Chapter 6: Relief

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Our day at the beach club did not end so well yesterday...

Sam fell into a table full of food and everything on the table spilled on her, and Robby got hurt trying to stop some criminals from stealing wallets at the beach club. Mr. LaRusso had to help him out.

Later on, Robby told me that those criminals were those two stupid friends of his. Or rather, ex-friends. After that fight on the beach, those two guys got sent to prison. Not just for what they did that day, but also for all the bad things they have done.

But right now, I'm on FaceTime with Maya in my room, before I have to leave to meet up at the dojo.

"I wish I was there," I said.

"I wish you were here too... But hey, have you done anything fun? Started anything new?" Maya asked with a kind voice.

I thought for a moment... Should I tell her what I've been doing? Tell her, 'hey, I've been doing chores around a karate dojo, but not actually doing any karate—and all for free, might I add.' No, that sounds too weird. Maybe I can mention Robby? No, I know exactly what she would say about that...


"Has your project with Robby been going any better? Or is he still a douchebag that always shows up late?" Maya asked me as we walked down the hallway together. I tilted my head to the side, thinking.

"Well..." I sighed, "Maybe he isn't as big of a douchebag as I thought."

She looked towards me, her eyes narrowing. I looked back at her. "What?" I asked.

"You wouldn't stop complaining about him and now you're saying he's a good guy? You better not be falling for that Robby Keene charm. It doesn't end well. Just ask Audrea Campbell."

I looked at her with a surprised look on my face. "I am in no way falling for this 'Robby Keene charm'," I used my fingers as air quotes, "I also never said that he was a good guy. He still has a tendency to do anything else but actually doing work for the project when we're together."

"What?!" Maya asked loudly. "'When you're together'? So he's distracted by you!" She put her hands on my shoulders and shook my as she talked.

"No he's not!" I said, a little too fast. I pushed her hands off my shoulders. Maya stared at me for a moment, before bursting into laughter. I looked at her, confused.

"I'm just joking, I know you would never fall for that. He's just an asshole degenerate who only cares about himself," Maya said, before turning the corner into our science class.

I felt something in my chest... maybe it was relief? I'm relieved after Maya stops talking about what Robby and I think of each other? That doesn't sound right at all. 

I took a quick breath and walked into the classroom after Maya. My eyes landed on my usual seat, then to the person sitting next to it.

Robby started showing up on time for class. He sat in the seat next to mine, his eyes following my movements. He had the faintest smirk on his face. "Hey," he said as I sat down. I greeted him back.

Robby pulled out more papers that he finished for the project. He put them on the table and slid them over to me. I picked them up and took a look at them.

"Monroe's tonight?" he asked.

I looked at him for a quick moment, before nodding my head.


"No, I haven't really started anything new," I answered Maya. "It's been pretty boring without you."

Then and Now // Robby Keene x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now