flailing shots

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I slowly open my eyes as I feel pressure on my legs. "It doesn't matter. If we stop, that storm will hit us and we won't have any hope of getting to jerico." Jerico...we haven't arrived yet? "But if we just stopped for a few minutes-"
"We can't. We've waisted enough time with the few stops we made already." My stumic...it hurts so much. "If we keep this up, we won't make it either. We'll collapse from echoistion before we get back." Whats...going on? I...I can't move very well. It hurts just to try and move my arms. "What about him? How do we even know he's stopped bleeding?"
"He stopped bleeding before I picked him up. We are NOT stopping. End of conversation." Dulis is mad. I slowly move my head as I look and see dulis is carrying me. "Hey kid. Glad to see your still with us." I slowly lift my right hand and look to see that it has dried blood on it. "Don't move. Save your strangth...let alone enough blood to even strain yourself even a little bit." He's focused. "Oh shit. He's awake?!" I'm forced to losen up as I don't have the strangth to even move my head around. My vision is blurry. I can see ghosts figure slowly moving up to me as he lays his hand on my shoulder. He moves his hand twords my neck as his hand is warm. It so soft. I slowly move my head twords his hand as his hand warms up my neck and lower jaw. "He bearly hanging on. I can bearly feel his pulse and he's freezing." I slowly open my eyes as they struggle to focus. I can see that he's carrying one of the other hybrids. What happened? Ghost pulls his hand back. "Damnit. Why did we do this?" I can use some of my power but my body won't be able to handle more than an ounce of power flowing. I can use it to heal and recover a little bit. At least heal enough to avoid bleeding anymore...I hope. "Almost there. Not even an hour away. We can make it before the storm." Storm? We've been out here for that long? "Don't move kid. Your in no condition to even try and move...let alone stay awake for more than 10 minutes." I look up at ghost as I use what little focus I have to channel a small amount of power through my body to heal. I need to recover as much as possible. I Don't want dulis to get hurt becuase he's carrying me. "You said that an hour ago." I feel dulis tense up. "After you stopped for 45 minutes, nearly getting us killed by a group of infested." That explains the blood. Dulis must have gotten hurt. "Your lucky nobody got hurt. The fact dulis managed to take out most of them was a fucking mericle." Ghost is still frustrated. "Stop cussing around the kids!" Is she trying to make them mad? This...isn't right. Why did this happen? "Just shut up! Shut the fuck up!" Ghost..."Don't tell me what to do!" The yelling hurts my ears. Dulis shifts a little bit. "Keep your damn voices down." Dulis's voice is scary. I think he's just as mad as ghost. "I don't know who you people this you are but I will not be treated like this!" I dulis stops as he turns around to face the women. "I said keep your voice down." I slowly lift my head a look at the women. "Or what?! You can't do anything while carrying that...kid!" The hesitation. Why did she hesitate? "I am going to make myself very clear lady." Dulis takes a few steps twords the women. "I've fought to hard to be talked down to by some women who's ego is bigger than her own chest and brain. If it wasn't for the three of us, you'd be a blood stain on the ground right now. You've done nothing but bitch endlessly and order all of us around like we're some slaves you bought. This WILL not stand. Not out here and especially NOT in Jericho. We are less than 15 minutes away from Jericho and I don't want to hear your voice for the rest of the way there. If I hear you even make a sound, I'll lock your ass out of jerichos walls myself and whatch you get torn apart by whatever comes with that storm." The women sees that I'm awake as I can feel my body struggle to heal. The pain is replaced with burning as my head drops and I grit my teeth as hard as I can. "Not. One. Word." The burning quickly goes away as the pain slowly starts to go down but I still can't move. "Dulis." Dulis turns to look at ghost. "It's not even worth it anymore. Let's just take the kids and go." Dulis tenses up more. "As much as I like that idea..." dulis turns to look at something. "We don't abandon people. Stone will decide if she can stay." Dulis starts to walk again. "At least he'll have a clear mind about this. I honestly don't know what to do next." Ghost quickly goes from angry to worried. I can sense his mood again. I can sense all of them. The hybrids don't have very much hut they see exhausted. They are nearly as weak as me. Not good. Dulis and ghost...thier losing strangth but hiding it. They will not be able to go much further. I can sense the fear. It's so strong I can nearly taste it but...there's something else. It's dark and cold. It's moving so fast that I don't know what it is. The darkness is only growing and it's only getting colder and colder. It's far away but it's heading straight twords us. I can sense something inside of it. Countless bodies. All moving in one group. But something is closer that has more strangth than all of us combined. It can easily sneak up and attack without much fight back. Wait...it's not just close. It's right behind us. I don't know what it is but I hope it just follows and doesn't attack. I have to do something. "What are you doing kid?" I can't move very well but I can control some of my energy. I can at least give them something to get the rest of the way there. I focus and pour some of my energy into everyone here. I instantly feel dulis losen up as his strangth recovers. Ghost is feeling better as his body reacts the best out of everyone here. I look up and see a large wall. Jericho. "Almost there. Come on. We're almost home." Even the hybrids...they regain the strangth to push on. Everyone has enough strangth to push on. Dulis starts to walk faster. Ghost wonders how some of his strangth has returned as the hybrids are getting excited. The women...it feels like she didn't get much strangth back. Wait...that strangth. She is at full strangth. She didn't need to slow down. She doesn't need my help. I stop channel my power twords her as I channel it into the others as I lose focus and stop channeling my energy. "Damn. We made it back before the storm. God damn. Looks like we get to live to see another day." Dulis chuckles. "When did you ever doubt us getting back?" Ghost seems to losen up a little bit. "When we got ambushed at the mall." Dulis chuckles again. "We made it through worse. How's your ankle?"
"Been better. Nothing a little rest won't cure." Good. At least...everyone will make it. "Mostly thanks to echo. He saved our asses four separate times today. The fact he's still alive right now is something else." Ghost chuckles. "He's one stubborn kid, that's for damn sure." Dulis chuckles more. "Damn straight. Let's hope his old lady doesn't get to mad about his condition." Ghost quickly get worried. I have to get focused again. Get...focused. "I wish we knew about his injuries sooner. I would have never let this happen if I knew he was already hurting." Dulis losens up more. "I hear you. I would have let him leave either. Hell...I wouldn't have left the walls if I knew what kind of shape he was in even before I even thought about the mall." Dulis...he's nothing like those people. It's clear he didn't want me to get hurt but...I followed. I got excited. I hope korra doesn't get mad. I hope she won't leave becuase of me.

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