Everyone else started standing up now too. I took this opportunity to introduce myself to the new students. I went around and shook their hands, telling them my name while also learning theirs.

Eventually, everyone filtered back outside. I noticed Mr. LaRusso looking over us all with a triumphant smile on his face. Once everyone left, I walked up to Mr. LaRusso.

"Hey, Mr. LaRusso. I just wanted to apologize for my outburst earlier... and for the one I had when Demetri got here... Looks like I have a problem with getting mad and storming away." I chuckled, trying to make my words sound a little lighter.

Mr. LaRusso smiled, creases forming on the corners of his eyes. "It's no problem. I get it. I was a real hothead when I was your age. If Mr. Miyagi were here, he could've told you how many times I've stormed away from him. Trust me, it happened a lot." He added a chuckle too.

"Thank you for understanding," I said.

"No problem," he repeated. "I think Miyagi-Do will help you out a lot. I hope you're liking it here."

"Trust me, Mr. LaRusso, I'm loving it here," I assured him. We both laughed lightly, before our attention was caught from a yell outside. We both furrowed our eyebrows, before following the sound and leaving the dojo.

Standing by the knocked-down rock was Demetri and the other new student, whose name I think is Chris. Except, now that rock wasn't knocked over. It stood up hard and tall, like it used to. On the ground around it laid a couple smaller rocks and a couple sticks of bamboo.

Demetri went in for a high-five, while Chris went in for a fist bump, creating a very awkward interaction. Demetri just ended up put his hands over Chris' fist and shaking it awkwardly.

Then and Now // Robby Keene x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now