Dulis: jerico's guardian

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Korra holds onto me as she holds me up off of the ground easily. She's happy again and it seems like she's not waisting any strangth holding me. We follow the man into a large building as it gets dark quickly as blue fills the room. "Dark lights?" I look up and can see very long strips of light that shine the blue I'm seeing everywhere. "Blue light. Something about the infrared lights scaring the infested away." The infested can get scared? "That's new." The man chuckles. "It doesn't hurt them...or at least we don't see what it does to them. Every time we turn one on, they rum away as quickly as they can. It only works at night though." Why at night specifically? "How so?" The man chuckles. "No idea. That's a question for dulis. He and Jake know about more about the infested than anyone else here." I look up at korra. "Sounds like you people have it all figured out." I look back at the man as he stops and leans agenst the wall. "Not even close." Now I'm confused. "We know enough to survive and not get cought out durring the storms. I don't recommend worrying about all the diffrent types of infested unless you want to go outside the walls but your welcome to ask about them. Jake is a blabber mouth so he likes to geek out about this kinda stuff." Korra shifts a bit. "Good to know. Anyway, I assume you brought us here for a reason?" The lowers his head. "Dulis and governor stones in this room. Go ahead and walk in. They're waiting for you to show up." Stone? Like a rock? And what's a 'gov-enor'? "Thanks." He chuckles. "I should be thanking you and the kid. Without your help, me and my team would have been chewing on someone's knee cap right now." Okey...korra slowly walks into the room as I see something glowing as I see a fremilier figure standing infront of the glowing thing. "I know it's been hard but we have to keep trying." The voice is deep. I don't recinize it. "We can't push into the city anymore. The infested just keep comming out of nowhere and were losing to many people." Korra stops a few feet away from them. "How many did we lose on the last run?" The man takes in a deep breath. "3...along with some equipment."
"Damn. It seems like we lose people every day to those damned monsters." The man takes in another deep breath. "Yeah but we're getting better as dodging them. We haven't lose people in a few days but if we keep losing equipment at this rate, we'll be drained and won't be able to defend ourselves." Defend from what? The infested? "If the scratchers chatch wind that we're low on everything, they'll attack and won't stop until all of us are dead...and I don't want to put anyone who's not willing to fight out there." 'Scra-chures'? "Some of the hybrids are starting to get involved to. They want to start getting out there and collecting supplies."
"A-and they know the r-risks?" Why did the man hesitate? "All of them know the risk stone but if the hybrids are getting desprate then there's no telling how bad it's acculay getting." There's a long pouse. "If their willing then we'll need to train them hard. They'll need to know how to defend themselves from everything. Maybe even the people thier fighting to protect." Why go that far? I look up at korra as she holds me tighter. "Let's put a pin in it for now." The man turns around as I can see a smaller man glowing behind him. "Right. The new rescues Chad brought in." Korra tenses up a little bit. "Told you he wasn't kidding about the kid." The glowing man looks at me as korra slowly approuches them. "But he also said he was a hybrid." Korra stops as I can see the glowing man clearly. "He doesn't talk much does he?" Why is he looking at me like that? "Doesn't talk at all from what I've been told." The glowing man looks at dulis. "Why is he only wearing a shirt?" Dulis lifts his shoulders. "Nothing fit him." The glowing man looks at korra. "My apologies then. We normally don't look for cloths that small." Korra chuckles. "I figured as much." I look up at korra. "It's okey. Well find you something." Korra pulls me up a little bit. "A-anyway. What brought you here? From what I'm told, Chad and his team found you outside the city limits. M-must have traveled a long way just to see what's left of the city." Korras mood quickly changes to sadness. "I was hoping the milita was still standing." Korra holds on to me tightly. "The malita died out almost a year ago. They could fight the infested and scratchers at the same time." I look at the glowing man. "Scratchers?" The man looks down. "Y-yes. A group of survivers who basicly worship the infested. They try to live amongst them as of they were infested. They've been around since the fall and have only grown in numbers." The glowing man seems to fade in a out. "To make a long story short, their crazy assholes who you don't want to run into. They'll fuck you up a new one and leave you for dead if your not careful." They don't seem to be good. "They don't sound like much fun." The glowing man folds his arms. "They've been hitting us hard lately and stealing our supplies. If they keep this up, my people will starve and we bearly even have our gardens up. We won't last long enough to see the first harvest." Garden? "Is there anything we can do?" Dulis looks at me. "Not unless you got some magic to help our crops to grow quickly." I look up at korra as she smiles. "I don't have magic." Korra chuckles. "But..." I tilt my head as korra struggles to think. "But I have echo...and his power." I tense up a little bit. "Echo?" I look at the glowing man. "Is that his name?" I look up at korra. What is she doing? "Yes. And he's all I got left." Korra slowly losens up. "And as long as he willing, he'll help to." I look at the glowing man as korra let's me go as I unwrap my tails from korra and approuch him. The glowing man's arms fall as he stares at me. I stop when he's close to me as he can't stop staring at me. I can feel his emotions like korra and dulis. "He's..." I look down a little bit as I can see glowing buttons. Some of then are cracked. "Yes. He's a unique hybrid." I look back up at the man. "This means his abilities are not to be underestimated." I slowly pull back and look at korra. "He's strong but he's been through alot. All I ask is if he goes outside the wall...that someone keeps an eye in him. He's all I've got left and I don't want see him get hurt again." I rush to korra as I grab into her as she hugs me in return. "I-it appears you have a close relationship." I look at the glowing man. "To make a long...sad story short. I promised to marry him when he is old enough." Both of them freeze. "Y...your kidding right?" I look at dulis. "I wish I was. We may have left that life behind but...I still want to keep my promise. For his sake." I look at korra as she's happy right now. I can feel it. I want to make sure she stays happy. "And how old are the both you anyway?" Korra chuckles. "I'm 23. He's 13." Dulis completely freezes. "That's a 10 year difference." The glowing man folds his arms again. "I...i-its a good thing this isn't the old world." Dulis shakes his head. "W-well all I can say is good luck. We'd welcome the help outside the walls but it's up t-to you rather or not y-you want to scavenge what's left in the c-city." I look at korra as she smiles. "We'll talk about it. I know I don't want to go back out there but echo likes to explore new places." I look back at the glowing man. "We've got plenty of work here. As long as you do your part, we won't have any issues." Korra chuckles. "Then I can guess you have a few openings for a doctor?" The glowing man pouses as dulis snaps back. "Your a doctor?! Hot damn! We're hurting for some medical expertise!" I look closely at the glowing man as he looks like he's frozen. "I need to ask something." Korra shifts a little bit. "Do you know a company named Julius medical sanctuary?" Korra freezes. "That response tells me everything." Dulis looks at the glowing man. "What you mean?" The glowing man looks at dulis. "Remeber when we sent a team out to corvise?" Dulis freezes. "It's gone." I look at korra. "If your h-here...I d-dont doubts it-t. I just w-want to know how." Korra looks at me as she's sad again. I put my head next to hers to try and cheer her up again. "Something happened. The only thing I remeber was sewing infested pouring in and tearing everything apart." I look at the glowing man. He made her sad. I won't let this happen again. "T-then let's hope y-your the only ones who made it o-out." Korra losens up. "If it wasn't for echo, I wouldn't be here. He dragged me out but I don't know if anyone else survived." The glowing man lowers his head. "E-either way, we have our own problems." I look back up at korra as she smiles. "I'm governor stone. I run what's left of jerico. Dulis is head of the scouts." Dulis straightens up as he takes a few steps twords us. "If you see some of my guys walking around, they've got orders to fill. Right now we have 5 teams with some lone wolf's. Most of the time, the teams will be either in or near jerico, scavenging and helping anyone they can. You won't see the lone wolf's alot. They're some of the craziest badasses you'll meat but you can bet your pretty ass that thier important. Thier the most experienced people we got excluding your truly. If echo desides to go outside the walls, he'll most likely run with a lone wolf until he gets used to doing things." Korra chuckles. "As long as he stays safe and no one gets any funny ideas, we'll be alright." Dulis chuckles. "I like you already. Still, he needs to go through some training and needs to learn how we do thing around here. We may not have many people but we still have rules everyone follows inside the walls." I look at dulis. "D-dont worry. From what the kid pulls off when he got here, h-he'll be fine." Dulis chuckles. "You got that right." Dulis turnd around and walks up to stone. "I've never seen someone get shot then get back up like nothing happened." He turns around and looks at us. "Still. He has to be careful. I'm not sure how people will react to a hybrid like that. He'll also have to do some extra training reguaring the slavers. If they see him, they'll do everything they can to get thier hands on him. If they do, it won't be pretty." I look at korra. Korra looks back at me as she smiles. "I'm sure he'll be fine." Korra looks back at them as I tilt my head. "He's got a problem with people touching him. If they try anything, they won't have a good time." I look at the two. "Haphephobia?" What's that? "Exactly." Stone chuckles. "So what you mean is, he doesn't have a problem killing anyone who try to touch him?" I look back at korra. "I would say it's a problem but...with the infested, I don't see how it could be a problem." Dulis chuckles. "Then make sure he learns to restrain himself around people in jerico. We have alot of people who like to touch hybrids." I look at stone. "As in?" Dulis straightens up. "Pet them. You don't have to worry about anyone trying anything funny. At worst, we have a few people who like groom them, as in, brush their hair, clean thier fur, all to make sure they feel at home so they can work without fearing someone is trying to treat them like servents." I look up at korra. I really don't want anyone to that. "Most of the hybrids we have, we freed from the slavers. We let our people treat the hybrids the way they do becuase the hybrids like attention. Matter of fact, if we didn't let that happen, alot of work wouldn't get done becuase the hybrids would refuse to do the jobs we need then to." What jobs? "And don't think about it to much. We don't put anyone through anything they don't want to go through." I look back at dulis. "Matter of fact, the hybrids we have just happen to like farming, cooking, building and a few other jobs we just don't have the people for. Alot of the pure bloods we have do a lot of the heavy lifting." Stone let's his arms fall. "The very fact we play to everyone's strengths allows us to do what we do. You won't see any other group more united like we are and I want to keep it that way. We have people who are willing to work hard on the stuff they want to work on. Most of the jobs we have are a joint pure blood/hybrid job. We don't want anyone just sitting around doing nothing. If you do see someone just sitting around, thier most likely taking a break from working to hard. We're actually trying to keep people from overworking. We have to many people sick and overworked since we allow them to." Dulis shakes his head. "That's another problem. We don't want to keep people away from the stuff they want to do but we can't afford anyone to die on us." Korra tenses up. "From the sounds of it, your trying to keep everyone working so why do you want them to slow down?" Dulis tenses up a little bit. "There's a diffrent between surviving and thriving." Stone looks like he's mad now. "We don't have the tools and supplies to allow ourselves to get complacent and overwork ourselves. We need to do just enough work to make sure everyone survives to get to that point. Right now we just don't have what it takes to allow any mistakes to happen." I look up at korra. "I don't think I'm following your thinking." What's going on? "We want to survive right now. We don't have the things to acculay do what we want and allow ourselves to get sick because we're working to hard." People are working to hard? I look at stone. If people are allowed to do what they want, why not let them make the mistakes and learn from it? "What's about your medical staff? Don't you have anyone to help people get better when their sick?" Stone shakes his head. "You'd be the first doctor here in years." I look at korra as she freezes. "What? How?" I can feel the anger rise quickly. "It's those fuckin slavers. They've payed the everyone or put thier face in the dirt to make sure they don't leave." I look at dulis. "We've tried getting some of them out but we lost people trying with no success." I let go of korra as I approach dulis slowly. "And I'm not sending anymore of my guys out there unless we know we can do it without anyone else getting killed. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to do it at this point." I stop a few feet away from dulis as he slowly looks up at me. "Looks like the kid has a few ideas." Dulis gives me a big smile. "I know you want to help kid but I'm not going to do that to you. I don't know what you've been through and you have no idea what we're up agenst. Those people...thier a bunch of assholes who have no morals and will do anything to get what they want and keep what they've got." He's more than mad. I can see his muscles flexing. He wants to do something about it. "Your not going to convince him just by telling him it's bad." Dulis chuckles. "First we'll need to get him some cloths that will acculay fit." He looks at stone as his mood changes. He's thinking. "Good think I know exactly what his first training assignment can be." Stone looks at dulis. "What are you thinking?" I pull back as korra slowly wraps hee arms around me. "Remeber that old shop that's inside that food court?" Food...court? What's that? "You mean the one that was overrun the last time you tried going there?" Dulis chuckles. "Yeah. We managed to get quite a bit out there but it's still pretty much untouched. I accualy found something in there I think the kid can acculay use." Stone takes a moment to think. "The watchtower over there could make a good outpost to. We've been seeing alot of movement over there but we don't know who or what's moving over there." Dulis grabs his axe with a big smile as he lifts it and lays it on his shoulder. "Then it's settled." Dulis faces us with a bit smile. "Still haven't gotten his permission yet." Dulis pouses as both of them look at me. I look up at korra as she smiles. "Do you really want to do this? We can find something else for you to do here instead." I look at dulis as he smiles. I look back up at korra as I can't help but smile. "Korra looks at dulis as I look at him to. "Alright." Dulis smile gets bigger. "But if anything happens to him, I'll make sure you'll pay for it." Dulis luaghs. "You don't have to worry your little buns! Besides! This'll just be training! If things get a little to frantic, we're out." Dulis walks up to us as he holds out his hand. "Now let's get you some equipment. We'll need to make sure you can defend yourself out there." I pull back a little bit as dulis looks at his hand. "Haphephobia means he had a fear of being touched idiot." Dulis pulls his hand back a luaghs a little bit. "Right...I knew that." Dulis looks at me with a smile. "Well kid, you ready to get started?" Now? We can start now? I look up at korra as she let's me go. "Just be safe echo." I turn and hug korra as she chuckles. I look up at her. "And see if you can bring something back with you." I let korra go as she pats my head. "If everything goes as planned, we'll bring back quite a bit of shit!" Dulis walks out as I quickly follow him outside. It's definitely diffrent here. I can't wait to explore what's outside. I also wonder what the infested really are like. I wonder if I'll be able to see how they act when they aren't trying to attack something. Either way, I'm just happy to be free.

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