Unfaithful [Shot - 2.3]

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" Value what you have before you lose it forever. "



Arohi Birla née Goenka never thought that her life would come to this point. Her husband wanted to annul their marriage. "How could you, Abhimanyu? What happened suddenly?" She cribbed.

"Suddenly?" Abhimanyu let out a sarcastic, bitter laugh. "You think all of this is sudden? Tell me, Arohi, when did you ever listen to me like a wife should, when did you try to understand me like a wife should, when did you care about what I want or what I feel? It was always you Arohi. Heck! You said yes to the marriage proposal just because of Manish uncle and my family's wealth." He finished with a yell.

"Why don't you tell the truth Abhimanyu instead of turning this on me, hmm?" Arohi folded her arms, scoffing.

"What truth?" Abhimanyu sighed, tired of her screaming. He looked around and was relieved to find his parents looking at him with soft eyes, 'at least they are with me' he thought.

"The truth about your infidelity." Abhimanyu looked at her in shock while she smirked at him. "Why don't you just accept that you want out of our relationship because you're more interested in a little girl that you groomed than your own wife!" She screamed at the top of her voice.

"What? Little girl? Groomed? If it's about Akshara then you should control your mouth." Abhimanyu said in a deadly calm tone. "How can you turn this on her and disrespect her like this being a woman yourself?"

"Okay, I'm not blaming her. It's all you then. You took advantage of her. She's a child, hai na?"

"Keep Akshara out of this. She's not a child. She's a grown-up woman who can make her own decisions."

Arohi rolled her eyes and took out her phone. "But she's eight years younger than you. She will be a good little wife who will follow you around and 'listen' to you unlike me who has a mind of her own." She took her bags and stopped in front of Manjari, trying to turn her to her side but was humiliated by her mother-in-law. "Mere bete ki khushi mein hi meri khushi hai. You can leave." She said, politely throwing her out of the house.

Abhimanyu turned to face his parents. Harshwardhan came forward and took him in a fatherly embrace. "No need to explain anything. We understand you."

"So… When are you introducing Akshara to us?" Abhimanyu smiled at his mother's teasing voice and called Akshara immediately only to be shocked as he heard her distressed voice.

On the other side of the city, Akshara was going through the same situation but worse. Her parents were ashamed of her 'going for a rich, married man like a loose woman' in their words. Nitin was sympathetic to his daughter's state but couldn't bring himself to console her because of the humiliation that he faced because of her. "Is this what I taught you, huh? Is this why we did so much for you, to give you everything only for you to tarnish our reputation." Meera yelled at her face.

"Mom, please listen to me once." Akshara spoke through her tears but Meera paid no heed to her. The sting of the harsh slap burned the left side of the face.

When Sahil and his mother entered their house unannounced, it was not a shocker for her, she expected it but what she didn't expect even in her nightmares was Sahil raising his hands on her. He cursed her, criticised her but never beat her, until now. And her mother didn't do anything to stop him, she just kept looking at the scene in front of her with cold eyes.

"How dare you?" Nitin spoke up but was shocked when Meera left the scene mumbling something about 'she deserves it for going behind his back'. Nitin shook his head incredulously and threw Sahil out of the house while he and his mother kept screaming and hurling abuses at them.

Akshara fell to her knees, crying inconsolably. The left side of her face started to swell and blood dripped from her lower arms because Sahil threw a glass vase at her in his 'anger'. She picked up her phone and cried in relief when she heard Abhimanyu's voice from the other side of the line.
Hearing her distressed voice, he told her that he'd reach her in a matter of minutes and take her away to somewhere peaceful and safe. She trusted him wholeheartedly.

"Jaan, please let me clean your wounds. It will get infected otherwise." Abhimanyu said using his gentlest voice. Currently, they were sitting in his car after he picked her up from Mr. and Mrs. Joshi's house, as Akshara liked to call it.

"Why did they do this, Abhi?" She spoke for the first time since he took her with him. To say that Abhimanyu was shocked when he saw her state would be an understatement, he was in disbelief, he was furious. The girl whom he treated like a delicate flower was sitting on the hard floor, bloody and beaten. Her mother kept on taunting them, abusing them while her father kept quiet and helped Akshara but it was clear that he was just as displeased as his wife.

Abhimanyu looked up at her face and hovered his hand on her swollen cheek. "I don't know, baby." He said after thinking a lot. It was true though, he couldn't understand how a parent could treat their child in this manner instead of trying to understand their plight, even once. He couldn't fathom his mother just watching on if someone physically assaulted him and doing nothing to protect him.

"Take me away, Abhi. Please." Akshara wept, hugging him tightly, being careful about the bandages on her arms. She just needed him and nothing else.

Six months passed since Abhimanyu brought Akshara to his house. Manjari was more than happy to take care of her 'would-be daughter-in-law' and Harshwardhan also agreed as Akshara's safety could be guaranteed if she stayed with them.

They soon tied the knot with the blessings of people who helped them, supported them and understood them. Sure, they still heard ill talks about them and Akshara's parents have still not reconciled with her, calling her a 'disgrace' but they were in a better place now. Their relationship was based on the three main elements — communication, respect and loyalty, something which their past relationships lacked.

It will take some time for them to attain their happy ending but they were together, and that's what matters in their long journey of togetherness.


The society called them unfaithful, but were they?

• • •

I did not want to drag it for the sake of it.
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Signing off,

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