Insecurity [Shot - 8]

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Author's Note - this is my biggest insecurity and I wish for my future partner to be understanding. Everyone is built differently, please keep it in mind that this is mainly my feelings. Sorry if I hurt or offended anyone.


Akshara sighed heavily, undressing for the fifth time and throwing the beautiful silk gown behind her back, on the floor. Standing naked except for the thin lace panties, she couldn't stop the tears from forming as she looked at herself in the mirror. No matter what she did, how hard she tried to look decent, her body refused to cooperate.

Sometimes she couldn't understand what her boyfriend saw in her. He was a Bollywood star, all hot and handsome who has worked with some of the most stunning and talented women to exist. She knew it was wrong and not healthy at all to think about one's own body in such a way but she couldn't help it, she was nothing compared to them. Various doubts swirled in her mind, her mind going to a darker place the longer she stared at her reflection, every flaw bared. Her breasts were uneven and small, her stomach was not flat or toned and her wide hips and thighs plus the stretch marks just added to the misery, making her body seem oddly disproportionate.

Akshara was cute, she could give herself that. She was intelligent and had the best interests of all in her heart. It was what drew Abhimanyu to her initially. He is the kind of guy who prioritises inner beauty, she was lucky to have found him but she can't help it. She felt awful, especially in front of his gorgeous co-star, after reading the articles circulating all over the internet praising the two, their chemistry and how well they complement each other. “The power couple” vibes they give off.

Lost in her thoughts, Akshara didn't notice when Abhimanyu entered the bedroom. "You shouldn't do that sweetie." He spoke, startling her. "Do what?" She whispered, picking up the sixth dress to try it on then quickly throwing it away because it was just not 'good enough'. "Hating the body I love." Abhimanyu put his hand on her waist, massaging the area and gently placed kisses around her neck region. She threw her head back, sighing in pleasure, the thoughts of getting ready leaving her mind as she got lost in the moment of pleasure.

"Try this again love." He pulled her out of the trance that he put her under himself. Her eyes widened and her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she looked at the material he held in front of her – the first dress that she tried and instantly hated the way it looked on her body. Akshara shook her head in a 'no' but he was adamant to see her in that dress.

"You don't know it, Abhi. You don't know how bad it looks… I feel sorry for wasting money on it, it's not made for me." Akshara confessed in a small voice. "Try it once more, Akshu. For me… let me see you." How can she say no to that? So, she tried it on with her eyes closed, not wanting to see her boyfriend's reaction to it.

Akshara opened her eyes after hearing only silence only to be met with the intense black eyes gazing softly at her. "You're looking beautiful" Abhimanyu whispered and despite feeling low, she smiled. It was nothing new, he never put her down or said something that would remotely hurt her intentionally. He was always honest with her and would've said something if she looked bad but still, she felt a need to confirm his words.

He put the pearl choker necklace around her neck, sensually touching the skin in the process. "No need to feel so low love. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and trust me when I say this, I love you for the complete package that you are. It's your personality that draws me to you and your looks just add to the perfection that is you, a heaven-sent angel for me. If you don't believe me, I have no problem telling you and showing you how much I adore you every day, every minute if I can."

Her eyes teared up at his words. All she could do at the moment was sigh and let him turn her around, placing his lips on hers softly. The sweet kiss soon turned into a heavy makeout session that left both of them panting for air. "Abhi…"


"You messed up my lipstick." She hit his chest lightly at which he just threw his head back and laughed.

Later at the event, Abhimanyu did keep his promise of showing Akshara just how much he adored her.


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