Humari Adhuri Kahani [Shot - 9.2]

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Dear readers, please give me some ideas so that we can hit a count of 10 shots and then I can close the book.

But if i get more interesting ideas than we can reach till a count of 15 shots.


"Why?" There was a lot more that he had to say, so many questions piling up in his head and everything that he felt could be summarized in just a word — why?

Akshara just stared at him blankly knowing very well the turmoil he was going through. Why did she lead him on? Why did she keep it a secret after finding out his real identity? Why did she go out so late at night? Why was she hiding such important news from him? Why why why? So many questions…

"Just answer one thing truthfully — did you ever truly love me?" Abhimanyu asked in a broken voice.

"I knew this would happen when you would find out my truth. I don't know how to make you believe it but Abhi, I'm unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you. Please don't leave me. I won't be able to survive without you." Akshara answered as a few tears escaped from her eyes.

"Did you see your reports?" Abhimanyu gave a file to her, his expression unreadable.

"Yes…." She whispered in a barely audible voice.

"When were you going to tell me? Or did you plan on doing something else? To finish it all at once." He spoke with a straight face.

Her heart broke little by little seeing his lack of trust in her. She smiled a sad smile and went to her cupboard. She opened her personal drawer of periods essential and pulled out a simple handmade card along with a small box.

"It was the only place where you won't search. For you…." She said, forwarding the things to him.

He looked confused but took it nonetheless.

"Abhi, I was about to tell you after two days…. The day we first met, that concert in Mumbai. Remember? I wanted to share this special news on a special day and since we are not yet married…. This was my best option. You're going to be a father Abhi. We will become a complete family soon…. If you will accept me that is."

All Abhimanyu could do was to stare at the plain card made out of a blue handmade sheet with CONGRATULATIONS, TO BE DAD’ written in bold golden letters. The small gift box was left open near him. It contained the positive home test which she took along with a pair of cute baby shoes and a gold men's ring…. Was she going to propose to him? For marriage?

When he looked up at her there was a mix of emotions on his face — happiness, nervousness, guilt and most importantly, Love. His eyes held pure and genuine love for her.

"I know you will take time trusting me and your reasons are justified too but let me just say it. I have left that life long ago. I know exactly how to take Shikhar Raidhan down, just give me a chance to prove myself and my love for you, for our baby."

Abhimanyu wiped the tears flowing from her eyes and shook his head in a 'no' gesture, conveying that he trusted her.

"I knew it. I knew that my heart wouldn't lie to me. You don't need to put three lives at risk just to prove that you love me."

"Three lives? What do you mean?"

"Do you really think that Shikhar Raidhan, the don of Mumbai, will not try to harm you after you ditched him at the last moment? He will definitely plan something to teach you a 'lesson' and I can't take that risk. What If something happens to you? It's not only your life that is at risk here, I'm connected to you too and most importantly, our baby…. If something happens to you then it will harm our baby too."

Akshara just stared at him with pure love in her eyes. She jumped and hugged him with all her might, making him fall on the bed.

"How did I get so lucky to have you in my life? I love you Abhi…. I love you so much. There's no Akshara without her Abhimanyu."

"Stop baby. You already took enough stress which is not at all good for that life growing inside of you. Just try to stay happy and leave the rest on me. While you were unconscious, I already gathered more than enough information to put that man behind the bars or even a death sentence."

"In four hours! How did you do it?"

"There's a reason they call me the best. You don't take any more stress and try to sleep while I call for an emergency meeting."

He gave her the prenatal vitamins and made her lie down. Pulling the blanket up to her chin, he adjusted the temperature according to her liking and left for the meeting while Akshara got lost in her dreamland.



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