shot in the dark

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I sit and try to calm myself I continue to look at the metal bar sticking out of echos stumic. It's in his liver or his kidney or....I don't even want to know. I have to get it out but he'll bleed to death. I don't want him to die but...If it stays in...the infection will kill him. I have to do this. I have to try. I can let him die like this. I want him to have a fighting chance. I refuse to let him die like this. I get up as I grab a clean knife as I stop. I have to this. I grab a freash towel. I carfully look at the bar as I can see it pushing his skin out. I look closer as I see it's pushed itself out of his stumic and twords the side. No wonder he's lost so much blood. It WAS in his liver but he must have jerked and it tore his liver open and pushed out. It also looks like his power is focused on healing that part the most. His other cuts aren't even healing right now. His body is trying to sew itself back togeather but the metal bar is keeping his stumic open so it can't heal. He's waisting that energy trying to repair something that can't be repaired right now. It's trying to sew empty parts. I look over as the sewing kit as I drop the knife and rush over to it as I open it and struggle to get my hands to stop shaking so I can get it ready. I keep missing the threading hole as I pitch up the kit and walk back over to echo as I finally managed to get the string through after what seems like an hour. I tie it off and keep the kit close as I bend over and grab the knife. I pinch the top of the metal bar as gently move it as I see that it's on surface. It's ravaged his liver but he must have healed from it by now unless it's still open. I can't pull it out. I have to cut it out to let his body and his power sew his body back togeather the way it needs to be. I'll help it by closing the cuts I make and anything his body is struggling to get back togeather. I plant my hand on his stumic as echo moves again as the bar shifts lower. Damnit. I have to do this now. I take the knife as I put the tip to his skin. I promised I'd never hurt him. I'd never do something like this to him. But it's to save his life. I slowly push the knife in as I force myself keep my weeping down. Mercy...please keep echo sleeping. He never deserved this. Please help him sleep, dream, and heal well. I keep pushed the knife down as the bar just keeps going down as I do everything in my power to the cut straight as he's not bleeding but the infection is pouring out. The bar starts to shift as I grab it and start to pull it as I keep pushing the knife down as I the bar jerk as when I get to the bottom, the bar shoots out as I pull the knife back and throw it as I throw the metal bar to the other side of the cart and grab a towel as I drench it in peroxide as start to get the wound cleaned up as I see his body slowly puff up. His...his liver. It's distroyed. I gently push the towel agenst the cut I made. I grab the half empty bottle of water as I slowly pour it into his wound as I the infection drains out instantly as it's just slush. His body killed it a long time ago so its just been rotting in the scabbed over wound. I pull the towel back as I the water flows out as I see his chest stop rising. I freeze as I don't see chest move. I look and see the blood isn't comming out anymore. No. No. "No...echo." I drop whatevers in my hand as I put two fingers to his neck and search for a pulse. I can't find it. I put my hear to his check as I'm hearing something but it's faint. I pull back as I search for a pulse again. " please." I plant my free hand on his chest as I don't feel it rising. I don't even feel his heart rate. I start to press down on his chest as I quickly start to do CPR on him. I put my ear to his chest as I weezeing as echo starts to cough. I pull back as echo reaches up and clenches his chest as I quickly turn him to his left side as I spit out blood. He coughs hard before he vomits a massive amount of blood. He coughs more before the blood slows down and he stops coughing violently. He rolls back onto his back as I look and see blood pouring out of his wound. I see clumps of black blood flowing as it doesn't stop. He moving around and he's starting to breath as each breath gets stronger. I grab the towel I drop as the blood quickly stops as I grab the bottle and wash the blood out as I start to see red blood coming in as that also quickly stops. I cover his wound as I look at echo as he's struggling to open his eyes. "Thank mercy." I can't stop myself from crying as I plant my forhead on his chest. I feel his heart now. It's beating fast and strong. I slowly lift my head as I see echo looking at me as I see his ears twitching. He gave up on opening his eyes and lifting his head so he's trying to lision. I gently place my hand in his head as I start to run my fingers through his head. "You...gave me quickly the sacre." His ears instantly perk up as he losens up. "You feel better after that?" I bring my hand down as I hold onto his cheek as leans his head into my hand. I drop the towel as I bring my head closer to his as I see his chest fall and not rise again. He coughs up more blood as he spits out a massive blood clot. I can feel his pulse but he stopped breathing again. Not again. I instantly reach as I plant my lips onto his and push air into his lungs as he takes in a deep breath. I slowly pull away as he starts to breath on his own again as I don't hear him weezing this time. I take in a deep breath as I lower my head again as our lips touch again. I slowly pull again as I look and see he had his eyes half way open again. "I'm sorry." He lifts his hand as it falls on his chest. "That one was on accident." I pull back as I can taste his blood on my lips. It's not as bitter as normal blood.'s oddly sweet but has something wierd in it. I wipe my lips off as echo pushes his head into my hand again. "Are you breathing by yourself now?" I feel his move his head a little bit as it's a little nod. "Good. You gave me one bad scare." I see him try to ball his hand. "Don't worry. The worst is over now. You can go back to sleep." Echo takes in a deep breath and slowly let's it go as I look and see his breathing pattern is back to normal. I can even feel his pulse in his cheek. I slowly lower his head as I pull back. I lower my head as I breath a sigh of raleaf. He's going to make it. I slowly look up and see his wound. He used alot of his resorted energy to get all of that out. I guess his digestive systems is diffrent to. I've never see blood pour out of someone's liver like that before. It was as was clogged. Nothing could pass through. I slowly look back at his wound as I can see his body nitting itself back togeather. It starts with his liver as it struggles to come back togeather. Looks like I'll have to sew his stumic up. I grab the needle and look back at the wound. I wish I could do more. I pull some string out as I make sure I have more than enough. I kneel down as I put my free on over the cut and press them togeather gently. I slowly bring the needle up and starts from the bottom. I slowly push the needle through as it smoothly goes in and the tip comes out the other side as I grab it and slowly pull it out and bring as much string through it as I can in one pull as I come back and push the needle through again. I keep pressure on the cut to keep it togeather as I pull the threat tightly to help his body heal properly. It'll leave a big scar but at least he won't lose his guts the next time he tries to walk. Keep going as I keep a very slow pace as I can see his body is slowly healing as when I get half way, I pull back a little bit to chatch my breath. His body is already healing well but he's got a long recovery. He needs to eat and put some weight on. He's skin and bones right now. I wish I had a stim. It would have jump started his healing whitch would have won the battle over the infections. I push myself forward as I close the cut again and continue sewing as I'm losing string fast. I'll bearly have enough to sewchure the cut but that whole where the metal bar was will only be about half way closed. I space the sewchures out to close his stumic completely so there isn't any risk. I stop and take another breather when I finish sewing the cut as now I have enough to close him completely. I look over and spot the water bottles I threw when I was looking for medical supplies. I set the needle down and stand up slowly as I walk over to the water bottles and pick one up. I open it and quickly take a drink as I finish the bottle. I pouse and let my arm fall as I take a moment. I look at the bottle. We have food and water but it won't last long if I do that again. I have to ration it out and leave some for echo so he can start to recover. I grab another bottle and carry it back with me as I set it down next to echo as I kneel back down. I look at the sewing as it's not bad for someone who hasn't done this in a while. I grab the needle as I get sewing again as I push through to the end as I grab onto the string and yang it off quickly as the string snaps and doesn't pull the string tighter or leave any marks. Hopefully he'll be out for a while so he can heal but if he does, I have to keep him from moving to much or the string will undo itself and reopen the wound. I grab a freash towel and wet it a little bit as I wipe off the seechures to clean it the best I can. I sit back and look at echo as I'm still worried he might not make it. He's gone through alot and pushed himself so hard that his body gave out. He normally stays up for weeks at a time before getting about three hours of sleep and keeps going. He uses his energy constantly but it seemed like it was an endless well. From the looks of it, it seems like he just replenishes it quickly or he stores the energy he generates and uses when he needs to. From the looks of it now, his energy is regenerating quickly but he's using it just as fast as it's regenerating. He may be using a small amount of energy at a time right now. He may only be able to use his energy when his body can handle. The amount of energy he uses would kill most hybrids if they tried to unleash that amount. His body is small but the feats of stranth he's demonstrated would put tractors and airline thrusters to shame. He's got more power he's hiding but he may have a good reason for it. Either his body can't handle it or he does have a limit to how much power he does have. Either way, he has to limit himself. One thing that I've knowtised is when he's using his power, one of his eyes glow. If he's in a good mood, his blue eye shines like midnight sky filled with stars. If he's mad and going for the kill, his red eye glows just like infested. His energy changes to. It's warm and soothing when he's calm and collected but it can be suffocating when he's mad. Every time I see him fighting, I freeze in pure fear due to how dense his energy is. The more he pushes out, the heavier it gets. Every time he's gone after someone in that place. Most of the people would be frozen. Even when they saw him on the cameras. The first time I saw him unleash his power, I froze. I could move until he was subdued. Some of the few times everyone stopped arguing was when he was trying to attack someone. Those bastereds. They out him through so much. He's not even 14 and they out him through things that would drive anyone insane.

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