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I sit and whatch as the snow keeps falling. The wind isn't here anymore and it's cold. The snow feels funny under my feet. It's soft and cold but it doesn't hurt. Not like the old place. I pull my feet out of the snow as my the snow looks like my feet now. How does it do that? Korra told me snow did this but I didn't believe her. I lean forward and slowly push my hand into the snow as my hand just keeps doing. I pull my hand out as the snow looks like my hand now. It's so Shiney every thought it's so dark. The snow is also piled so high. I can bearly see over it. I slow stand up as it still hurts to move but I'm feeling alot better now. I can use my power without my body throbbing with pain. The food I've been eating is also good. I feel warm just eating it. Most of it's soft but it's better than anything else. It tastes alot better then the canned food. I wonder if snow tastes like anything. Korra said you could eat it but will it hurt? I plant my hands into the snow as I fall into it as my face plumits into the snow. It's cold. I pulls myself out of the snow as I shake it off of my face. Now my face is a little wet. I open my eyes and see my face in the snow. It's wierd. I can see my nose in it. Even my ears are in the snow. This stuff is so much fun. I can run into it and it won't hurt. I wonder what it can do. Can it get harder or does it stay soft? What will happen if I push my tails into it? Korra said you can turn it into a little ball and throw it at people. I wonder what will happen if I channel my power into it. I reach into the snow and pull some out as it doesn't fall through my hand. I ball it up as it gets harder but I can still break it easily. It's heavy enough to throw now though. How can it do this? I drop the snow ball as it instantly split apart and spears everywhere. I grab more snow and ball it up. I wonder what will happen if I throw it into more snow. I rear back and throw the ball into the snow infront of me as I shoots through and makes a hole. It went so far. I didn't even use that much power. This stuff is so soft. Can I use it as a bed? I can just sink in and won't move and just rest. It's not as warm as the other bed but it's so nice. I grab more snow but I don't ball it up. It's so light. I slowly channel my power into it as I can see it glow a little bit. It melts in my hand though. I could see my own power flow through it though. And it didn't hurt. I saw my own power. I've never been able to see my own power come out like that. I look at all of prints in the snow. I sit back down as I plant my hands in the snow again. I won't channel that much. It won't even be for a long time. I channel very little power into the snow as it flows through the snow and glows brightly. My power shoots through the snow as it melts quickly and turns into water. I get back to as I whatch all of the snow melt all around me. It's spreading so fast and glowing so brightly. I've never seen something like this before. I didn't know something like this could happen. I didn't channel must but it still managed to do this. Now the snow isn't blocking anything. I can see the city again. All of the buildings, the walls, everything. I'm sad to see the snow melting but I didn't know my power could do this. I've always know it could make my body stronger so I could kill someone I didn't like or heal korra when she gets hurt but...I didn't know it could do this. Just flow through and clear a path. What else can I do? "Echo?! Where are you?!" I look around and see korra as she walks up to the building. I didn't relize I moved away from it. She looks around as I rush up to her. I hope she saw what I did. Korra looks at me as I rush up and hug her. I really hope she saw. "There you are. You had me worried sick." I pull away as I turn and let her look out. "Yeah. It's snowing. It's also cold. How sre you not cold right now?" What? She...didn't see? "Come back inside. I don't want you getting sick." I turn back around and see some of the snow is still glowing. It's melting quickly. I turn and grab korras hand as I point at the glowing snow. "What? Did you see something?" I look back and see the snow is already gone. "Come on. Let's get back inside." Korra gently grabs me as she walks into the building and closes the door. "You shouldn't be out there when it's this cold. You could get sick." It was colder back at the other place. "You shouldn't just wonder off like that. What if you get hurt again and nobody's there to help?" Korra carries me to the bed as she sits me down. "I know it's hard to sit still for a whole but you need to take it easy." Korra turns around and walks away. Why do I have to stay here? I don't want to stay in one place for this long. I turn my head and look out the window as the snow falls to the ground gently. I get up and approach the window as I look out. The snow is building up again. "Echo." Turn back around and see korra standing behind me with a bowl. "What did I just say?" I look back out the window. Korra pulls me back and sits me on the bed again. "Just becuase you can use your powers again doesn't mean you can run off." Korra sits down next to me as she sets the bowl in her lap. I'm not even tired anymore. I'm not even hungry anymore. "Here. Will this help?" I look at korra as she holds the bowl up. I look away as I'm not hungry. Not anymore. "Come on. The nurse said you need to eat as much as you can. You need to gain weight and build your muscles up." Korra pushes the bowl twords me. It smells good but I'm not hungry. "Come on. Eat. I know your hungry." I look at the bowl as it's still warm. "Try it." It's the same food I had earlier today. And yesterday. And the day before. It's good and I'll still eat it but not right now. I look away again. Korra pulls the bowl away. "What's wrong? It's not like you to not eat." Why does everyone want me to eat now. I was lucky to get something to eat before. I can't even eat that much. The fact I had three bowls earlier made me feel bad. Someone else could have eaten some it. Now I'm being kept in one place again and being restrained. I was able to explore before this but now...I'm stuck again. "What wrong echo? I thought you wouldn't get this sad again." I remeber back then. When I could move. Just treated badly. Never able to leave. Not being able to do what I wanted to do. It's happening all over again. "Hey. It okey." Korra sets the bowl on the table next to the bed. "I know it feels like I'm forcing you to stay but I'm not." You said that back then to. "This it's it's diffrent. We want you to stay and rest. I want you to recover from everything." Korra gently grabs my hand. "I know it sucks but you managed to get through the worst. I've seen you bounce back from the worst kind of abuse." Korra gently pulls me as I lean agenst her arm. "Your not forced to stay here this time. We want you to stay. I want you to stay, eat as much as you want and sleep as much as you want." Korra slowly lifts her hand and lays it on my head. Her hands are so soft. As soft as the snow. "You don't have to worry here. You don't have to think about what could happen or what's going on. Just think about what you want to eat, when you want to sleep." Why does she want me to do this? I don't want to sleep anymore. I'll eat when I get hungry. "Just rest. Get comfortable." Korra gently pats my head as her warmth is calming. She smells so sweet. "Come on. Just let yourself go for a little while. Don't think about anything other then what you want to do." The more korra talks and pats my head, the more tired I get. She used to this so much. Just...let me sleep. I don't have to worry about anything when she's around. "There you go. Just relax." Korra let's me lay on her lap as I can barely keep my eyes open now. "Relax. Don't worry." She continues to mat my head. It's getting harder to stay awake. I feel a cool breeze pass my face as I close my eyes. Korra's here. She's always managed to help me just forget what's going on. I want us to do these things more. Just forget what's going on. "Looks like he's still tired." Korra chuckles. "He always does this." I can feel her body heat. I can feel her heart beating. "He never slows down and relaxes." I don't want to get up anymore. "I can tell. When he got up yesterday and disopeared, I thought he got lost in the storm." Korra chuckles. "He would have found his way back." Korra stops moving her hand. "He always does."
"He does?" Korra presses her hand on my head. I slowly shift my body to get closer to korra. Her warmth is nice. "He always comes back." Korra chuckles a little bit. "For better and for worse." For worse? "How so?" I feel one of my tails get grabbed. I instantly kick whoevers grabbing my tails as I hear a yelp. "What was that for? That hurt!" Korra chuckles again. "You sat on one of his tails." I move my tails and wrap them around korra. "S-sorry." I feel my feet lower a little bit. I look up and see the nurse sitting at my feet. She freezes and lifts her arms to defend herself. "It's okey echo." I keep my focus on her as she remains frozen. "She won't try to hurt you." I slowly lower my head as I look at the door. "There you go. That's my good boy." Korra starts to pat my head again. "He...responded to that very well." Korra slowly moves my tails around as I let her do whatever she wants. She rarely touches my tails but when she does, she's carful. "He responds alot more than you think." Korra reaches over to me as she grabs something. I look up as korra smiles and holds up a brush. "We really need to get you brushed out." Korra holds up one of my tails. "Your fur is all knotted up. Don't forget what happens what your hair isn't cleaned and brushed." I let my head drop. "Echo. Don't make me pick you up." I look up at korra. "You know I will." I let my head drop again. I slowly sit up and turn my back to korra. "How do you get him to that?" Korra slowly starts to brush my hair as I lower my ears. "Do what?" Korra moves slow. I feel my hair get tugged a few times but it doesn't hurt. "How do you get him to listion to you? I've had to fight just to get him to stay in this room." There is a long pause. "It's...a long story." Korra slows down a little bit. "He's always wants to go and explore. He doesn't like to stay in one place for a long time."
"Does he have ADHD or something?" Korra chuckles. "No." The women turns and looks at me. "ADD?" Korra chuckles again. "No. He doesn't have any disorder." The women trys to think. Why can't I sense her emotions? "He's a very active hybrid. He doesn't like to waist his energy so he figured out how to conserve energy and use it when he needs to. Unfortunately that means he doesn't like to stay in one spot for more than 10 minutes. He just can't help himself." The women slowly starts to look at my tails. "What about his tails?" I look up at the women as she instantly freezes. "What about them?" She backs up a little bit. "Why does he have so many? I did he get them? Were his parents the same way?" Korra stops. "No...I don't think so." I look back at korra. I thought she knew my real parents. "I never met them. I know what their faces look like and I know thier stories but I don't know what kind of traits they passed to him." Korra shakes her head and continues to brush my hair. I turn my head back around. "What happened to them?" Korra said they died. "Their gone." At least that's right. "Did they die at the end?" I hope they did. I hope they didn't me. "I think so. They lived in New Hampshire at the end. The time I was there, I learned it was one of the first cities that got leveled. Not even the infested roamed in that waistland." Good. It's better they went out quickly. "Poor boy." The women shifts twords me a little bit. "I hope you'll do better here." The women slowly reaches up and pats my head. I hold myself back from reacting. "I do to. Dilus said he passed his first misson and became a scout before I brought him here to recover." The women slowly moves her hand around as she gently strokes one of my ears. Why does it feel...good? I've never felt this before. She's not trying to hurt me. I can also feel korra brushing one of my tails. "I think he likes this." I close my eyes. She continues to rub my ears as I'm confused on why it feels so good. She starts to rub my other ear. "That's new. Normally he doesn't like anyone touching him, let alone his ears." The women moves her hand down and rubs my cheeks. "Maybe you didn't find the right spots." She lifts my head as I open my eyes as see the women is smiling. "Aren't you such a cutie." She rubs my cheeks more. "You with your big ears." I close my eyes again as I don't know how to feel about this. "I could just pet you all night. Wouldn't that be nice?"
"I've never seen this before." I feel korra moving my tails around again. "Right. How could I forget." The women stops. "He's not used to this kind of treatment." I open my eyes as the women is focused on korra. "He's not used to this?" She looks back at me and smiles again. "Wasn't he showered with this kind of treatment from the last place you were at?" The women moves her hands up and rubs my ears again. She's finding alot of sensitive spots but again...she's not trying to hurt me. Her touch is so gentle. "Not exactly." Korra stops brushing my tails. "Why not? I can understand he doesn't like to be touched but how could people possible resist just petting him? He's such a cute kid." The memories. They flood back. "We...didn't come from a community like this." I pull away from the women. The sharp pains. Long times I was forced to be in one spot. Being poked...beaten, shocked..."What happened?" I feel pressure on one of my tails as I instantly shoot up and dash away. I look around and can only see korra and the nurse. I can still see the figures. Their everywhere. I have to defend myself. I refuse to be stuck again! "What's he doing?" I back up as the dark figures get closer. I channel all of my power and let flow through my body. "Echo. Breath. It's fine. Your okey. Nothing is here." I see korra stand up as she doesn't see them. How does she not see them? Their everywhere! "We can't let him near-" korra plants her hand on the nurses mouth. "Don't. Just stay calm." The nurse freezes as korra looks at me. She approuches me as I see figured following her. No. Not again! "Just look at me echo. Don't look away." Their...everywhere. I back more as I look around and see more. "Echo, echo. Look at me, honey." I stop backing up as I know the wall is close. I won't be able to break it. How did I get back? "Hey. Just look at me, echo." Korra stops moving as I see the figures stop moving. She...she can stop them. "Hey. There you go. Just focus on me, okey? Just focus on me." Korra takes a step forward as the figured inch closer with her. "Don't focus on anyone else. Just focus on me." Korra holds her hands up. She drops the brush and kicks it away as the figures just stand there. "Good. Your not in any trouble. Nothing can hurt you, echo." How is she so calm? "Come on. Remeber what I thought you? Come on. Try and remeber." Remeber? Memories flood back. I refuse to let them grab me again. "Come on, echo. Breath. In slowly and out. In slowly then out." Slowly? I can feel my heart beating fast. "Remeber. Just whatch me." Korra slowly moves her hands down. "You can do it, echo. Just slow down. Little by little. Slow your breathing. Slowly move your arms, your hands, your heart." Korra lifts her hands. Slow...slow...slow my breathing. Big breaths. Big...and slow...breaths. "There you go. Keep your slow breathing. Keep looking at me." The figures...their not moving anymore. I can't see their eyes. They don't see me. Not while I'm calm. They hear me. Not while I take in big deep breaths. "I-is he okey?" I whatch as the nurse stands up quickly. What is she doing? Is she going to hurt korra? "Don't!" Korra turns around as the nurse freezes. I get ready to attack her as she's frozen in place. The best time to stop her. "Don't move so quickly." Korra looks back at me. "Don't worry echo. She's not going to hurt anyone." Korra gives me a determined look. "Remeber what you showed me? Those pictures?" the figures. The eyes. "The shadows. They can't see and hear you if you stay calm." The women stays frozen. She won't attack? She's frozen. She can't do anything. "Good. Slowly come to me." Move? Through the figures?! They'll attack me if they find me! "Don't worry about them. They won't find you. Not whole I'm here." The figures. Their moving away! "Come one. You can do it. Just lift yourself. Don't make any noise. Don't be afraid." Don't be afraid. It rings in my head. Don't be afraid. My powers. They don't know about my powers. They'll never know. I feel my body slowly being lifted off the ground as I slowly channel my power. It's not violent if I'm not. "There you go. Just remeber what I thought you." Korra straightens up as she holds her arms out. "Come on. I'm not going anywhere." She gives me a smile as the figures move away more. I slowly move to korra as I look around at the figures as they don't know I'm moving. "Just follow my voice. Don't think about them. Don't think about what's happened or what could happen. Just focus on me." I look at korra as I see a figure rise behind her. It's eyes. Their...blood red. Just staring at me. It''s just like the monsters. The infested. They just stare into your eyes. "Come on echo. Don't let them scare you." I look back down at korra. "They can hurt you. And they never will." I look back up at the figure as it just stares. It reminds me of someone. Someone who just stared at me. They didn't do anything. They didn't hurt me or protect me. They just watched. Even when I was forced to stay in the room. They stared through the window. It reminded me that I was never alone. I was always being watched. I look back at korra. She's just waiting. I can't hold back anymore. I rush to korra as she hugs me tightly. "There you go. Just let it all out." She steps back and sits down and pats my head. "It's okey. I'm here. You won't get hurt. Not anymore." Her warmth. Her soft skin. Korra hugs me tightly. "That's my good boy. Your such a good boy." I hold onto korra as tightly as it can. She's always been here when I needed her most. "I-is he...going to be okey?" I look at see the women reaching for korra as I channel my energy as shoot one of my tails out. Korra gently grabs onto my tail and holds it back. The nurse pulls back as quickly as she can as she stares at my tail as my power is flowing through it. She can see small sparks shooting off of my fur as she pushes herself away from me. "She's not going to hurt you. She worried about you, echo." Worried? Why is she worried? "Don't think about her. Just calm down." I stop channeling my energy as korra let's my tail go. I move it away. Why am I here? I don't understand why I'm still here. Maybe...maybe I should just let go. I don't know. I...dont...know...

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