bark at the moon

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I slowly wake up as my body aches. My muscles feel like they've been stretched to the limit sevral times over. I shift around as I can feel something soft under my head. I shift around a little bit as my body slowly starts to wake up. My stumic grumbles as I feel weak. I slowly open my eyes as everything is dark. My vision is blurry. I slowly lift my arms and cover my my face as I close my eyes and rub them. I let my hands slide off of my face as I feel my left arm fall farther then my right. My body starts to tilt as I look to my left and open my eyes to see a wall some distance away. My body turns as I start to look more twords the ground as I struggle to process what's going on. I feel my body go down as I look and see the floor coming twords me as I reflexively hold out my arms and hit the ground hard. The pain shoots through my body as I feel something come up my throught. I slowly push my body off of the ground as I feel a lump come up my throught as I can't keep it down. It comes up quickly as I throw up and feel something pop as I reel in pure pain. I try to take on beep breaths as I vomit more as I feel another pop and my chest opens. I finally take in a deep breath as my stumic is empty. I don't feel anything else in my body. I feel another pop as the pain slowly goes down. The aching comes back but I'm able to move now. I can't feel anything. My body is numb but I can feel pain. I'm shaking but...but it's not out of anger. I feel weak. Vulnerable. What if someone comes in. I'll be taken easily. I can feel my heart pound. My mouth is getting dry as I taste something fremilier. I gather enough strangth to open my eyes as see blood under me. I can see massive chunks in it. More blood is dripping out of my mouth. What happened? I...I don't remeber anything. I only remeber words ringing through my memory. 'Keep going...keep going...' where am I? I slowly pick myself up as I struggle to stand. I fall to my left as I grab onto whatever I was sleeping on. It's hard but it's off of the ground. This...this isn't my bed. I struggle to lift my head and look around. My vision goes from blurry to somewhat clear then blurry again. I can't see. I try to focus as I don't feel anything. I...I don't feel anything. My power is gone. I can't feel anything. I try to dig deeper as I start to feel something. It's just floughting. It isn't doing anything. Normally my power would be rushing through my body. It was overwhelming. Overflowing. Now...there's nothing left. Only a small puddle where the seemingly endless sea was. I try to get my power to flow again but somethings wrong. This power...this energy isn't normal. It's filled with pure agony. It's pure hatred as it houls endlessly. I can feel the rage trying to pull me in. Trying to consume me. I pull back and focus on what infront of me. The agony stops trying to pull me in as it's weaker than my own body. It feels as's satisfied. Something was released and rampaged for some time before it was finally satisfied enough to pull back for a while. I pull myself onto whatever surface I'm leaning agenst as I lean agenst the cold wall. I try to focus again as I start to feel my power slowly come back. It's not much but I can use it. I focus my power and get it flowing through my body again as my body starts to ache in pain again. My stumic feels as if it was ripped out then everything out back in. Now it's just a knot where everything used to be. I open my eyes as I can get them to focus a little more. I look down at my stumic and see a massive closed cut that's being held togeather by string. could...I slowly reach up as when I bearly put any pressure on it, a massive wave of pain engulfs my body as I ball my fists and grit my teeth with what little strangth I have left. My hand drops as I struggle to recover from the shock wave of pure pain that burns like acid. I slowly get my eyes focused again as I can see where I'm at now. I don't remeber getting here. Is this...a train? Am I really in a train? My focus turns into excitement as I never thought if be able to see one. I can see a window. It's cloudy but I've never been able to look out of one before. I look around more as I see torn boxes, cans of food and bottled water everywhere. Food? Here? How did I even get here? I have to get myself healed quickly before someone comes in. I focus again as I get my power flowing as the pain increases but I feel my strangth come back slowly. It doesn't matter how much pain I feel if one of those guards comes in looking for me. I pour my full focus into getting myself healed as I force myself to use the malicious energy to heal myself as the pain becomes unbearable as my body goes numb. Stay...focused. the ravinus power rushes through my body as it quickly dies out and my real power starts to recover. The agony retreats with what little strangth it has left as it recovers the same space it had before going completely still. It won't die but at least it won't do anymore harm while it's like that. I feel my body starts to quickly recover as my power envelopes my body as the pain slowly goes away. I open my eyes and look at my stumic as the string disopears but the scar remains. How could something like this happen? I reach up and gently ppace my hand over the scar as it doesn't send a Shockwave of pain through my body. I lift my hand and look to see my bones are visible. My muscles are so thin that I can see the outlines of my bones. I need to eat. It feels as if I haven't eaten in weeks. I look over at the torn boxes. Water will help to. Help me wash out the blood in my mouth. I gather my recovering strangth as I slowly push myself to the edge and plant my feet on the ground. I push myself up as my body feels light. I can feel my power flowing through my body again. It's increasing but my body will fail again if I don't eat and drink something. I have to stand on my own legs witch is wierd since I normally don't every walk or run. I struggle to take a few steps before leaning over to much and falling onto the floor. I quickly recover as I slowly crawl over to the boxes and search for something to eat. Most of the food are in cans. I adjust and sit as I cross my legs and look at the can. I look at the label as I it has a picture of food I've never seen before. It's not the grew mush I normally get to eat. I flip the can as the picture changes as it looks like the food she showed me. I jolt as I remeber that she was with me. Where is she? I look around as I only see empty cans, bottles, torn cloths and blood everywhere. I get up as my body feels lighter as I start to get flashes of how I got where. The bodies a few train carts ahead. The door is open to. I drop the can as I move to the other cart as I don't see her anywhere. The next door is open to and I can see the pile of bodies from here. Two carts up. Alot of them have moved to. I wish through the train carts are as I stop at the bodies as I can see a small path that was made through the cart. It smells terrible. I look down and see that my feet are off of the ground. I've recovered enough to be off the ground so I won't be grabbed at least. I look back as I see my tails are limp. Thier heavy. I bring them togeather as use all of my stragnth to lift them and wrap them around my hips and legs as I bring my legs togeather. This will have to do. I have to find her before something happens. I look up and into the darkness as I can bearly see the open door ahead. I have to go slow and stay focused. I slowly move forward as I get as close to the roof as possible as I push myself forward and into the gore filled cart. I lower myself from the roof a little bit as blood has coughted the whole cart. It's as if someone painted the walls, windows and roof with the blood of these people. I push through the cart and get to the half opened door as a even worse stench is comming from it. I stay focused as I can hear someone breathing. It's panicked. I grab onto the door and pull myself through as I struggle to keep my tails up as when I get through, I drop as my tails go limp again and I'm bearly off of the ground. I grab my tails and gently pull them through as my hair is hard and covered in blood and a thick layer of blood. I turn around as I see a figure pulling on a door. Thier breathing is getting heavier as I hear a bang as the breathing gets louder. I slowly approuch the figure as I get ready to fight. They look at me as they freeze. "Who are you?" I freeze as I instantly recicnizs her voice. I quickly approuch her as she sees me and instantly rushes me. She grabs me and drags me through the cart full of bodies as we fall into the pile as I feel my body instantly get cold. I look up and see the door slowly opening as she struggles to get up. She looks behind then looks at me. "Echo, run." She fights to get out of the pile as the door opens and I see a hand slowly reach through then push the door open with force. I see red glowing eyes as it roars at us. "Run!" I look down as I see she's carrying a large knife. I quickly grab it and focus as I'm lifted off of the pile as I rush the monster. I hold the knife up as I hold it out and crash into it as the knife goes into its neck then slaps as I push it away as the monster falls to the ground. I look at the knife handle then drop it. The monsters body twitches before it stops moving. "Damnit!" I turn around as I move back to her as she's struggling just to stand. "I told you to run echo." I lower myself as I wrap my hands around her stumic and focus all of my enegery to lift her as she gets her arms free then pushes up. My energy is failing fast. I use what's left and push us both to the other cart where my left arm goes numb as she falls. I chatch myself from hitting the ground as I quickly get up on my feet and turn around. She slowly sits up and breaths heavily. "I can't believe you just did that." My power is slow to recover. I struggle to walk to her as I stop becuase I don't want to fall again. She gets up and quickly hugs me tightly as I freeze. "But I'm glad to see your awake finally." She doesn't let me go as I can see she's covered in blood. Why can't I remeber her name? She pulls away and looks at me with a smile. "That's the second time you saved me." Her cloths are torn. "Come on. Let's get you something to eat." She picks me up as she walks back to the cart where I woke up at and sets me down on the seat. She quickly turns around and closes the door as she pulls something down as I hear a loud bang. "This place isn't safe." She turns around as she walks up to the boxes and grabs a few cans. "We have to get moving again when you've recovered enough." She sets them in a empty box and grabs a few bottles of water before picking it up and walking to me as she sets the box down next to me. I feel a jolt of pain go through my body as my arms to limp as I struggle to keep myself sitting up. She moves the box as I get my strangth back and instant pull one of my tails away. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that." She quickly grabs my tail and looks at it. "I'm so sorry." I pull it away as she pouses. I look at her as her smile comes back. "Right. Let's get you feed." She looks into the box as pulls out a few cans and a tool. "It's not much but it'll taste a lot better than that mush you've been feed." She puts the tool agenst the can and turns something on the top as the can starts to crunch as I see the top slowly rise as I start to smell something sweet. She sets the tool down and takes the top off as she holds the can out. "Here. I'll slowly introduce you to new food as we go. Just take your time. It'll be wierd at first so try and hold back from shoving it all down your throught." I grab the can and lower it as I look inside. I looks like chunks of diffrent colored food is floughting around in water. "It's canned fruits." I look up at her as she places her hands on the back of her hips and leans back as I hear her back pop. She straightens up and looks at me as I slowly start to remember her name. I look back down at the can. I lift it to my nose as the smell is strong but I don't instantly recoil. "Go on." I look at her. "Try it." She gives me a gentle smile as she sits down next to me. I bring the can to my mouth and slowly tilt it up as the water hits my tung and I instantly bring it down. I take a moment as I've never tasted anything like this. I look in the can. "You don't like it?" I bring the can back up as I fill my mouth and chew on the chunks as this tasts amazing. I quickly finish it as I feel my power instantly rise as I flows through my body more. I start to get more flashes of what happened as we escaped from that place. I only remember leaving and being in more pain than I've ever felt before. I also remeber her name now. "See?" I look up at her as she chuckles. "I told you it was better." I look at the box as she pulls out another can opens it. She hands it to me as it has the same sent as I quickly start to eat it. I try to slow down to savor it. Fruit? It's so sweet. It has so much flavor. Korra chuckles as I look at her again. "Slow down a little bit echo. We don't have that much." I look at the pile of boxes. "You've been asleep for days so now we have to be careful about rationing what little food we have left." I look at korra. "Luckily the storm passed quickly and I was able to get out and explore a little bit. You couldn't have chosen a better spot." I look back at the can and finish what's left as I set the can down to my left. "The Florian forest is 30 minutes away and I found a clean river river not even 10 minutes in. We can get cleaned up there before getting on a path." I look in the box and grab a bottle of water as I open it and drink some water. "If I remeber correctly...there's a city that's a few days out. We should be able to find a safe place there as long as another storm doesn't come by." I look at korra. "We'll get moving as soon as your able to stay on your feet. Until then, we have to be careful. That wasn't the only infested in on this train and there's no telling how many are there after the storm." Korra reaches into the box and pulls out another can. She opens it and starts to slowly eat what inside of it. She lowers the can and looks at me. "Guess I'll have to teach you how to walk." I tilt my head. "You know. How I do?" I set the water bottle down as I push myself off of the seat as my body feels like nothing. I look down as my feet aren't touching the ground and I have to focus this time. I look at korra as she smiles. "Looks like your recovering quickly." I move around a little bit. I can use my power to fight but I can make sure we can get away from any infested. I just have to be careful. "You can stop showing off. You might feel good now but we still have to wait for a while to see if you still need to recover more before we get moving again." I move back to the seat and lower myself to sit next to korra. The cart lights turn on as I look around. "Great." I look at korra as she tenses up. She gets up and rushes to the the door behind the boxes and makes sure the handle is down and the door won't open. "Looks like the storms are more frequent in the dessert." She turns around. "We don't have enough food to outlast a s storm. Let's alone a week." She lifts her arms and brings one of her hands to her chin. "Let's hope this storm only lasts the night." She looks at me. "Looks like we have to get moving when the storm passes. We have to make sure our food and water lasts for at least another day or two." She walks back and sits down. "For now, let's try and get some sleep. We'll need to be the best we can be when we're leaving. We won't have much food when we starts making our way to the forest. After that...we'll have to be lucky to find food at that point." Korra leans back. I slowly lift myself and move closer to korra as when she sits up, I quickly move and sit behind her as when she leans back, her body presses agenst mine. "What are you doing?" She reaches back and pulls me forward as she sits me in her lap. "Don't do that when your hurt." She chuckles as she slowly moves her hand through my hair then gently rubs my ears. "It's my job to make sure your confertable." She slowly brings my head down into her chest. "Come on. Let's get some sleep." Korra shifts and lays down as she holds me close to her chest. Her breathing quickly slows down as I move my tails to cover her. At least I can help her stay worm. That's the best I can do.

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