Chapter 16: West Valley High

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It almost didn't seem real—Robby and me, here, making out in this guest bedroom at a party.

Maybe it was the adrenaline in me. What started as slow, longing kisses, turned into heated, quick ones. My heart was pounding as his hands gripped my hips, my arms resting around his neck. One of my hands kept finding its way back to Robby's hair, which I ran my fingers through and tugged on every so often.

Robby's voice was low and attractive as he spoke through our kisses, "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this...."

His words only made me what to kiss him harder. "How long?" I spoke, just wanting to hear more from him.

After more kissing, he pulled back and responded, "Ever since you yelled at me for being late in the library." He chuckled, before pressing his lips on mine again. I laughed too, remembering that day.

Robby's hand slid from my hip to the small of my back, then he pulled me closer to him, our chests grazing each other's.

I almost couldn't remember where I was; all I could think about was Robby... which means I didn't hear the door swing open. But when it hit the wall, Robby and I immediately looked towards the sound.

"Oh, ok. Ok, ok. I was not expecting that," Demetri said at the door, covering his eyes with his hand.

"Demetri, what are you doing?" I asked him, slightly embarrassed he caught Robby and me like this.

"We have to leave! The cops are here," Demetri replied urgently. Robby and I looked at each other, muttering a curse under our breaths, before springing up from the bed we were sitting on. Robby grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the room, running.

"Come on, Demetri!" I yelled to him so he could follow us. With his hand still over his eyes, Demetri turned to leave the room, but ended up running into the doorframe. He cursed and rubbed the injury on his forehead, finally moving his hand from his eyes as he followed us.

We ran down the stairs and towards the back doors, Robby's hand still in mine. It was chaos in the house—people running around everywhere, trying to leave.

Through the crowd, my eyes landed on someone. She looked confused, looking around and standing in one place. I stopped running, Robby tugging on my arm before he realized I stopped. He looked back at me, "What's wrong?"

I looked at him, then back at the girl. Before what just happened upstairs, I don't know what I would've done in this situation. But now, I couldn't leave. I felt a sudden pang of guilt in my chest.

"Come on," I nodded my head towards the girl. "We have to get Sam out of here." I started pushing through people to get to her, Robby following behind me.

When we finally got to her, I grabbed her arm gently. She looked at me and grinned. "Y/n, where have you been?" Then the smile faded and she looked confused again. "What's going on?" Sam asked, looking around.

"Just follow us, everything's alright," I told her with a small smile. I turned back to look at Robby. "My car is parked down the street. Let's go out the back and around some houses. We should make it out."

Robby nodded, before making his way towards the doors. I pulled Sam behind me as I followed. Demetri stood at the door already, anxiously waving at us to hurry.

Then and Now // Robby Keene x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now