the first lone fox

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Dulis turns around and holds up a long knife. "Here we go. Let's give this a try." He holds it out as I grab it. Dulis instantly pulls back. "Don't grab it by the blade kid. You don't want to cut yourself on this." He flips it and grabs the metal parts as the handle is covered. I grab it as I can see one side is thin. "It's not much but you can defend yourself from the lesser infested just fine. You do know how to use a short sword right?" Sword? Is that what this is called? Dulis slowly reaches and grabs it as I let it go. "I'll take that as a no." He turns around as he continues looking. "Let's see if we can find something else for you then." I look around as I see a small group of people walking up. "If she doesn't know how to use a sword then I don't know what else she can use." I whatch as the group of people glance at me as they walk by. "That's a he." I quickly spot someone else approuching us as their covered in clothing. I can also see he's carrying alot of knifes and those 'swords'. "What about some knuckles?" I slowly back up as the man walks up to me. "You looking for something?" I look at dulis as he turns and looks at me. "Take it easy. He's our newest trainee." The man looks at dulis as he lowers his mask. "Oh shit. I haven't seen you for days Kasper!" The man chuckles. "I got cought at the factory for a few days. I got very lucky with what I brought back." Dulis instantly tenses up. "What happened? You hurt?" He starts to look at the man. "I'm fine but some of my gear gave out on me. I need to refuel and gear up before heading out again." Dulis takes in a deep breath as I can see him losen up. "I'm just glad to see your back. I do want you to go the medic and get a check yo done before you head out." The man chuckles. "Already did. I spent the night there to chatch up on some sleep." Dulis luaghs. "Good to hear." Dulis looks at me as I see something hanging from the man's hip. It's a small pointy thing on hanging from a rope. "Acculay, I have an idea." The man looks at me as he instantly knotises that I'm looking at the thing on his hip. "You like what you see kid?" He grabs it and gives it to me as I instantly look at the thing on the end. "It's a rope dart. Becareful, it's sharp enough to cut a finger off." The man looks back at dulis. "So your training the kid to be a scout? Not exactly looking good for you if your training kids now." I drop the dart as it hangs. I grab the rope as the twined rope falls. It's long. I move the rope as the dart follows it. I swing it around as the dart reaches out. "He volunteered to become a scout. He came in recently but from the reports, he saved a team when they got here." I grab the other end of the rope as I drop the end with the dart as it falls to the ground. I look at the man and dulis and see thier looking at the other stuff. I quickly move away from them as I make sure no one else is around. I look at the rope and see the dart is a few feet away from me. I tug on the rope as the dart creeps closer. I pull on the rope hard as the dart Flys back as I doudge it and grab the rope so the dart doesn't go far. The dart falls instantly as the rope is extremely lose. I wonder if can I channel my power through the rope. I channel my power into the rope as I focus my power on the rope to bring it up. It works as the rope starts to lift itself up. I tug on the rope a little bit as the dart drifts twords me a little bit. I start to move the dart around as I don't need that much rope. I bring the dart around as I swing my arm and command the dart to extend out as much as it can go without the rope leaving my hand as I see it slash through the air. I bring the dart back forward as I shoots forward and bounces back as I chatch it before it could hit me. I look at the rest of the rope as the dart can go out far. I don't have to get close to the infested at all. I can just throw the dart out and bring it back. I can figure out how to throw the dart out and force people close to me if their trying to stay away. I can also finish off infested and anyone else who wants to fight easily. Let's try. It can't be that hard right? I pull the dart back as I throw it and hold onto the other end of the rope as the dart goes farther than I expected. I pull it back as I grab onto the rope close to the dart as I turn and swing my arm to slash at the air aps the dart follows my every command easily. "Echo!" I look and see dulis as he rushes up to me. "Holy shit. How did you do that?" The other man approaches me to as I look at the rope. "I've never seen anything like that. It took me months just to figure out how to get that thing to work the way I wanted it to." Dulis looks at the man as he's excited. "Guess we figured out what he can use." The man straightens up as I give him the rope dart back. "Keep it kid. You'll use it better than I will." He reaches around as he pulls out another rope dart and he hands it to me. I grab it as I channel my power through it as it starts to flought to. I bring it up as both of them stare at me. "So that's how your doing that." I look at the man. "Now you just need some cloths that fit." Dulis chuckles. "What do you think his training assignment is?" The man tenses up. "Your talking about the food court right? Wasn't it overrun the last time you went there?" Dulis nods. "Yeah. I was going to head out there with him and now that you're here, you can join and make sure nothing bad happens." The man chuckles. "Alright. I've got nothing else to do. In fact, the latest batch of trainees can join to. The latest batch just need a field assignment to get thier feet wet before they become official become scouts." Dulis luaghs. "Good idea. Let's get them rounded up at the east gate. We'll do the brief there." The man nods. "I'll gather some new gear and meet you there." I'm getting excited. "I'll call stone. Let's try and meet up there in an hour. I still need to get echo some extra gear before he heads out." The man nods. "Sounds good. Let's get moving." Dulis pulls something out of his pocket he messes with it. "Stone, you there?" He waits. "I read you dulis." Dulis smile grows bigger. "Call the lastest Bach to the east gate. Tell them they have an hour to be there." There's a pouse. "Good idea taking advantage of this. I'll make an announcement." Dulis puts the box away. "Alright. Let's get you the rest of your gear." Dulis turns and walks as I follow closely behind. "Looks like the Bach is ahead of us already." I whatch as the same group that passed earlier walls past us. They look at me again as dulis looks at them. "Be at the east gate in an hour. The final test for your training starts there." They look at dulis. "Yes sir!" They start to run as I look at dulis. "Can't wait to see thier reaction." To what? Dulis continues walking as I follow closely behind. "Dulis." Dulis lifts his hand to his ear as he slows down. "Now?" Dulis stops as he takes in a deep breath. "Your fucking with me right?" I move infront if dulis as he looks at me. He's mad. His eyes narrow as he is focused. "Keep me updated. I've still got a mission to do." Dulis let's his arm drop. "Change of plans. We need to get you a radio and head out now." Dulis walks past me as he starts to run. I chatch up to him as he rushes up to a window. "Get me a radio for the kid." Dulis plans his hands on the small counter as the women looks at him confused. "Scuse me?" Dulis keeps his breathing calm. "I need a radio for the kid. We're going outside the walls." The women looks at me as she pouses. "He's in training?"  I see dulis ball his fists. "Yes. Now get me a radio. We have to go before the storm hits." Storm? What storm? "Here." Dulis grabs it as he faces me. "We have to move quickly so I have to touch you for a second." He reaches up and grabs my right ear he he quickly places something in my ear. I pull away quickly as I reach up and look for whatever he just out into my ear. "I'm sorry but we just don't have time to sit down and talk about it. We have to go. Now." Dulis turns as I look and follow him. I want whatever he put into my ear out. Dulis picks up his speed as I follow closely behind as he get to a gate. "Damnit. Looks like we're the first ones." I grab dulis as he looks at me with a focused glare. "Is it bothering you?" Dulis slowly reaches up as he moves whatever is in my ear as I feel something wrapped around my ear but it quickly fades. "It's a small radio. It's how we're going to stay connected out there." He slowly pulls back as I reach up and feel this radio. It's small. "Don't mess with it unless it's irritating you. Again, I didn't want to push anything on you to quickly but we have to move fast now. We've got a storm comming straight for us and we do not want to be caught in it." Dulis reaches up and presses his hand agenst his head. "You hear me kid?" I jump back as dulis looks at me and laughs. "It's fine kid! It's not going to hurt you!" He turns around. "This is how we'll be communicating if we get separated out there." I can hear his voice. "Again. You don't have to be scared about it. Trust me, it'll be useful." He turns around as I slowly approuch him. "Again, I'm sorry I had to do that without warning you first. I'll make it up to you." I doudt that. "Looks like stone is making his announcement." I turn and see stone towering above some buildings. "To all of jerico's people. It is that time again. We have a small group of our people completing thier training with another mission outside the walls. Not only will they be lead by two of our best scouts but a brand new member of our community. He's shown that he is able to defend himself well and has volunteered to give us his skills to gather supplies for everyone in jerico. This new member also happens to be a hybrid with remarkable powers. I for one have complete confidence in him and he will prove that hybrids are just as capable of leaving jerico and coming back with little not no issue. Let's give everyone our gratitude and hope for thier safe return." Dulis chuckles. "He always knows how to fluff things up, doesn't he..." I look at dulis. "Let us hope that they are able to return before the newly discovered storm hits us. I am fully aware of the risk of our people, aspecialy graduating scouts being outside the the walls while a storm is on its way. Thankfully, the storm is a day out however, safety is my top priority for everyone. I am issuing a direct order for all scouts outside the walls to find a outpost or return to Jericho within 9 hours. This does not mean you have to rush to get to saftey. Take your time and ensure your health and strangth does not leave you before you can return. I want to see everyone safe and health, not safe and requiring medical attention. As always, I and the people of jerico appreciate your sacrifices to leave jerico and gather what we need to survive. Stay safe everyone, and good luck." I look back and see stone has disappeared. "You hear the man. Every scout that is out, start wrapping up what your doing. If you need help, make it known and for anyone who's about to leave, make sure you stay near jerico or an outpost. We don't know what class this storm is in so make sure your ready for the worst." I look back at dulis as he lifts his hand to his head again. "As for those trainees, get your asses to the east gate. We need to get moving now if we're going to stay ahead of that storm and any unwanted visitors who decide to give us trouble." Dulis lowers his hand. "We're 5 minutes out." Dulis goes from focused go annoyed. "That doesn't mean talk back. You've got 1 minute. If I get there before you, you will not leave these walls." Dulis laughs. There's a long pouse. "Anyone going to respond?" Dulis continues to chuckle. "30 seconds." I turn around and see the same group from before running as fast as they can twords us. I look to my right a little more and see the same man from before as he has clean cloths on now. The group huddles infront if us as they looks at me and pouse. "This is not a game. You people need to get it into your heads that this is not a fucking game." The man stops next to dulis. "You don't waist time. You don't take your sweet ass time. You will be fast, you will be quite, and you will follow orders as they are given to you." The group tenses up. "I won't go out if my way to pull your asses out of whatever dumpster fire you get yourselves into. When your out there, your on your own. You better have some sort of God to prey to becuase it will be a fucking mericle if someone from jerico saves you out there." I turn and look at the man. "That goes for everyone here. Me, ghost, and even the kid. If your not prepared, if your not strong or fast enough, you will get hurt and end up getting yourself killed. That's why your put through so much training to become a scout in the first place. If you don't build on that, you will fail and waist your time and energy that could have been put twords something that could have been just as important." I look at the group. "Now do your radio check. That smart mouth will keep quite since they clearly already have it on." I hear alot of voice through the radio as dulis plants his axe into the ground. "Not all at once!" Everyone pouses as people start talking one at a time. "Good. Now gets moving. I want to be there in an hour." Dulis turns around and starts walking as I follow closely behind. "Where are we going, Sir?" Dulis takes in a deep breath. "We're going to the mall on the outskirts of the city." I hear chatter behind me. "Wasn't it overrun?" The man dulis calls ghost takes in a deep breath. "You'll being doing these kinds of jobs alot. If your scares to fight real infested, you better get out of this group now." Ghost is aggressive. Dulis to. Why are they being so agressive twords these people? "I hope this is easy." Thier talking. "I hope we don't fight any infested." Are they scared? "I wonder why that little girl is with us...I don't see how she'll become a scout." Little girl? "Why isn't she wearing any cloths? I can see through that shirt." I grip onto the rope tightly. "Maybe she's doing some things with them. That's the only thing I can think of." Dulis slows down. "Dulis." I look up at ghost. "I know." I look at dulis as he stops. "Looks like some of you are still trying to play games." Ghost turns and walks twords the group. Dulis turns around as he grips onto the handle of his axe. "You really don't understand what your getting yourselves into. This is not a game." I turn around as ghost slowly walks around the group. "I don't understand how you got through the basic shit. You don't get very far by pulling string or cheating your way through." Dulis slams his axe into the ground as it splits the ground. "You have 3 seconds to tell me why I should bring you on this mission." Dulis folds his arms. "Speak up or I will kick you out. I will not have people like you going out there just to do whatever you want." They all freeze. "First off, jerico brought in hybrids for a reason." All of them look at me. "Eyes forward! Do not look at him!" They all revert their eyes. "You have no idea what they've been through. You don't even have the slightest idea what the fuck is going on outside these walls." I see some of them roll thier eyes. "Just so you know, echo here saved one of our scout teams and held off a hoard of infested with his bear hands." The same people roll thier eyes. "And that 'she' is a 'he'. And he's not afraid to kill anything or anyone." I look at dulis as he's serius. "Dulis, we have a small group of infested knocking on our door." Dulis chuckles. "Let's give them a warm welcome." I turn around and see a gaint gate open as I see some infested fall down as a large group walk in and instantly start walking twords us. "What the fuck?! Why did you do that?!" Dulis grabs his axe. "To see if your fit enough to handle a small group of infested." Ghost comes up to my left. "And to show you what happens when you fuck up." Ghost starts to walk twords the group. "Let's see if you learned anything." I look at dulis. "Make sure the infested don't spread out. If one gets away, it could cuase some havic." I face the infested as I focus. "Focus on the ones that are splitting off. Don't let any of them through." I look back at the group as everyone is scared. I can feel their fear. "And if any of you get grabbed, I'm not helping you." I turnband charge at the group as I channel my power and turn off to attack the infested that are splitting off. I grip onto the rope as I  stop and bring the rope forward as the blade at the end shoot forward and cuts through the first few infested. They fall as I bring the blade back as I turn and swing the rope and cut a few more down. I jump and push myself over the group as I charge the others going twords a small group of people who are getting ready to fight. I rip the infested apart with the rope dart and turn to face the rest as I see ghost fighting them off as he steps back and doudges the infested as he cuts a few down quickly. "Hey freaks!" I look and see dulis running twords the group. "Chatch!" He throws his axe as I crashes into a few infested as they fall down, split into a few pieces. I charge in and grab his axe as I throw it back as dulis as he quickly catches it and rushes past me as he continues to attack. I turn and cut as many infested down to keep dulis safe as we continue to cut them down. "Get your asses over here! You want to become scouts then this is how you prove it!" I look and see the group standing in pure fear. I turn and look back at dulis as he holds an infested back from biting him. I rush to him as I doudge a few infested as I grab the one that's latched onto dulis and rip its head off. I grab onto the darts as I turn and plung one of them into a skull. I kick it away as I throw them out to get as many as I can. Dulis comes put from under me as he swings his large axe around as he chops three infested in half with one swing. "Just a few left!" I look back and see the group is frozen. Why won't they help? "Forget them kid." Forget...'never forget'. I turn and rush the closest infested as I grab it's head and crush it. "Whatch the right!" I quickly look and rush the infested going after a guard as I plung my fist through its chest. Never forgive them. I turn and channel my energy as I rush through and use the rope dark to cut down the rest of the infested. I plung one of the darts into the last infested as I lift it as I claws at me. "Echo!" I plung my hand into its chest and rip it apart. I drop the still moving head. "Holy shit dude." I turn and see dulis as I plants his axe into the ground. "Hey. Look at me. Breath." He takes in a deep breath. I takes a few steps twords me as he slows his breathing down. "There you go. Don't push yourself." I look down at my hands to see their covered in blood and the ropes have wrapped themselves around my arms. I pull the ropes off and drop them as I don't want to use them anymore. "Hey, hey, hey! Look at me echo. It's alright." Dulis waves his hand as I look up at him. "It's alright echo. Just breath." I look back at the bodies. "What's going on? I've never seen anyone go ballistic like that before." What? I though I just..."We still going out?" Dulis looks back at ghost as he's gripping onto one of his knifes tightly. "That's up to him." Dulis looks at me with a worried look. "Well the others just walked away. It's just us now." I look down at my hands. The blood. Bones. I shake it off as I look at dulis. "You good?" I nod. "Alright. We're avoiding the infested or anyone who wants to fight. I don't want you to end up getting hurt if you lose yourself like that again." Good idea. Dulis walks past me. What was that? I didn't know I just...attacked. I tore the bodies apart. I can see countless body parts. Why?...

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