Chapter 5: Chores

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I am tired out of my mind after doing all this work at Miyagi-Do. Sand the deck, clean the cars out front... he even made me paint the fence the same color it already was before.

Every time I ask why I'm doing all this work, Mr. LaRusso just keeps giving me excuses, like saying that it'll all be worth it in the end, we need to get this done before we can train properly...

The only thing keeping me here is seeing what Robby and Sam were able to do. While I was completing these tasks, I caught tons of glimpses of their forms, punches, kicks, and sparring. I don't know what came over me, but now I wanted to learn to do it.

"Remember, Y/n: wax on, wax off. You're doing great." Mr. LaRusso smiled as he began walking back to the inside of the dojo. I let out an annoyed huff as I continued waxing the car. He must've heard it, because he then called, "Trust me, Y/n. Your work will be worth it. I've got something fun planned for us today." Then, he went inside and shut the door.

Yeah, sure you do. Like I haven't heard you say that a thousand times already... I thought.

I kept waxing what seemed to be an already spotless and gleaming yellow car. My hands ached, my shoulders ached, my legs ached... and at this pace, I don't think any of it will feel better.

Eventually, when the car was completely polished to perfection, I took a few steps back. The car shined in the sun, bright and beautiful. With the relief of all the cars finally being done, I lowered myself to the ground and laid down, exhausted.

I closed my eyes. The sun was hot on my skin, but I was too tired to move. Suddenly, a dark shadow fell over me. I knew someone was there, but I didn't open my eyes. "What is it now?" I groaned.

"Are you ok?" I heard Robby ask, chuckling. I opened just one of my eyes to look at him, then closed it again. "No..." I answered.

He laughed again. "Come on, I'll help you up." Robby held out his hand to me. I grabbed it, before he started pulling me up. I stumbled a little when I got back to my feet.

I looked at him, laughing, almost not believing where I am and how I got to be here. One day I'm relaxing and talking to Maya over the phone, the next I'm cleaning up around a karate dojo. It almost doesn't seem real.

"What are you laughing at?" Robby asked, smiling but confused. I shook my head and looked away, still laughing.

"All right, let's get you inside. You're starting to get delirious." Robby slung his arm over my shoulders and walked me inside. My laughter died down as we entered the dojo.

I didn't realize Sam was inside doing some kata. She turned, looking between Robby and I. "Sorry, about that, Sam," I apologized. Her eyes glanced between us again, "It's fine."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly got very awkward. I glanced at Robby, before slowly taking a step away, making Robby's arm fall off my shoulders. He furrowed his eyebrows, his lips slightly parted, before putting his hands in his pockets.

Then Mr. LaRusso walked into the room, his usual smile on his face. "Oh, good, you're all here. Y/n, how's the old banana boat looking?"

"Very, very clean..." I responded.

"Alright, good. All of you," he pointed at us, "grab your bags. We're going somewhere today." He started walking out. Before he could, Sam asked, "Where are we going?"

Mr. LaRusso paused, looking back at us. "You'll see."

After we got our bags, we all made our way to the banana boat, which is what the LaRusso's call Mr. LaRusso's beautiful 1947 Ford. Robby opened the door and pushed the passenger seat forward.

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