Chapter 2: Valley Fest Demo

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I waited in the library, our lab supplies and papers laid out on the table. I came here right after school, but that was half an hour ago.

I sat, tapping my pen and bouncing my leg impatiently. I was just about to give up waiting here and go home, when Robby finally came walking through the door. He looked around for a moment, before his eyes landed on me.

I stood from my seat as he came walking over, his skateboard in his arm. "Are you kidding? Look who finally decided to show up," I said.

"Get off my back," he told me. "I'm here, aren't I?"

"Yeah, half an hour late. What were you doing that whole time?" I narrowed my eyes. He shrugged his shoulder, setting down his skateboard. "I don't see how that's any of your business."

I stared at him in silence for a moment. "Fine," I spoke, sitting back in my chair. "I don't care where you were or what you were doing. Let's just get this project done."

Robby watched me open my laptop and begin typing. He was quiet, still standing, before he eventually sighed. He pulled out his chair and sat down. "I'm sorry I was late," he said quietly.

I glanced at him.



We were both laughing loudly, holding our stomachs as we walked away from the ride.

On top of all the spinning, there was a little kid screaming bloody murder throughout the whole ride, and Robby and I couldn't help but burst into laughter. Seeing the other one of us laugh just made us laugh more.

"Holy shit," I spoke through laughs, wiping a small tear from my eye.

"All right, I need a break from rides," Robby said, wiping his forehead with a big smile. "How about a game? I can win any game here."

I raised an eyebrow and looked around. My eyes landed on the basketball shoot game. "That one," I said, pointing. Robby looked at it and winced. "What?" I asked. "Not up for the challenge?"

Robby waved an unworried hand. "No, I could beat that any day, but I was thinking we should play..." he nodded for me to follow him. He lead us to the bean bag toss game, "this one."

"Bean bag toss?" I asked with a smirk. Robby nodded. "Yeah. Not that I couldn't beat the basketball one, of course. I just want to do this one."

"Of course, of course," I nodded sarcastically.

Robby was given three bean bags. The more bean bags you got in the hole, the larger the prize. He threw his first one, and missed. He threw the second one, and missed. Then, on the his very last one, he finally made it.

The worker handed Robby a small, cheap little pink teddy bear as his prize. The bear little fit in the palm of his hand. Robby held it out, inspecting it, while I stared laughing again.

"Hey, don't laugh! I worked hard for this prize," he told me.

"I know, I'm sorry," I responded, smiling.

He held the small prize out towards me. "Here. You take it," he told me. I reached for the bear. "Wow, how generous," I said.

Robby shrugged a shoulder. "Eh, generosity is kinda my thing." He put his hands in his pockets. I laughed at his words.

We played a couple more games, before going on the remaining rides. We were having a blast: laughing, eating... It was like we picked up right where we left off... almost.

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