the forgotten

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I sit and wait as the clouds haven't gone away yet. It's stopped snowing but the piles have come back. It got as cold as the old cage but korra helped me stay warm. She won't let me leave though. I want to see dulis again. I wonder if he and everyone else are still alive after this. I look at the ear piece dulis put in my ear as it doesn't work anymore. I forgot about it and korra dug it out of my ear a few days ago when she brushed my hair. I think it broke when I showered. I got water stuck in my ear and it took me a long time to get it out. Maybe the ear piece stopped the water from comming out but it's still wierd being able to wash myself every day now. My hair is more fluffy and my head isn't ichy anymore. I've discovered wounds I never though i had and healed myself completely but I have some wounds that won't go away. Korra says their scars and they don't heal like the other wounds. She was so sad when she saw how many scars I have now. The biggest one I have in on my stumic. I still don't remeber how I got it. Korra doesn't remeber either and now that I learned she lied about a few things...I didn't sense she was lying about most of the things she's been talking about recently. I've heard her talking with stone about alot of things and she's not telling him everything. Only about the worst parts even though all of it was bad. I still don't know why korra was the only one to be nice to me. She didn't know me and I didn't want to get to know anyone. I wanted to kill every single person there. What hurts the most is korra didn't want to get to know me at first. I remeber the same night she talked with stone she told him that she was forced to. I don't know if I can trust her anymore. I want to trust her again and everyone else but it's so hard to. I'd rather be done with it and kill anyone without having to think twice. Now...I can't. Everyone here has been nice to me and I don't sense anything bad about the people here. I have to stay alert becuase if I don't...someone will try to attack me. It always happens when I'm not looking. I hate it. I hate having to think about how to make sure I'll survive to see the next day. Having to wait and react. I want to just leave and not worry. Find my own food and water. Only worry about the infested. At least they don't try to treat you nicely then attack. They just walk around and are easy to spot. I can avoid them easily. I just want to be forgotten. "Where did you run off to this time?" It's the nurse. "There you are." Here we go. I hear another voice. "I told you to stay in bed. How did you even get out of bed?" She's...not talking to me. "I don't want to be in bed anymore." It's one of the others that were here durring the storm. "You still have a fever. You can't just get up becuase you feel better. You need to recover fully before you run off." She says that alot. I'm starting to hear more voices. Lights are turning on as the snow blocks everything. "Looks like everyone survived." I hear someone walk up next to me as they sit down. "Looks like it's clearing up to." Wait. Isn't that...korra? I look over slightly and see korra sat down next to me. "Looks like we'll see the sun again. Should warm up pretty quickly." Warm up. Why are people so obsessed with being warm? "Looks like it'll take forever to get the snow removed to." It came back. Won't it come back again? Why remove it when it will just come back? "What's wrong?" That was the nurse. "What?" Was it always like this? Was it always this...dead? It's as if nobody was here for a long time. "You okey echo?" That was korra this time. "It's not like you to be so still." I feel pressure on my shoulder as I tense up a little bit. "What's happened?" I lower my head into my arms. "What's wrong echo? Did someone hurt you?" Why is she so worried? If she didn't care...why would she do this? "Is anyone on this channel?" Was that...dulis? "Hello? Is anyone there?" Wait. That's the ear piece. I lift it up and look at it. "I read you. Glad to hear someone survived." People are alive? People are alive! I remeber hearing stone talk to them. Stone was worried about them. "Sounds like two. That's makes us number three." Three of the outposts are still alive! How did they live?! "You'd be wrong." That's the last one! "Holy shit! There's no way all of the outposts survived this time!" There's no way...I lift the ear piece and try to put it on but it ends up getting tangled in my hair. "Sounds like you doubted us, assholes. There was no way we'd die ya'll." I struggle to get the ear piece to stay in. I feel something warm hit my hand. I look up and see korra holding onto my hand. "Honey, let me fix it." I can sense korra's emotions. She's...she's diffrent. She really is worried. She's not pretending. I slowly let it go as korra gently moves the ear piece as I feel something wierd poke into my ear but it quickly fades. "With how bad we've been getting beaten, I was worried someone wouldn't make it. It's really good to hear some good news finally." I can hear them but I don't see them. It still feels more alive now. "Is that why you aren't as energetic as usual?" I look up at korra as she smiles. "Good to hear everyone's still kicking." Stone! I see a light come up as I look past korra and see stone. He's gaint! "I'm hearing everyone loud and clear. The fact everyone is doing well is a mericle." Korra turns around and sees stone as she freezes. "Now comes what the part everyone hates the most. Let's get cleaned up and moving again." Stone disopears. I start to hear people talking outside as I get up. I can see people moving. It's becoming more alive again. Jericho is so alive. Even after the storm and what's happened. I can see people moving the snow. Their trying to get through it. I lower myself as I can help. I hear korra chuckle as I look at her. She's smiling. "It's good to see you get excited again. You really are such a good boy." Korra hugs me as I can smell something sweet. It's nice. Korra really is happy. "Maybe now you can show me what you saw." Korra holds me up. I look up at her as she smiles. "What did you want me to see?" She wants to see it? I reach for the snow as korra pulls me back. "Are you going to do what I think your going to do?" Korra chuckles as I break out of her grip. I channel some of my power into my hand as I reach for the snow. "You better now throw snow at me." I plant my hand into the snow as I channel it through as the snow glows and melts away. It spreads quickly as the snow glows brightly before melting away quickly. I look back at korra as she's frozen. I reach and grab her hand and slowly pull her out as she looks around as the snow continues to melt away quickly. I look around as everyone is just looking at the snow melting away. "Was that you echo?" Dulis? "There's no way you managed to do this. It's takes us weeks just to clear some paths but you just managed to get us ahead in seconds." I look around as I see stone looking around to. She looks at me then disopears. "Even when you've been down for weeks, you manage to helps us. I'm glad to see you floughting around again echo." I look at korra as she gives me a big smile. "You always suprise me. I'm glad to be here with you." Korra hugs me again as the smell gets stronger. Even thought I doubted her...I can't sense any bad intentions from her. I haven't sensed anything bad from her. Nothing bad. And this smell...why is it so sweet? I don't want her to let go. I don't want korra to leave. "Looks like your getting back in shape kid." I look to my right and see dulis. He gives me a smile as korra holds me up. "He has his moments." Dulis chuckles. "Sounds like it. The nurse have been keeping me updated on his progress." I look up at korra as she tenses up. "She has?" I look back at dulis. "Yep. She's impressed with how fast he's recovering." Dulis keeps smiling. "It's a good thing to." Korras grip gets tighter. "I've been worried he would have made it. After everything he's done, he's needed a break." Dulis walks up to us. "We still need you to take it easy kid. I don't want you going out and ending up back at square one." Korra instantly losens up. "Your free to explore Jericho all you want but don't push yourself. If you want to go outside the walls again, you need to show me your fully recovered and ready to survive without passing out when you strain yourself." I look up at korra as she chuckles. "And that doesn't mean sneaking out." What can I do then? If can't do anything then what's the point of keeping me here? "That's right. You can help out here and there but if I hear you passed out becuase you tried to push yourself, I'll lock you in the nursery myself." I look at dulis. "And I'll help him." I look back up at korra. "You may feel good now but that can change at any time. You've lost to much blood as it stands so you end up getting hurt again, there's not telling what could happen to you." Blood? How much did I lose? Is that why I can't use my power? "That's also why we want you to put on more weight." Weight? I don't want to get fat. "The more you eat, the faster you'll recover. You'll also give your body more nutrients and minerals to recover more and gets your blood back up to safe levels." How does that work? "For now, don't try anything that will put you in danger. Don't push yourself and if you do, don't over due it. You'll never recover if you keep pushing yourself and getting hurt." Dulid turns around. "Besides." I look at dulis as he's serius. "How could we pay you back if you keep getting hurt? I know we would try to do anything with you if your just going to be in the nursery all the time." Even dulis doesn't have any bad intentions. Im not sensing anything bad. Only...only worry. Concern and...something else? What is this? It's stronger than being happy. It's like korra's smell. It's sweet and exciting. It feels so weird. I don't know how to feel. All I that I...I don't want to let go. Not anymore.

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