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I slowly wake up as my body aches. My arms are stiff. I can bearly move. I want to sleep more. My stumic grumbles. Now I know why I woke up. I ball my hands and slowly ralease them as I get my body moving slowly. I can feel something soft under my head. It's warm. I feel something brush through my hair then feel some pressure on my ears. "Good morning." I can breath. It's weird. "I don't think you've ever slept for a whole night before." That voice. I calm and soothing. Korra? I shift my head a little bit. "Hey, that tickles." I slowly open my eyes and look up to see korra smiling. "They you are." I can feel my power slowly comeing back. It feels like it's waking up to. My body is losing up to. I can move. I close my eyes as I let my head fall. "Don't go back to sleep. We've got a bug day today." Korra shifts I feel like I'm lifted. "Come on. Let's get washed up." I slowly open my eyes as a bright light forces me to close my eyes again. I rub my eyes as they slowly adjust. Where are we? I look around as korra holds me up. We're in a closed room. There's alot of space here. There's so much here. What is all of this stuff? "You don't remeber how we got here?" I look up at korra as she picks up a bag. "Right. You passed out shortly after dullis started showing us around." Dullis? Korra chuckles as she opens a door and walks through. "We'll meet him again soon so don't worry." Korra continues to walk down a hallway as we turn and walk into a smaller room that's brighter. "It's safe here. We've got food, water, power...everything." korra let's me go as I slowly lower myself to the floor. My body feels heavy. I can bearly move. "We've even got a shower. A bath tub..." I take of my cloths as I instantly feel lighter. "We really need to find some good clothes for you." I turn and look at korra as she closes the door and takes off her pants. I look at the bag that sits next to the door. "At least now we can take a proper shower." Korra walks past me. I approuch the bag and look inside it to see freash cloths. "Echo. Don't pull out the clean cloths until we're done with the shower." Korra wraps her arms around my chest and turns as I look and see water flowing. "Looks like we have time to actually teach you some things now to." Korra sets me down as the water hits my head. It's warm. Korra sits down behind me as she sits me in her lap as she puts two bottles infront of me. "Dullis was nice enough to give us some soap."korra opens one of the bottles as I instantly smell something sweet. It's not strong. I grab the bottle as I can crush it easily. "Don't crush it echo. Here." Korra gently places her hand on my as she turns the bottle upside down and lifts her free hand to the other end. "Now gently. Don't squeeze it hard, you don't need alot." I slowly out pressure as I see some green liquid slowly seeps out and lands on korras hand. Korra let's my hand go as I drop the bottle. "I already took a shower so let's you cleaned up." Korra brings her hands tkgeather and starts to rub them as bubbles start to come off of her hands. She brings her hands up and plants them on my head. "Keep your ears down and close your eyes." She starts to rub my head as I'm not even lifting my ears. The water is making it hard to move ears and tails. I close my eyes as korra takes her time. I grab my tails and move them around so they don't get grabbed. "It's only the two of us here echo. Nobody here is going to try and hurt you." Really? I can feel the soap washing over my body. "There we go." I give around and shake my head as I open my eyes. "Don't shake like that. I don't want to have to clean up any mold later." I turn and look at korra as she smiles. She grabs the bottle and holds it up. "Now let's get your tails cleaned up." Korra slowly reach down and grabs one of my tails as I can see blood and mud being washed away. Korra turns the bottle and sqeezes as soap hits my tail as I can feel how heavy it gets. Korra sets the bottle down and gently rubs my tail as bubbles start to swallow my tail. I start to try and get the bubbles off as they continue come out. "It's fine echo. It'll wash out." I look and see the soap washing onto my other tails. The water starts to wash away the bubbles as I can see my hair. It's so bright. "There we go. You already starting to look so clean." Korra tries to grab the rest of my tails as she grabs the bottle soaks my tails as I can my clean tail a little easier. I lift it on its own dispite the water. I feel my stragnth leave me as I look and see korra rubbing my tails agressivley. I can't move. Korra stops rubbing as I slowly manage to gather my stragnth as korra starts to brush my tails as the bubbles cover her legs. She lays them on her lap and let's the washer hit them as bubbles continue to flow out. She stares at my tails as they get lighter. My whole body feels lighter. I don't feel restrained. I lift myself as as I shake a little bit to get all of the bubbles off. I don't like the bubbles. I look and see korra stand up as she covers her chest with her arms. "Much better." She turns something as the water stops flowing. Koora moves a she grabs a towel and covers herself. I turn as I get ready to shake off the water. "Don't." I turn and look at korra. She grabs something and pulls it across as it separates us. "Okey. Now you can you shake yourself out." I can? Why did she move the wall? I turn back around as I shake myself off. Korra moves the wall again as I grab my tails and try to wipe off what's left of the water. "There you go." I look at korra. "You look so much better." I approuch korra and hug her. "Your very welcome." I pull away as she dries herself off. She sets the towel down and grabs the bag. She pulls out some cloths and starts to get dressed as she covers her chest with something then puts on underwear. "Here. Let's gets dressed and meet Dullis at the gate." Korra hands me some cloths. "Let's hope these fit you." I start to get dressed as I get the pants on as they keep sliding down. "Of course." Korra walks over to me as she ties something to my pants as they still fall down. "Damnit." Korra grabs a shirt and puts it on me as it covers my whole whole body. Korra pulls the pants off. She turns me around and ties the shirt as now I can bearlt move my legs. "It's a good thing you can fly." I turn back around as I don't know how to feel about this. "We'll just have to be careful until we find cloths that fit you." Korra puts a shirt on. "Let's go." Korra turns and opens the door as I quickly leave.  I feel so much lighter. I can move my arms around freely. I can move my tails around without them getting cought on eachother. "This way echo." I look and see korra walk down the hallway as I quickly follow. "Before we leave, I need to tell you a few things." I come up to korra right. "These people aren't like the others." The mean people who pokes me with needles. "Their good. They don't want to hurt you so be careful if someone spooks you. They don't know us so they don't know what you've been through." Korra stops as she looks at me. "And don't show off all of your power." I tilt my head. Why not? "We don't know them either. They could be just putting on friendly faces and wait until we let our guard down." Korra takes a step twords me as she puts her hand on my head and rubs one of my ears. "Oh...I can't be serious with you." She smiles. "Just try and stay out of trouble. We don't want to get kicked out of this place. Not until we know for sure it's safe." Korra pulls her hand back as she continues walking. Her mood was diffrent from the others. It wasn't filled with sadness. She's calm. Collected. I chatch up to korra as I can't help but get excited. We get to a door as korra opens it and korra walks out. I come out of the house as the sun is still rising as I can hear alot of people moving around. I can see people walking around. I can sense more people around. My senses. I can hear alot more around me and I can smell something good. It's not that far but I can smell alot of other things to. It's...overwhelming. I want to see what's going on. I can hear banging and gun shots but I can also hear people talking. Not screaming but just...talking. "What's wrong echo?" I feel something behind wrapped around my chest as I look up and see korra as she pulls me close to her chest. "It's wierd, I know but if we're able to'll get used to it." I lift my tails and wrap them around korra as she chuckles. She starts walking as I'd rather stay with her then get lost wondering around. "It's going to take awhile seeing people smile when they walk around." I look around as I can see small houses but something is surrounding us. It's a massive wall but nothing is covering this place. It's wide open. I can jump over the wall eaily and explore the city. "That wall is huge isn't it?" I look up at korra. "Don't worry. I'm sure they'll let you come and go as you please." Hopefully. I didn't about it but I don't want to trade one prison for another. "Don't worry." Korra's smile grows. "I'm here. I won't let them do anything to you." She takes in a deep breath as I continue to look around. "At least this time I can keep you close." I look up at korra again. She chuckles. "Sorry. Just talking to myself." I hope korra will be okey. I remeber seeing those bad people hurting her to. Not just me.  "Hey! What's going on?!" I look to the right and see a friendlier face. His cloths are dirty and he's holding a knife with a long sharp blade. He runs up to us as korra continue walking. "Hey! The kids looking alot better!" Korra chuckles. "It took a long time but yeah. He's doing alot better now." The man starts to walk beside korra. "Glad to see he's not holding a grudge agenst us." Korra chuckles again. "As long as it doesn't happen again, it'll be fine." The man luaghs. "Trust me, it won't. That dumbass who shot him isn't anywhere near any guns anymore." I shift and pick myself up as korra let's me go. I slowly go around the man as I can see he has alot more knifes of him. Why does he need so many? "What's wrong kid?" He turns and starts to walk backwards. I move around him again as I try to cound how many knifes he has. "What are you doing kid?" I get closer to him as I gently grabs me and pulls me. He smiles as I losen up from the sudden movement. "What you lookin at?" He holds me as I can stay calm without the fear being dragged away agenst my will. "He's looking at all of your knives." The man looks at korra. "Really? The fact both of you can see with so quickly amazes me." He's let's me go as I go over to korra and hold onto her to back. "That's one think he thought me. He's always like shiny things. I remeber seeing him spotting something glimmering in a pile of garbage and he grabbed it in a second." The man looks at me and smiles. "He's got some talent then?" Korra chuckles. "He's not exactly a normal hybrid." The man looks forward. "Do tell." I pull myself close to korra. "For one, He's high matinance." The man chuckles. "With all of those tails, I can only imagine." Korra pulls my arms up as she pulls me closer as my head comes up close to hers. "He's been pent up most of his life so he has alot of energy. The first time he acculay cut lose, he got into alot of trouble. I had clean him for over 3 hours just to get all of the gunk off of him." The man luaghs. "Sound like he had one hellva run in with the infested." It wasn't infested. "It's wasn't infested. It was another group that kept him pinned up." The man loses his smile quickly. "Slavers?" He's serius now. "No. Something...worse." korra takes a moment as I gently press my head agenst hers. "Thier gone now so we don't have to worry about them anymore." Korra directed that twords me. If korra says their all gone...then I don't want to think about them anymore. "Good." I look at the man. "Anyone who wants to treat you guys like slaves or as toys, they can be feed to the infested for all I care." I look at korra. "Sometimes I wish the infested got to them." Korra? "What do you mean?" Korra takes in a deep breath as she lifts her hand and presses it agenst my cheek. "It's a...long story. All you need to know is that sometimes...the infested aren't the most dangerous things out there." Korra saw something. What was it? She's scared now. I can feel her trembling. "We've seen alot of things so I'm not suprised there could be something else out there. Let's just hope it doesn't make its way out here." Korra slowly lowers her hand. I hold onto her tightly. I don't want her to be sad again. " to." feels like...she wants to walk away. she wants to run away from something. Something that scared her even more than the infested. Even more then those bad people. She can't run from it though. I can't tell what it is but...I want to protect her from it.

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