Chapter 13: Asked Out

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I ran to Maya's house after school, my brain crowded with questions and thoughts.

I have a crush on Robby. Robby asked me out...

Maya will know what to do. She's good at these kinds of things. She has a boyfriend herself; his name is Jack. He's really kind, and perfect for Maya. One might even say they're soulmates, or something close to it. They're really good together.

Hot and out of breath, I finally made it to Maya's house. I ran up to the front door, after taking a brief stop to grab the hidden key for the door. I unlocked it and went inside.

Maya's mom was washing dishes in the kitchen when she saw me. "Hi, Y/n! It's so good to see you!" she exclaimed, drying her hands on a small towel. She held out her arms and wrapped me in an embrace.

I hugged her back. "Good to see you too, Kate," I told her.

She is always so warm, kind, and inviting, not unlike Maya herself. Not to mention, Maya and her mom look crazy alike. I've been friends with Maya since we were in elementary school, so Maya and her family were like a second family to me.

"Is Maya here?" I asked her quickly.

"I think she's up in her room. What's the rush?" Kate tilted her head with a smile.

"Rush? What rush? This is how I usually am." I shrugged my shoulders, my words spilling out of my mouth as I started walking backwards. Kate shook her head playfully, knowing that this, in fact, was not how I usually was.

I sent her a small wave, before turning around and running to Maya's bedroom. I opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed with her computer in her lap, video chatting with her boyfriend.

"Y/n!" Maya smiled when she saw me. She looked back at her computer, "Jack, I'll call you again later, all right?" Jack was very understanding about it, as always.

"Sounds good, babe. I love you," Jack spoke through the call. Maya said she loved him back, blowing him a kiss. Jack said a quick hello and goodbye to me too, before they both hung up.

Maya closed her laptop and looked at me, her legs falling over the side of her bed.

"You guys are almost too cute together..." I joked.

Maya laughed, blush rising to her cheeks. "So? What brings you here? Not that I'm complaining or anything..." she said, adding a chuckle.

I let out a shaky breath, hesitant so say what I was about to say. But, I decided to say it anyway. "I have a crush on Robby!" I blurted out, covering my mouth with my hands.

Maya practically jumped to her feet. "Stop it!" she exclaimed, her eyebrows raised up high on her forehead, surprise very evident on her face.

"And he asked me out," I added.

Now she ran across the room and grabbed my arms. "Shut up!" she exclaimed again. "How did this happen? Isn't he an asshole douchebag dickhead who doesn't do his work?"

I laughed lightly at Maya's colorful choice of words to describe Robby. The question seemed almost silly when she said it. He's definitely not an asshole douchebag dickhead, but she wasn't with Robby and I to see that.

"No, he's totally different than I thought at first. He's kind, he's funny, he's smart. And he's... so good-looking," I explained.

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