Unfaithful [Shot - 2.2]

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" Sometimes strangers understand our situation better than the people we call our own. "



It took Akshara almost two days to convince her parents and Sahil to let her go to Mumbai and attend a conference held for psychology students who wanted to become a therapist. It was something that she couldn't afford to miss but her fiancé did not share her thoughts. After putting up a lot of fights, Akshara took a stand for herself and he reluctantly agreed.

Upon reaching Mumbai, she took a deep breath, spreading her arms out which made other people at the airport look at her like she had gone crazy but she didn't care. She was feeling free after so long, she just wanted to enjoy the moment.

Akshara took a step forward but being the clumsy girl that she is, she tripped over her suitcase but luckily someone broke her fall. Those pair of intense hazel eyes were something that she could identify anywhere. "Th-thanks for saving me twice."

Abhimanyu gave her a charming smile, noting in his mind that this girl just naturally brings a smile to his face and he didn't mind it one bit. "You need to be more careful. Har baar tumhe bachane nahi aa sakta main." He said.
(I can't come to your rescue every time.)

"Yeah right." Akshara tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, embarrassed and nervous in his close proximity. "You're here in Mumbai? Travelling?" She asked him.

"There's a medical conference here." He replied simply. "A seminar for psychology students is also being held here."

"Yep. I'm here for that only." Akshara's eyes twinkled. "It was nice meeting you but I think now we should move our hotels. You must be tired but first, we should go to a restaurant or something because I am very hungry. I think you must be too, it's a long journey from Udaipur to Mumbai."

"You know I thought you would be a sweet and shy kind of girl but I was wrong." Abhimanyu had a teasing smile on his face but Akshara was too lost in her thoughts to notice that. He continued. "You are like a radio, once started you go on and on without stopping." He silently laughed.

Akshara couldn't catch that he was teasing her; she thought that she offended him somehow. Her insecurities overpowered her way of thinking. She looked up at him with sad eyes, embarrassed because of her actions and started apologising for her behaviour.

To say that Abhimanyu was regretful would be an understatement. He didn't know that a little joke could affect her this much. He held her shoulders and shook her a little, catching her attention. "Hey, I was just joking, Akshara. I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologise to make me feel better. I know that I'm not likeable. I irritate people around me. You don't have to tolerate me. You can–"

"Akshara stop." Abhimanyu almost shouted at her. His heart felt heavy at her words. "Whatever you are saying, whoever made you believe that, is not true. You are a ray of sunshine, stop doubting yourself, stop being insecure."

She looked up at him with teary eyes. Her voice, the doubt in it almost broke his heart. "Am I?" She asked him.

"Yes." He answered without a second thought. "Come on, let's get you something to eat and then I'll personally drop you to your hotel." He gave her an easy smile and she returned a small smile.

At the diner, they were busy munching but Abhimanyu could make out that Akshara was a bit disturbed. She stopped eating midway and started playing with the food on her plate.

"What happened Akshara?"

"Huh… I just… I don't want to eat. I'm full." She said softly, avoiding eye contact.

"No, you're not. You said that you were hungry and now you're full after eating less than half?" He raised his eyebrow incredulously. "You're not on a 'diet', are you?"

Akshara didn't know what to say. She considered herself a good liar, especially with the situation with Sahil but for some reason, she couldn't lie to Abhimanyu. Before she could think of another excuse to justify her behaviour he spoke, "You don't need to do anything like that. You're beautiful as you are, no need to do anything. It's not even healthy as most would like to think. Eating properly is the best way to maintain yourself…"

His voice drifted off in the background as he spoke some more scientific facts. Akshara got stuck on one sentence — 'You're beautiful as you are.' she felt a warm sensation upon hearing his words. On one hand, there is Sahil who always criticises her and on the other hand, there is Abhimanyu, who found her beautiful and he did not in a flirtatious way.

"Hello. Earth to Akshara."

"Huh?" Abhimanyu pointed at her plate, silently asking her to finish eating. And she did; after a long time, Akshara found herself eating to her heart's content. "Thank you, Abhimanyu."

Coincidentally, Abhimanyu and Akshara found themselves face to face once again. "Maybe it's fate." Said Akshara, a shy smile on her face.

It turned out that Dr. Ritika was a batchmate of Abhimanyu and now Akshara's mentor. She urged them to stay with her and her husband. They were reluctant but she convinced them. "I'm surprised that Sahil didn't accompany you. I understand about Arohi but him?" Ritika asked Akshara.

"Who is Sahil?" A perplexed Abhimanyu asked before Akshara could say anything.

"My fiance." She said quietly.

"You're engaged?" He continued when she nodded. "How old are you?"

"I will be 24 in the next month." She shrugged; she knew what he would ask next so she explained her predicament to him when they walked in the garden, being careful to not share her relationship's details.

Abhimanyu and Akshara bonded quite easily. They had so much in common. In the two weeks that they spent together, they shared the truth about their relationship too. They were stuck in the same situation and found solace in each other. Soon the time to leave came and though they were saddened but promised to be in touch.

It was something more than just friendship brewing between them and they could feel it too. Even in Udaipur, after getting busy in their lives, they found a way to spend time together or if not then they did a video call daily. Things were going smoothly for the most part but soon their partners caught wind of their so-called 'affair' and then it was chaos.

• • •

Since it's a TS, i didn't want to drag it for the sake of it. Next part will maybe the last one And super long.

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