data stream

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I keep monitoring the cameras as they flicker constantly due to the storm. I'm still connected to the few outposts we have whitch tells me the storm isn't that bad. It appears to just be a flash freeze. We've been. Seeing those alot lately. Their becoming the normal storm now. That tells me the planet is cooling down quickly. Most of the infested will freeze to. The bigger ones though...they'll wonder around but they'll be segnificantly slower. This makes them easier to avoid or more approachable if avoiding them isn't an option. Thankfully their in the city center. That where most of the infested are. It's a good thing the first scout teams figured that out at the start of all this. We would have lost alot more people if they didn't. I look at the furthest outpost as I'm losing their signal. "S-stone...y-you read? It's forward outpost." The one I was looking at. I flash myself to the outpost and project myself infront of the ring leader. He's shivering and I can see his breath. "You guys doing alright?" I look past him as I can see the rest of the team. Their huddled up and covered in blankets. "I...I don't know how much l-longer we can last. It's freezing." My sensors indicate it's almost -10 degrees right now. The storm just hit so it's going to get colder. "Do you have power?" He looks around. "B-bearly. We're relying o-on alot of battery power." I look at the power flow. The generators are freezing up. "Your generators are freezing up. Looks like someone forgot to close a door." The outpost isn't locked down either. It's still in 'open' status. "Someone also forgot to turn on the lock down protocol." The man looks around more. "I-its on. Everything is c-closed up." I search the code filtering through. Scuttle protocol. What's going on? A massive amount of date is filtered through as I see a block in the power. Three separate protocols are on right now. "Looks like three separate protocols are online. You need to turn off the other two." The man looks around as I detect he turns off one of them. "W-wheres the other one?" Strange. It's a internal protocol. 'Safe cracker'. It's a data protection failsafe. The system must think somethings trying to hack the computers. It's most likely the cold messing with the sensors. "There's a automatic protocol active. Search the building files. It's in there." He starts to search as the generators are warming up again. The power is flowing again. "F-found it." He cuts some lines as the protocol is disabled as the power kicks on fully. "T-there we go." The lights kick on as the heating kicks on and starts to warm the place up. Even the cameras are active. Looks like some infested got cought out but nothing to worry about. Their already freezing up. "Anything else?" I look up at the man as he takes in a deep breath as his team gets up and start to cheer. "We managed to get this outpost recently so take the time to search the place. The better you managed to get this place fortified the better." The man looks at me with a smile. "Thank to you, we'll make it through the storm easily now but we'll need more people to get this place ready for an attack that can and will come." I concur. 5 people in a building like this is just a blood bath waiting to happen. "I'll send a team with extra supplies when the storm passes. For now, do what you can to stay floughting. If you need anything, let me know." He smiles grows as I don't see his breath anymore. "Thanks stone. We have enough food and water to last a few weeks. Hell, we even have the camera's back so I can give you a heads up if something happens." Good. "Focus on yourselves. I want you boys and girls to be healthy for what comes next. Don't push yourselves to hard, you hear me?" He nods. "Of course, govenor." I flash myself back to Jericho. The other outposts are standing strong so they've managed to get everything locked up tight. "Looks likes we have some infested gathering infront of us. They've stopped moving." Churle outpost. "Same here. Looks like the flash freeze has frozen bunch of infested." The fact their gathering near the outpost is alarming. "You guys have your door barricaded right? We've had like 2 of em try to get in when the storm hit." That just confirmed my worst fear. "We've got everything locked down tight. They can even find the doors for us." Good. "We didn't have much but we've got some weapons and a guard posted. Thankfully the few that did managed to get to us are already frozen." Looks like it's the best case scenario. "Our coms are crystal clear to. We've got full range from forward outpost to Jericho and then some." Good thing I had those drills in place. Jerichos new data stream saved alot of people today. "What about your supply banks? How's everyone looking?" I'm detecting a drop. It's going to get to a record low for the next few days. "We've got enough food and water to last the storm and then some. We're lucky we've got a good building to. Our heaters aren't even on max and we're hunkered down nicely." Good. Our scout teams knew what they were doing. Those outposts are air-tight for the sounds of it. "Same here. We're making it with flying colors."
"That makes 3 of us."
"Other than the doors, we will make it easily. The last re-supply set us up for a few weeks." Good. "Looks like everyone will be okey. I'm detecting another temperature drop soon so expect to get cold. Manage your power and supplies well. If we lose coms, it's the apex of the storm. We'll be locked down for a few days witch means all of us are on our own this time. Don't take any unessisary risks. Keep your hopes up and stay strong. I want to see everyone healthy and strong after the storm passes." It's getting colder. "You heard him ladies and germs. Try to check in every day and report anything that goes wrong." I hear a few chuckles. "You got it. See ya'll at the end of the tunnel." Coms go quite. Glad to see everyone is staying strong. After the last few defeats, I was worried people would give up. But it looks like people have only gotten stronger and more determined. With korra and echo's arrival, it also looks like some of the guards got a little boost to. It's been a while since any of us has seen a kid his age. Most of the kids we have now are young adults now. Even the youngest hybrids are growing up now. The other three also gave people some hope. That win was desperately needed but I couldn't have calculated how much of a boost it would have given these people. He'll, dulis told me that alot of people wanted to meet echo after some of the stunts he pulled. He saved a scout team before he even got into the city then saved dulis and ghost sevral times in a single day. Dulis also said that he single handedly saved him, ghost and the other four by himself. He managed to grab something to echo to. It's a clothing outfit that was used on earth some time ago. My records indicate it came from a long line of Japanese attire that symbolized nobility, humility, passion, and many other things. Some wore it as a symbol of power as others used it as formal attire while they worked. It's lose and thick but looks very pleasing. It's covers the body alot so I think it will look good on the kid. Dulis is convinced alot of the women will instantly fall in love with him but people will constantly miss-gender him. He's a cute kid but I'm worried about his Haphephobia. I don't want him to hurt people but it's a skill that is unfortunately valuable to have now. His reflexes will keep him alive but from what I've already seen, he's not afraid to kill. He hasn't even shown any emotion for the piles of bodies he left but most of them are infested. I know he's killed people before but I know he didn't like them so I assume he felt indifferent about it. Still. He's such a young kid. He should be playing in the front yards. He should be pampered and allowed to grow up without having to fight every single day just to survive let alone just to see the sun. Feel the warmth of someone else. I don't even know if the files I found are accurate. They say his birth name is Oni but I wouldn't be suprised if his real name is musha. Calling your own son 'demon' isn't exactly good. Alot of the files call him onimusha but most of then call him subject E or echo. This kid has 3 names. 2 of them are demeaning. To make him feel less than human or worse. Poor kid. He doesn't even know how to trust people. I see how he looks at korra sometimes. He knows her but she knows him more than she should. She knows exactly what he's thinking. What he's feeling. She knows exactly what his next move is. To someone like me or dulis...he's a complete wild card. We don't know what he's going to do next. He's flipped from content to a murder machine in less than a second. The way he just snapped is unsettling. I don't like it. His swings are completely random and if he explodes...I don't even want to think about the kind of damage he could do. I don't want to form a contingency plan for him but if something happens, I might be forced to. I don't want to keep him in a box. He's been in one his whole life. I just have to trust korra to teach him. "Uhh...stone. you there?" Dulis? "What is it dulis?" He' the medical post? "Uhh...the kids gone." Kids? "Plural?" There's a pouse. "No...Echo. he's not in his bed. He's not even in the building." What the fuck? I flash myself to the medical post. I form next to echo's bed. Dulis is next to the bed. "Where did he go? Korra told me he was asleep." He was asleep when korra left to. "Where is he?" Echo...what the fuck? "If he got out of the building..." I look at dulis as he's more confused than anything else. "He couldn't have left. There's no way he could have just gotten up and left. He was to hurt to even move the last I checked. And that was less than a hour ago." Did someone take him? "Hold on." Dulis turns around as he balls his fists. "Someone's coming." I start to hear the footsteps. "You can't just get up like this." I look and see a nurse walking over with echo in her arms. He's holding a water bottle. "What the fuck?" The nurse freezes as she looks at us. "Oh...d-did you come to see him?" Dulis quickly losens up as he looks at echo. "D-did he...get up on his own?" The nurse walks over to the bed and gently lays him down. He's bearly moving. He's breathing but he can bearly even grip onto the bottle. "He managed to crowl to the kitchen. I was doing my rounds when I saw him reaching for the counter." She takes the bottle and opens it as echo reaches for it weekly. "Hold on. Don't try and force yourself to move." She lowers the bottle and slowly let's him drink. "Save your strangth. You've been through alot. You need to heal and recover." She pulls the bottle away as he losens up. "He's a really stubborn kid." The nurse looks at dulis. She sits down next to echo as she moves his tails and gently lays them on the bed. "He certainly doesn't like to sit still." I can't help but smile. "He doesn't like to be touched." The nurse pouses for a moment. "He's got a fear of being touched." She losens up. "That explains the squirming." She looks at him as echo trys to push himself away from the nurse. She slowly stops him and covers him with a blanket. "It's okey little one. I'm not here to hurt you." She closes the bottle and gently lays it next to his hand. He slowly reaches up and grabs it. "See. I'm here to help." He brings her hand close to his face as he turns his head into the pillow. "Poor little guy. What coused you to be so fearful?" Nobody wants that awnsered. "I-its a long story." She looks at dulis. "Focus on his health. He does not have alot of blood. He'll need nutritious food and mineral water. It's also a good ides to give him some medications. We don't know if he's fighting any infections or has a sickness that might be keeping him from recovering." The nurse looks at me. "Like what?" We have plenty of meds. "Antibiotics to start with. His body won't be able to handle alot so give him very small portions at a time. A quarter of a pill with each meal should be more than enough until he starts to put on some weight. When he's up and wondering around is when we'll move to the next steps." I look at echo. "He's a very unique person and needs to be treated as such. We also need to take it slow. Show him he doesn't have to be afraid when korra isn't around." The nurse pouses again. "Korra's his wife." Damnit dulis. "Wife? Isn't he a little young for that kind of stuff?" I shake my head. "Future wife." I have to emphasize this. Alot of people still follow the old system and way of thinking. "He's to young for that kind of stuff." Dulis chuckles. "We know. We're still trying to get more information. Just focus on helping him recover and getting him to a good state. He's basically a sheet of paper and anything can happen. One small mistake might tear him apart and we do NOT want that to happen." The nurse smiles. "Don't worry. While he's here, he'll be treated like the little boy he is. Someone who needs to be helped and tought it's okey to be here. We've got a few other kids in to so he'll be able to make some friends." Doudt that. He's always been alone. Learning to make friends will be a entirely diffrent beast in itself. "I need to get back to work. Keep me updated and let me know if anything happens with him." The nurse nods. "Of course." I look at dulis as he's calm again. "Get some rest. The storm won't pass for a few days." Dulis chuckles. "Don't worry about me partner. I'm tired enough to sleep through the storm and then some. You probably won't hear from me for a while." Good. "Alright. I hope to hear some good news next time." He chuckles again. "You bet." I nod and flash myself away. It's about time he's gotten some rest. I think all of us needed it.

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