Chapter 14: Backstage Passes

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I cheered loudly, and so did Robby from beside me.

Ivory Traveler just got done playing my favorite song of theirs. Me and Robby both were singing the lyrics loudly as they preformed, as did everyone else around us.

Our seats were pretty close up; maybe a few rows back from the stage. I had a pretty clear view of the band. It was awesome seeing them in person; it made them feel real.

I was looking at the bass player. He had a black leather jacket on, with no shirt on underneath. He also had some jeans and Doc Martens on. He looked really cool.

Suddenly, the bassist, whose name is Soren Garcia, looked in my direction. But not just in my direction, it looked like he was looking at me directly. I looked back, but didn't react, just in case he was looking at someone else.

But he wasn't. He was looking at me.

I hit Robby's arm, my eyes not breaking from Soren's. "Hey... Soren's looking at me," I said.

Robby leaned closer to me. "What?" He asked loudly, not hearing what I said. I repeated myself, and then Robby looked between Soren and me. "Are you sure?"

"I think so..." I said. To test it, I raised my hand up high enough for him to see, then sent him a cool, small wave. Sure enough, he smirked and sent me a greeting head nod. I tried to play it cool, but my insides were jumping in excitement.

They started playing their next song, which happened to be Robby's favorite one. I have to admit, it was a good one, but I still think the one before it was even better.

I kept singing and jumping to the beat with Robby, but I couldn't help but notice Soren continuing to throw small glances at me.

One time, he even sent me a wink. My heart about exploded...

The concert was the best one I've ever been to. The crowd was fun, the band was amazing. But none of it compared to the feeling I got hanging out with Robby like this. It was one of the best nights ever.

After the last song, the whole place went wild. Everyone was jumping and cheering. The band on stage waved and thanked everyone.

One of the fans in the front row threw four roses onto the stage, one for each member. Each member picked theirs up and held it in the air.

Then, I saw Soren's eyes searching the crowd before finally landing on me. He pointed the flower at me, before stepping towards the edge of the stage and tossing the rose in my direction. I caught it, and everyone cheered again. Soren sent me another wink, before walking off the stage with the rest of his bandmates.

Robby looked between me and the rose with surprise. "Holy shit, he really was looking at you," he said.

"I told you!" I smiled, raising the flower up to my nose and smelling its sweet scent. "I wonder if we'll see him again backstage."

Robby thought for a moment. "No, probably not. The band is probably tired. They might even be on the bus out of here already," he said.

I shrugged my shoulder, still overjoyed that Soren threw me his only rose. I held it close, making sure no one could ruin it as we walked towards the backstage door. We showed the security guard our colored wrist bands, and he let us in.

There were stage managers and workers bustling like crazy, cleaning and moving things around.

"Stay close, all right?" Robby told me. "It's kind of chaotic back here. I don't want to lose you." He grinned and winked. I smiled back, taking a step closer to him.

Then and Now // Robby Keene x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now