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I slowly wake up as my body aches. I feel like my guts were churned. It feels like someone took a jack hammer and pounded my atumic for hours. I open my eyes to see it's dark. The moon lights flooding in so I can still see what's in my vicinity. I slowly look around as my necks sore as hell to. I can feel something soft under my head. I look outside the window and see nothing. I slowly get up as my back pops sevral times. I stretch as everything pops. The aching settles down as I wake up fully. I turn my body and slowly place my feet onto the ground. I pull back as the floor is so cold that it hurts. I look down and see my shoes were torn off. I look at the test if my cloths and see massive slashes but I'm not wounded. Just a little sore. I lift my shirt and see small cuts and bruzes on my stumic. I don't even have any scars. Just surface damage for the most part. I let my shirt fall as I slowly lower my feet to the floor as I suffer the cold. I plant my hands on the seat as I feel something soft in my right hand. I quickly lift both hands as I look and see a tail. It's soaked in blood and is terribly dirty. I look more and see another tail and another. Wait. I quickly look to my left and see echo leaning agenst the wall, passed out. He's horribly wounded. Most of his cloths are either torn off or burnt to a crisp. He's covered in massive gashes and his stumic had freash blood on it. I jolt up as I reach over and place two fingers in his neck to try and feel for his pulse. He head falls to the side a little bit as I get more worried. I reach up and let his head slowly slide into my hand as I lower it to stretch his neck out a little bit as I start to feel a weak pulse. She's so skinny and his skin is pale. He looks like he hasn't eaten in weeks. He's alive but I don't know for how long. I feel his head move a little bit as one of his tails twitches. He starts to breath heavily as he tries to lift his head. I gently rub his cheek as he struggles to open his eyes. "Good evening sleeping beauty." He struggles to lift his hand as his breathing gets sporadic. I lower the hand on his neck to his hand as he grab it weakly. He's panicking. He trying to pull my hand away. "What's wrong?" He's looking past me. He tries with very little steangth to pull me away. I turn around and see eyes looking at us from behind the glass. I straighten up as the blood red eyes stare at us. I hear a bang as it echos throughout the room. Lightning strikes as a silioet of a person flashes. Wait...that's not a person. Lightning strikes again as I hear an earpiercing roar. The eyes move as something hits the wall. A rotten smell hits my nose as something small starts to hit the walls. Is that...rain? No. I watch and see lighting strike the ground behind the eyes as I get a good look at what's trying to get it. Melted skin. Bloody teeth. Exposed ribs, long tung, eyes that are so soaked in blood that they've been died blood red. Infested! I turn and grab echo and pull him as I hold onto him tightly and get us out of the infesteds view as it continues to bang on the wall. Echo starts to pull on my shirt lightly as flashes of light fill the room like flashbangs being thrown in over and over. I look around and see another window as it's blocked off and you can't see in from that side. The sounds start to get lighter as the lights in the room start to flicker on and off. The banging stops as the lights kick on fully. Damnit. That means we're in the EMF storm.  Infested will be surrounding this train cart in a seconds if we expose ourselves again. Echo starts to groan as I look down at him as he looks up at me. I support his head with my arm and wrap my hands around his to help him get conferatble dispite the amount of pain he could be in. "It's okey. It's okey." He continues to weekly pull at my shirt. I look up and at the window where the infested was looking into. It isn't cracked. I lean forward a little bit to try and peak out the window as I see the flying stand and rocks hitting the window. The carts shaking violently witch means the rails are active to. Nothings looking in though. I try to get my panicked breathing under control as I can feel and hear echos panicked breathing. I can also bearly hear the infested wondering around outside. Thank mercy most of thier senses were distroyed. They can't smell us but thier eyes are alot better. They'll be able to see us even in the storm. They'll also be able to hear us witch what will get us swormed. I look down at echo. He's trying everything in his diminished power to get us and fight. He's clenching his fists and teeth in pure pain. "Hey." He continues as I start to shake him gently. He's normally calms down when I do this and he's confertable. "Echo." He slowly looks up at me as his face is covered in cuts. He's got an infected black eye and he can't even lift is big, muck filled ears. "It's okey." His head drops. "We're safe enough in here but you have to calm down." He slowly stops trying to get up. "There you go." His hands move closer to his chest as I feel his body slowly losen up. "Good boy. Just sleep and recover as much as you can. We're going to be stuck here for a while." He fails to lift his head. "Don't worry right now. Just rest." He moves his hand and gently places it on my stumic as it falls down as his breathing slows down. I losen my grip as he slides down a little bit in my lap and I lower his head onto my stumic. He takes in a deep breath and slowly let's it out. That means he's asleep now. He shifts around a little bit as his body seems to freeze. There we go. As long as he doesn't use his power in the storm, we'll be fine. I try to remeber what happened and what led us here. I remeber being back at the stronghold. I was getting ready to get echo out of that hell hole. What happened? Everything's so fuzzy after that. I remeber getting up after what felt like hours and wondering around. Were we attacked? Fires were everywhere. I could hear heavy weapons being fired witch means corvic either panicked and called for the juggernauts or the walls were breached by something so strong that they needed to be deployed. Carver wouldn't let something like the juggernauts to be deployed unless is was an emergency like some group blowing us the supply depot. I do remeber hearing a massive explosion somewhere in the middle of the stronghold. Why did I have to get up though? My whole body was numb then I was in so much pain that I collapsed about 20 minutes or wondering around. And those figures. The red eyes. Infested? Infested got into the stronghold?! How?! After that...everything black. Next thing I know, I'm here. Echo must have found me and gotten us both out of there. If corvis deployed everything, that would explain why echos is half dead in my arms right now. He didn't show us his full power in those fucking tests whitch means if he's sleeping now and went unconscious in bearly under a minute means he went all out. I still don't even understand how he could have taken so much damage though. There's countless tests showing he had some sort of shield that protected him constantly. He must have taken on the whole army and a hoard of infested. Knowing echo, he made sure everyone and everything was dead before he found me. The fact he did so much for me tells me that he really did trust me. I just wish I got him out sooner. Those tests. The way he was treated. No one should go through that. He's so young. The fact that Carver told me that he would used a breeding candidate made me slap him. He's isn't even 14 yet! And Carver wanted to make him try and have kids after he was done with him! I hope that perverted bastered died to the infested insteed of being killed by echo. At least then he would have suffered. Being torn apart by the infested is bad but most of those assholes in that 'safe haven' would have lucky if echo killed them quickly. If it was up to me, I would have thrown them into a hoard of infested and watched as they ripped them limb from limb. I just hope that the hybrid got out. They've been enslaved for years now. Most of then would have been seen on farms or in camps, half dead and worked to the bone. Those who had freedom were constantly being threatened to be taken and sold into slavery. From my studies, hybrids aren't even agressive by nature. Their mostly calm and collected people who just happen to have hightened senses or power like my little echo. Even before the fall, they were treated like dirt so seeing a small community of hybrid growing far away from those place was heartwarming. They even fought off crovis and his elites. They would raid the stronghold to free the other hybrids and went most of them were rightfully liberated, the few that remained were the main point of interest for carver and his phycopathic reasherch. There were four others and they all died shortly after the last raid. Three out of the four managed to get enough to take thier own lives after killing dozens of guards. All of them had powers so when they broke, they had a pycotic break so thier powers were off the charts. The fourth was a little girl who was a bull. She had horns and could easily fall for someone who was teasing her. She was the second most guarded hybrid out of the stronghold so when she broke out, she tore through buildings and acculay managed to punch hole in the wall and escape. I saw her rush to some hybrid outside of the wall who were apart of the community. After that...echo was the last one. Out of all of the other hybrid, echo is littarlt one a billion. His genius is a fox. More specifically, a hybrid between a fenic fox and the arctic fox. His ears are almost comically large but his tails...thier long. He has 13 tails that are currently about 6 feet long. The few times he was allowed to take a shower, he trusted me to help him get cleaned up. His hair is a buetiful white and the tips of his ears and tails are light blue. Went he's clean, his hair almost glows and I cought myself staring at him for hours at a time. He keeps his ears down all the time. He's done that every since Carver grabbed his ears once and nearly got his guts ripped out by him. Echos smart. He learns and adapts quickly. Corvis put him through tests that had so many differences with each test that most people would have taken years just to train to just pass eith a bear minimum. Echo adapted within minutes to an hour and completed all of then without unleashing a fraction of his power. The times he unleashed his power was when he was a window to escape and tried to take it. Corvis had hundreds of contingencies to keep him in and subdued. Echos killed thousands of people and grew to be distrustful of everything and everyone so he's always on guard. It took me years just to get him to allow me just to stay in the same room with him for more than an hour. If it was someone else, he would instantly get ready to fight. And he always fights to kill. He doesn't know his own power and he knows it so he doesn't care. I've seen him kill someone in less than second. He's hasn't shown any form of remorse to anyone he's killed and every time he saw or even heard corvis, Carver or anyone who constantly bullied him, he would go into a frenzy just to try and get to them. He's come extremely close to killing Carver so many times that I've lost count. Corvis though...he was always a cowered. For an A.I, he wasn't exactly very smart. He would always tount echo about how he would never find him and distroy him. At some point he did get to corvis and nearly distroyed him. He memorized every code just by focusing on conversations outside his cell and if he hadent eaten that drugged meal or lasted few more seconds before stumbling, corvis would have been deleted years ago. Of course corvis tounted him but Carver moved his data banks. I'm honestly suprised he trusted me to even be in the same room with him. I helped conducted some of the brutal tests but he still grew to trust me. After I told him about how Carver and corvis forced us to get into an arranged marriage, he went into a frenzy that led us to discover how much power he could actually unleash. It was the first time I saw echo fight for something else other than to just escape to try to kill someone specific. He tore through a qourter of the stronghold and let the largest hoard I've ever seen into that section. Carver didn't even try to take that section back after that. He even stopped tests for almost three months and kept forcing me to see him with dozens of armed guard. He always killed the guards and protected me from everyone who was ordered to retrieve me. I didn't want to leave but I had to after nearly three weeks of no food and water. I wish I told him everything then. He would have known how to get out and would have escaped. I was so afraid that Carver would hunt us down that I didn't want to get him hurt or killed. After a while, I actually did fall in love with echo. At first I treated him like a son but then we started to get closer. He's still young so he has alot to learn but when he's ready, I'll be there. The fact he saved me and got me out of that sespool tells me he shares the same feelings. I know it's wrong and I have to keep myself restrained but the world ended. I don't even know if hybrids and pure bloods can have kids. Either way, it'll be a learning experience. For now though, I need to find a place for him to recover. We don't have much food and I want him to meat people that will treat him like another human being. Hybrids are just like us. They might be catgirls and little bunny boys but they have feelings. Their just as human as pure bloods. Just with extra fluffy and feathery parts.

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