unending tides

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I focus everything I have left to keep us floughting. Haven't...eaten in...days. my energy is draining. She's dying. I've had to keep channeling energy into her just to keep her alive and it's taxing. She wants to live and I want her to stay. She's the only one who hasn't treated me like a slave. One of the only people I can trust. I don't want to be alone again. I shake my head as I get focused with whats left of my strangth. This desert isn't ending. I havnt seen a single place that was overrun. She's been asleep for this whole time and with my injuries, I can't fight for a place to rest. I might have to use what's left just to get us into a room with nothing. Why did I leave? Why did I put us in this spot? There was enough food there to allow us to recover. I feel my strangth plumit as my focus breaks as we begin to fall. I struggle to keep my eyes open as I try to find the strength to wake up and get drifting again. I look down and see nothing. Just dirt. I must the strangth to get my energy flowing again. I keep drifting but I can get us landed somewhat safely. I grit my teeth and plung my thumb onto my wound to wake myself up as I get a burst of strangth as I save it as we continue to pick up speed as we fall. I feel lighter as I look behind and see her slowly being lifted off of my back as I instantly channel my energy to slow down as I hug her and brace myself as my whole body gets a shot of pain as I struggle to breath. My strangth instantly leaves as I struggle to get myself togeather. No. She's...she's going to die...without...without my energy. I force myself to wake up as I plung into what's left of my energy to heal myself slightly as I get Mt breathing under control. This heat...it'll kill us. I slowly sit up and open my eyes as my vision is blurry. I don't see anything. No figures. Just the waves of heat rising from the ground. I look at her as she's still alive. Good. It also looks like she's healed from most of her wounds. I fall back down as I try to focus the energy that I was pouring into her onto myself so I can try and at least recover enough to get back up. We're not safe. My body aches in pain and my head is throbbing. I close my eyes as I use what little focus I have to try and let my body repair some of the damage. I feel really heavy. My stumic growls. I need to find a safe place before I go looking for food. I slowly open my eyes as I can't use what's left of my energy on myself. My vision comes back as I slowly look around. My body aches but I can feel something hard being pressed agenst my back. I turn my head and see a metal strip infront of me. I look down more as I lines and more metal. Is this...a road? I turn my head and look to my right and see the same thing. It's not a road. I'm not seeing any infested either. This desert is devoid of any kind of life. I look up at the sky and I don't even see any birds flying. I let my head go limp as my head turns to the left as I take in a deep breath. Why did I panic? I put us here. Now we'll most likely die. I don't want to leave. I don't want her to leave. I look around again as I turn my head and look up the metal and see something above. Something above? I take a moment as I close my eyes and rub them for a moment them look back. It's still there. I don't know if I'm seeing things or there's something there. I have to get us moving again anyway. I slowly get up as I lift her up and onto my back again as I slowly start walking up the matel road. I can bearly keep my head up but I keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. I feel something hit my head as I stop and look up to see a large metal box infront of me. Wait...isn't this...a train? I look around more as a door is open. I move and peek inside as it's empty. It doesn't stink. It's just...empty. at least we have a safe place now. I can close the door. I slowly get into the train and drag her up as I look around quickly and find seats. I lay her down as I quickly go to the door and close it. The sun peers into the train so I can still see. The door locks as I take in a deep breath. Safe. I turn around and look at her as she's sleeping piecfully. I approuch her as I slowly play my hand on her neck. Her heart beat. I can feel it. It's strong. I relax as she's going to live. She's...she's going to live. I slowly and gently press my head agenst her chest. I tilt my head and bring my heart closer to her heart. I can hear it. Her heartbeat is strong. She shifts a little bit as she lays on her back. She groans as she lifts her hands a little bit. Her hands slowly lift up as her hand brushes my hair. Her head tilts twords me as her eyes flutter open. Her hand lowers to me as I quickly grab it as her grip is weak. She takes in a deep breath as she pushes her hand twords my face. Her hand is gently placed on my cheek. "Good..." I look at her as she smiles weakly. "Good boy." She's going to live. She turns her head. "W...water." I move her hand and place it on her stumic. She looks at me as I look around. "D-dont w...worry." I look at her. She smiles again. "I'll be...fine." she closes her eyes as her breathing slows slightly. "Rest." She goes limp again. I continue looking around. I walk to the middle of the train cart as I don't see anything. Only paper. The windows are scratched but it looks like they've already survived a few storms. They should still hold it back. Even if it's just for a few days. I look at the other end as I see another door. I wall up to it as the train creeks. Somethings moving. I look back at her as she's asleep again. The other door is closed. I hope she'll be alright alone. I don't want her to worry or be afraid. She's been through enough of that. Being hungry and thirsty is worse. I clench my fists as I turn back to the door. I grab the handle and pull on it as the door slowly slides open. I stop as it's not opening twords me. I push on it as it doesn't open. I stop as I see the small Crack I opened. I look through it as I see some boxes on the other side. I push my hand through it as the door opens more. I pouse. I adjust my hand as I push agenst the door as I slides open. I open it all the way as when I let it go, it doesn't slide back. I take a step back as I look at the boxes. I rush over to them as I kick the closes one as it doesn't go far. I take a step forward and open the box to see cans. I grab one and look to see that it's empty. I throw it behind me as I grab another. Empty. I search through all of the boxes as all of them have empty cans. I look up and see another door. I rush to it and grab the handle as I pull it to my right as it slides open. I hear something as I stop. I look through the Crack I made. I see more boxes and cans everywhere. Some of the boxes are torn. Cans are everywhere along with blood. I can see that some of them are empty. I wait for a moment as I don't hear anything else. If these cans are empty then there has to be more. Maybe some that have food or some boxes that have water in them. I push the door open the rest of the way as something falls infront of me as I jump back. I chatch a bad smell as I instantly take a step back and cover my nose. It reeks. It smells like the infested. It's not as potent, but it's clear it's dead.  I look back as I see whatever fell. It's a body. It's not freash. The skin is pale and chunks of its body are missing. I approuch it as the smell is getting worse. I stop a few steps away from the body as I see something crawling put of the holes. I look closer as I see small white bugs moving on the what's left of the person. I can also see a massive hole where their theought used to be. I can see a little past of the wiggling mass as I see a cut in the throught. This person wasent attacked by infested. They were killed by another person. I shake my head as I step over the body and start to search the boxes. I tear them apart as most of them are empty as all of the cans are to. Most of them have the same small bugs wiggling inside of them. I throw the boxes around as I rush to the next door and start to pry it open. I gather what little steangth I have left as I hear a large bang as the door opens. The smell gets overwhelming as something lands next to me as as I jump up and plung my fist through the through and lift my body and flatten myself agenst the roof. I look down and see three body laying under me. These are freash. Blood oozes out of then as it puddles under them. I slowly get down as the smell keeps getting worse. I look close at the body's as all of them also have cuts on their thoughts. Their also stiff. Thier skin is pale but not as back as the other one. I step away from the bodies as I look into the next cart as I freeze. More. A pile of bodies. Blood is everywhere. Infested got in the cart to as I see chunks of fleash everywhere. Most of the bodies have been torn apart. I can see bones on top of the pile to. What happened here? Who did this? I feel my body get lighter. My power is comming back. I lift myself up as I slowly flought over the corpses and get to the other side. One half of the cart doesn't have bodies. It looks like they were placed here. Whoever did this didn't want to be cought. I slowly open the door as I look inside and see a neatly stacked pile of boxes. I open the door all the way and approuch one of the boxes as it's open. I look inside and see cans that haven't been open. Water in plastic bottle are in here to. Finally. I use my newly regenerated power and surround all of the boxes with my power as I lift them and command them to follow me. I slowly make my way back to her as I bring the boxes in and stack them agenst the closed door. I close the door behind me as I quickly grab a bottle of water and approuch her as she slowly opens her eyes again. She instantly cringes as the smell followed me but it's not as bad. "W-whats that smell?" She looks at me as I hold the water. She smiles and chuckles a little bit. "Looks like...we need to shower." She tries to sit up but fails. I gently lift her head and move my legs under her head as she continues to smile. "Founds some supplies...I see." I open the bottle of water as I lower it to her mouth. She lifts her hand as she gently grabs the bottle. "I can drink by myself." She starts to drink the water as she finishes it quickly. I grab the empty bottle as she takes in a deep breath. I toss the bottle as she lowers her hand. She gets her breathing under control as I can hear her heart beating quickly. "Where....where are we?" She looks around as her head looks to the left and looks out of the window. "D...desert?" She looks back up at me. "How...did we get here?" I lower my head. "Wait." She lifts her arms as she starts to think. "Weren't we..." she takes in a deep breath. "That...dream. it...wasn't a dream?" I look at her as she lifts her hand and touches my arm. She pulls my arm up slightly and looks at my wounds. She lowers her arms as she takes in a deep breath and raleases it slowly. "Oh my god." She lifts her hands and plants them on her face. "Carter you asshole." I don't remeber much but I'll never forget that name. At least he's dead now. No use in thinking about it. I shake my head to keep myself awake. I lean back as my body is at its limit. I don't have any strength left. "Poor boy." I look look slightly as I she her looking at me with a concerned look. She lifts her hand and gently places it on my cheek. "If only I acted sooner. I would have gotten you out without all of that distructuon." I lean my head into her hand as she gently gently rubs my cheek. I feel the exhaustion take over as my body gives in. "Don't fight it. You need to rest. We'll get moving again. I know of a place we can Travel to." A diffrent place? "It'll be safe there." Safe. "For now, close your eyes." She starts to hum a little bit as I can't help but feel safe with her. "Don't worry about today. Don't worry about yesterday. Just sleep tight and don't let the infested worry your little mind." Her humming fills my ears. My body slowly falls asleep as I struggle to fight to stay awake. Her humming drowns the eree ringing as the humming feels soothing. "Just sleep little fox. Just sleep and drift off." I stop fighting to stay awake. Feel...'At piece'...

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