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I wait as korra has been talking with dulis for a long time. I've seen people pass as everyone is rushing around. People stare at me to. I don't like it. I don't know why people are...happy to see me. It feels like they've never seen me before. I'm seeing other hybrids everywhere but they all look at me. I don't like this. The feeling of being whatched. People staring at me. Now there's more. I turn around and look at the door to see it's still closed. What's taking korra so long? I don't want to be here anymore. I can hear her and dulis talking but I don't know what their saying. There's to much noise and all of the emotions and intentions I'm feeling right now is overwhelming. "Hey." I turn around quickly to defend myself as I see a man as he freezes. "Easy there, easy. I'm not going to hurt you little guy." He losens up as he's tall. He's so calm. "You looking for someone?" He kneels down as I see a small group of hybrids behind him as they run around and play but stay close to him. I look at him as he gives me a small smile. "You must be new. I don't know anyone here who'd wear these rags." He looks at my torn shirt as he pouses. "What happened? Those cuts are freash." He reaches up as I pull back instantly. "It's okey. I'm just looking." He reaches further as I channel my energy. He pulls back. "Alright, alright. Just let me see if your bleeding." I keep my guard up as he studies my wounds. "Looks like you've been treated already." He looks closer as I can sense his worry. "Looks like karrys work. Everything's closed and pretty clean despite your shirt." He takes in a deep breath as he seems raleaved. "Echo? You still here?" I turn around and see korra as she opens the door. I rush to her as she looks at the man. "Who are you?" The man chuckles as he stands up. "Jarred. I didn't know me was waiting for you." Korra holds me up as I hear the shirt tear a little bit. "Why are you here?" The man is confused by korra's aggressiveness. "He's only got a shirt on and I can see his injuries from here. I though he was just dumped here so I thought I could help but it looks like he's getting the help he needs." He smiles. "Sorry to bother." One of the other hybrids scream as I look past him and see one of them on the ground. He quickly turns around and rushes over to him. "Jade! What did I say about pushing?!" One of the hybrids instantly freeze. "You alright?" The hybrid springs up as the man quickly wipes off the mud. "You guys need to learn to play nice. Aspecialy when a Strom just passed. I don't want any of you to get sick." The man straightens up. Korra turns around and walks into the building as it gets dark quickly. "Sorry echo. I didn't mean to make you wait so long." Korra walks as we enter a small room as I see dulis talking with stone. "Speak of the devil." Dulis and stone look at me as dulis smiles. "Looks like he's recovering well." Dulis chuckles. "Looks like he's putting on some weight to. He's already looking like a diffrent kid." Korra stops as her grip is lose. She's not worried at all. "His power seem to be comming back to. How's his body handling it?" Korra chuckles. "It's getting harder to keep him in one place again. I had to spend half of the storm just to keep him in the building." Both of then freeze. "He tried getting out? Durring the storm?" Stone crosses his arms. "He did but he didn't leave the front door. It was his first time seeing snow but he doesn't know how bad the storms are." Dulis losens up a little bit. "How he's not sick right now is a fucking mericle." Stone shakes his head. "He's stubborn, that's for sure. At least he's back on his feel...or floughting again...or whatever he does." Korra chuckles. "Let's hope he doesn't hurt himself again." Dulis laughs. "Damn straight. We don't want to lose someone like him. He's been the best thing that's happened to this place in a long time so if something does happen to him, we'd be fifty shades more fucked than we already are." Korra tightens her grip a little bit as Stone drops his arms. "Dulis." Dulis looks at stone. "What? I don't want to see the kid get hurt again. We owe him alot already and I don't want to have to spend my time regretting not paying him back properly." Pay me back? What does he mean by that? "What he means is we don't want you to get hurt again. At least not while your injured and could...die...when you get hurt again." What are they talking about? I look up at korra as her arms are locked together. "Let's..." Now korra has many mixed feelings. But...why is she scared? Why are they all scared? "Let's move on." I look at dulis and stone. "Right." Dulis looks at stone as stone is frozen. "Should we show him now?" Show me? Show me what? "Good idea." Dulis looks at me and smiles as it fades quickly. "Come on. L-lets go." Now he's nervous. "Right." I look up at korra as she starts to walk. I look forward and see dulis walking twords a door as the hallway gets small. What's going on? Korra slowly let's me go as I don't like this. I can see wires. Rope...wires...tables. what's going on? I don't like this. I quickly get out of korras grip as I pull back and away from the hallway. "Echo?" I back up more as the more I look around, the more wires I can see. There everywhere. What is this? Are back? Why are we back? "Oh no..." How did we get back? "What?" I look at korra as she's frozen. Dulis pushes himself infront of korra as he blocks her. "What's wrong?" I look at stone as his arms are crossed. "Don't you want to see what we want to give you?" Give me? Why are they taking me back to that place? How did they even get me back here?  "Echo. It's not what you think." I look at korra as she pulls dulis back. "Hey! What's going on?!" Korra holds her hands out as she kneels down. I look back at stone as his arms drop. "What's going on?" Why is he so confused? Didn't he plan this? "Hey. Hey, it's okey. Look at me." I look at korra as she's holding her hands up. Why was she taking me back? "It's okey. Here, whatch." Korra slowly picks up a wire as I channel my power. "It's okey, echo. Look." Korra slowly pulls on the wire as I can see it being lifted up as it's connected to stone. Why is it connect to stone? "See? Their nothing like back at the lab." Nothing like it? How is this nothing like it? "K-korra. W-w-what is going o-on?" I look at stone as he's glitching out. He keeps fading and his body keeps getting distorted. "Fuck." I doing that? "Echo, echo. Look at me." I look at korra as she stands up. "We're trying to give you a gift." Dulis comes up next to korra. "Two actually." I look at dulis as he bolts for stone. "Stone, what's going on? What's happening?" So...this isn't that place? We're...still in jerico? "I-im fine." I look at stone as I can't see him. "Just give me a second." I look at korra as she walls up to me and pick me up. "You okey?" I look at dulis as stone appears. "Oh thank mercy." Stone look at me as he's confused. "I didn't know he could control power like that." Dulis looks at me than korra. "You didn't mention his ability to control electric energy." Korra tenses up. Dulis look back at stone. "But...if could do that..." dulis looks back at me. "Is that how you managed to get through so many infested? You just use some sort of lightning to fry all of them? Is that how your able to fly?" I look at korra as she spends more time with me than I do. "I thought I told you..." dulis shakes his head. "We'll nows not the time for that. Let's just get him his gifts." Korra tenses up more. "I...I don't know." Stone crosses his arms. "Don't know about what?" I look at korra. "I just..." koora looks at me. She let's me go as she walks up to dulis and stone. "I don't know how he'll take it." Dulis crosses his arms to. "We already talked about this." Korra pulls back a little bit. "He deserves to know. I think he's been left in the dark long enough." Dulis looks at me. "He's just a kid. He's only know what he's been told his whole life. Fuck sake even I didn't know what his real name was." My...real name? Korra slowly looks back at me as she regrets saying that. So...echo isn't my real name? "Now we have to tell him." I look at stone as he gives me a stern look. He shakes his head as he let's his arms drop. "Let's get him his first gift then we'll tell him." Both of them look at stone. "He needs it and with whats going on right now, we won't be leaving the walls so it's best if we go slow and give him some time to process." Korra lowers her head. "What are you scared about?" I look at dulis. "What do you mean?" Korra looks at dulis as his arms drop and he balls his fists. "Are you scared he'll feel betrayed?" Korra freezes. "I'm pretty sure he already feels betrayed with everything that's been going on." Korra balls her fists. "He needs to know the truth. At least give him that." Korra losens up. "I just...don't want to lose him." I look at stone as he looks at me to. "I think it's better you don't pretend he's behind you while you talk about this." Korra takes in a deep breath. "Yeah...alright. let's get him his gifts." Korra turns and starts walking to the hallway again. I look at dulis then back at korra as I chatch up to her. We're going through the same hallway. It's small but korra is calm. I stay close go korra as we enter a room that opens up. It's the same size as the other one. Korra stops. I get ready to fight as I don't like this. Not a single bit. "Sweet mother of mercy." What? Mercy? Why do I recognize that? I slowly move around korra as I look and see a large dress. It's hanging up from the roof. It's so bright. It had alot of extra stuff though. It looks heavy. "Pretty ain't it?" I turn an see dulis as he walks up and past us. "I waking expecting it to be tailored twords women so I had to take some creative liberties." Tailored? What does that mean? "It'll work." Korra slowly grabs me as she lifts me up. "It's perfect." Korra walks twords it as she starts to touch the dress. "It's from the old world." I look up at korra. "Older than that. It's from an ancient time on earth. One of the last copies that exists now if the other worlds are facing the same thing we are." Why does korra want me to see this? "It's a little big isn't it?" I look at dulis as he chuckles. "That's where my changes come in. Get it on and I'll show you." Korra pulls back. She let's me go as she grabs one half. Pants. Thier big. "You sure? This'll just fall right off." Dulis laughs. "Just trust me." Korra faces me as she's confused. "Well...let's give it a try then." Korra takes a few steps twords me. "You ready to get changed?" What? I'm putting it on? It's so large though. "Come on. Let's try it." I look at dulis as he smiles. "Go on kid. It's yours." I look at korra. I...I guess I'll try it. "Here. I'll help." Korra gets behind me as she slips my legs in and pulls the pants up. "One of the changes is this." I feel my tails behind moved around. "Easy, easy. His tails are very sensitive." I can feel something being moved. "Now whatch." Dulis moves infront of me as he tightens the pants and let's them go as they don't fall off. "There. You'll haven't to losen them up to take them off but it's the best thing we got." Korra moves infront of me as she moves a few things around. She lifts my shirt up as it falls apart. "Sorry." I rip off what's left of the shirt as dulis pouses. "Damn." Korra turns and looks at dulis. "What?" Dulis takes a step closer as he's struggling to hide his worry. He studies my body closely. He snaps back as his worry turns into anger. "Who...did this?" Korra pouses. "Who could do something like this? To a kid? Why would..." he pouses. "Focus. We didn't come here to remeber bad times." Korra grabs the top and pulls it over as it's so big. "Here. This'll take a little bit." Korra tries to lift it up as it's clear its heavy. "Lower your ears. They might get cought and it they'll hurt." I lower my ears as korra lifts the top as dulis helps lower it onto my body as my head pops out of the top. "Push your arms through." Dulis lifts the sleeves as I lift my arm and push it through slowly. "There you go. Now the next one." Dulis lifts the other sleave as I push my right arm through. "Alright. Back up. I've got it from here." Dulis pushes korra away as he looks up at me. "Lower yourself down." I lower myself as I feel the top slipping down. "Good. Hold still." Dulis moves the top around as it's lighter than I thought. He pushes the shoulder covers down as he tightens something around my stumic. "There. All done." I pick myself back up as korra looks at me. Dulis moves as korra takes a step twords me as she reaches up and touches the dress. "Shoulder straps." Dulis chuckles. "It's the only way to keep it from falling off. I did the best I could. Just happen it worked. Korra smiles as she looks down and pulls away. "What the?" I look down and see some parts of the dress floughting. I'm not channeling my power but it feels like it's just bleeding through like it normally does. No wonder it feels so light. "Looks like he's already used to it." Korra chuckles. "That's my boy." Korras smile slowly disopears. "'s time to tell him now." Tell me what? "I'll do it." Stone? I turn around and see stone as he folds his arm. "It does look good on him." Dulis luaghs. "Looks like you owe me 50 credits." Dulis chuckles. "Guess so." Korra walks past me as I approuch stone. "It's time. He deserves to know his real name." My real name. I though echo was my name. it..."I'll tell him if you can't." I look at korra as she takes in a deep breath. "No. I'll do it. I know who his parents are. It's only right if I told him since I told him who his parents were." Korras worried. parents gave me a name? Why don't I remeber it? "You don't have to." Korra gets frustrated. "I'll do okey. Just...give me a second." I look at stone as he folds his arms. "Okey." I look at korra as she can't hide her worry but there's something else. It's darker. Chaotic. She's trying to hide her anger. "We don't have to worry about them. I can tell you everything now." What is she doing? "Remeber what told you about your parents? What kind of people they were?" I remeber. I remeber the pictures she showed me to. "Well...I figured out what named you when you were born." When did she figure it out? "They didn't tell me since those bastered treated you like a lab rat. The...the name your used to..." korra pouses. She's trying not to cry. "Back at the lab...they called you subject echo. They only called you echo since they planned on keeping you in there to run experiments until they couldn't learn anymore or you died durring the tests." What? They...echo...isn't my real name? "I'm sorry. They would have killed me if I told you. They also didn't tell me your birth name. Stone managed to figure it out." Stone...he knew? I look at stone. "I'm sorry. The whole time you were in that place, I was the A.I assigned to that place." Stone?! You kept me there?! You stopped me from getting out all that time?! "It's's okey." Korra and dulis hold me back as I try to reach for stone. "Kid, kid! Look at me." Dulis pulls me down as he moves my head. "Look at me!" I stop as dulis stays calm as he looks me directly in my eyes. "Just hear what he has to say."! He forced me to stay! He did all of those things to me! "Hey!" Dulis keeps me in place. "Just lision. He has his reasons. Just like korra, he would be dead if he didn't do what he did." I look at dulis as he's dead serius. I look up at korra. "'s true. He was there but I didn't know until he told me a few weeks after we got here." I lift myself up and look at stone. "It's true that I was there but everything that happened to you wasn't my doing." Wasn't your doing?! "Like computer systems, I was heavily restricted. I couldn't control the building. All I was able to do freely was record stuff. After the end, I managed to gain control of alot of things. I managed to get out after the labs had a melt down. I wouldn't be here if that didn't happen and by extension...I owe my existence to you." What? "You managed to break free but after a massive infested attack. of the many times you managed to get out. It was years ago but I still remeber everything." He...he got out when I tried to? Is that why things changed? "And your real name." I look at korra as she's crying. "Your real name is onimusha. It's the name your parents gave you." I look at stone. "Onimusha is a name that isn't taken lightly. It's a name that signals something very powerful. I don't know why they named you like that but all I know is that it's fitting." Oni...musha? Why do I know that? "Look. I know your mad, I know how angry you can get but know that I'm here and willing to do anything to make it up to you. I put my trust in you and you've saved sevral lives already. I'd like for you to stay here but it's up to you." If he tried...if he helped at all...I don't know. The little I know is that he's proven to have tried to be good. He's helped. He hasn't done anything bad yet. "I think he needs some time." Why did this happen? "Oni?" I look up at korra. She's crying. "Come on. Let's go home." Home...I don't know. Korra pulls me in. "I'll walk with you guys." I don't know anymore. What's going on? I should kill him but...I don't know. I...don't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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