scattered to the winds

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I slowly wake up as I feel heat washing over my back. I lift my head as I open my eyes. I'm being carried. I can hear korra breathing heavily. She's panicked. I struggle to keep my head up as I have to fight to keep my eyes open. I try to look around as my head falls as my eyes force themselves shut. My power isn't flowing. It's frozen in place. I try to focus as my strangth is fading. I can't move. I use all of my strangth to lift my head as I nearly fall back as korra keeps me up. Is she...running? My body is numb. I give up on trying to move as I pour all of my limited focus into getting my power flowing again. It's not moving. I'm perolized. I try to focus more but my power isn't responding. I try to open my eyes as what little I can see is blurry. Why can't I do anything? My power isn't moving and my body feels as if it's dead. I feel as if I'm burning alive but so cold that it hurts to much to bearly even move. I get my eyes open but I can see. My stumic is empty yet I have to puke. I force my eyes to open as my eyes struggle to focus as I start to see figures everywhere. I pour every ounce of focus I have into getting my power to flow as it finally responds but violently. I slowly feel my strangth come back but my body starts to get attacked by waves of unbearable pain. I slowly lift my head and try to look around. What little I do see is figures surrounding us. I close my eyes and open them again as my eyes focus. I feel a wave of raleaf hit me as I look around and see infested everywhere. I look forward as korra is running through all of them but she is losing strangth. She won't be able to run for much longer. I focus my power into her as her grip gets tight as she picks up speed. She starts to get her breathing under control as I can feel her heart beat slowly rise but then remain constant. I look up and see a group of infested that will grab us before korra can turn and go around. I start to feel that malice rise in my power as my eyes focus and I feel...anger. I slowly move as my energy lifts me off of the ground as I quickly jump up and rush the ground as I channel as much power as my body can handle as I crash into the first infested. It falls back as I didn't do much but it will be enough. "Echo!" I move around as quickly as I can to draw the infested away from korra as I use my tails to try and get as much attention as I can. It's working but I won't be able to do this for long. I watch as korra doudges some lunges as I quickly push one down and start to follow her as I continue to channel all the power I can spare into her. "Get into the forest!" Her breathing starts to get heavy again as I look forward and see trees standing infront of us. This will hurt but it is our best chance. I move over and wrap my arms around korra's stumic as I channel all of my power and jump as I channel all of the energy around us to help soften the landing. "Echo!" I look down as korra starts to wave her arms around as I flip and hold her and close my eyes as I feel something hit my back but it's not hard. My strangth gives out as I feel light. My body is surrounded by something. I slowly open my eyes to see a blurry image as I can't breath. I look up and see korra moving up. I try to follow her as I don't move. Am i...I'm water? I look up at korra again as I mimic her arm movements as I start to rise. I continue to follow her as I hold my breath and feel a burning sensation in my nose. My vision starts to get more blurry as my head rises and I can breath again. I shake my head and blink a few times as I look around. "Echo! Over here!" I look to my right and see korra pulling herself out of the water. I face her as I move my arms as I slowly start to make my way twords her. I'm not moving fast. I try to move my arms at the same time as that helps as I'm struggling to keep my head out of the water. I start to kick with my legs as I get a little faster as I use more strangth and focus my power into my arms and legs as I pick up a little more speed as I reach korra as she reaches in and pulls me out as now my whole body feels heavy. I can bearly move. "You scared the hell out me." She hugs me tightly as I try to move around. Korra sits up as she let's me go but keeps me sat up. "You okey? You feeling alright? Can you move?" I look down as I'm covered but wet. I slowly lift my shaking hands as my power settles down as I can calm down. I look up at korra as she pulls me in again and holds me tightly. "I thought you were dead." I can hear her crying. "Your heart stopped again and...and..." she slowly pulls me away as she smiles. "I'm so happy your alive. Please don't give up. Please keep fighting." I tilt my head. I died? Stopped again? I look around as the water we came out of is flowing here. I can see water falling from a tall hill as I can hear the sound. It's loud and it's making my ears hurt. "Looks like you managed to get us to the river I found." I look at korra as she looks around. "At least we've got some time now. The infested will find us again but we can get cleaned up a little bit before moving on." Korra let's me go as she pushes herself back and takes of a large back that was on her stumic. She opens it and pulls out wet cloths, cans and some empty bottles. "It's not much but we have enough to get started." She sets the cloths down next to her as I plant my hands on the soft ground as I instantly rear back. Why is the ground soft? I lift my hands as the ground is stuck to my skin. It instantly dried my hands off but now I feel wierd. I shake my hands as some of the ground flew off but my hands are still covered. I look at the ground as it's bright but not blinding like the room or dark like the train cart. I slowly lower one of my hands and press into it as my hand sinks into it as I pull back again. I look at my hand as the ground is covering my hand completely. I look down and see my hand was mimicked into the ground. How can the ground do this? I can't push my hand into the ground unless I use a portion of my power and even's hurts but this. It's soft and doesn't hurt. I lower both hands and press them into the ground as it doesn't hurt but the ground swallow my hands gently as when I pull them up, the ground opens up before closing quickly. "It's called 'sand' echo." I look up at korra as she gives me a smile. "It's nothing like concrete or metal. It's soft and won't hurt you when you press your hands into it." She digs her hand into the ground and lifts some of the ground up as she she spreads her fingers, the ground falls through her hand and back down. I look down as I mimic korra as when I open my hand, this 'sand' falls through my hand and back down. It doesn't hurt but now my skin is starting to get a little itchy. I shake my hands again as now nothing comes off. I stand up as I can see my legs are being covered by this stuff now. I try to shake my legs as I end up falling as now my tails are covered. I try to get the sand out of my tails as it keeps digging in deeper as now I can get it out. "Poor boy. Here." I look up as korra walks up to me as she picks me up. "Come on. I'll show you how to get it off." I follow her as she walks over to the slowing water as she sits in her knees. She slowly grabs my left hand and brings it down into the water. I whatch as the water carries the sand away as when my hand is lifted out of the water, it clean. I look at my other hand and lower it into the water as the flowing water carries it away again. I lift my hand. How does this work? Can the water take everything away? Even blood? "If we're going to find other people, we need to get cleaned up." I look at korra as she stands up and takes off her shirt. "We look like we've just killed people so if we run across others, they'll most likely reject us." I look back at the water as I can see myself in the water. I tilt my head as my double does the same. I'm covered in blood as my right eyes is darker than the rest of my skin. It also looks like I'm missing some skin under my eye. I reach up and touch under my eye as it's smooth but feels wierd. I bring my hand back and look to see nothing. "Come on echo. Let's get you cleaned up." Korra turns around as I look to my left and see cloths laying in the sand. I look back at korra as she smiles. "Come on. Take off your cloths and jump in." I look down as my pants are bearly togeather. I tug on them as they fall apart and fall to the ground. "That works." I look at korra as she chuckles. I take a step into the water as it's cool and soothing. I take another step in as my leg falls more into in the water as I continue to fall into it more as I stop when my neck starts to touch the water. "It's okey. I'll come to you." I look and see korra approuching me as she stays the same hight as she she stops infront of me, she stands up as water falls off of her body. I turn around and look into the trees as I don't know if this is safe. "What's wrong?" I look back at korra. "There's no one here." Korra lowers herself as she continues to smile. "Let's get you cleaned up. I can't imagine how heavy your tails feel like being covered in blood and muck." My tails already feel lighter. Korra reach around me as she turns me around. "Go ahead and get your face washed off and I'll work on getting your tails cleaned up." I feel pressure on one of my tails as I turn around and see korra lifting it out of the water as the water is carrying away the blood. I move move my tails around again. I can feel my strangth coming back quickly the lighter my tails get. I look forward again as I look down as see myself again. I bring my hands up as if the water can carry the blood away...I have to get as much of it off as possible. I slowly bring my head down as I lift my hands and big the water to my face as I close my eyes. I shake my face and look down as I see blood is rolling down my face. I bring my face into the water as I rub my face a little bit as I lift my face out and open my eyes to see that alot of the blood disopeared. I bring my face down again and I rub more as I lift my face again and look to see that the blood has come off. I can see cuts and massive wound under my eye. There's no blood but it looks as if it could bleed alot. I don't remeber how I got it. All I remeber is being controlled. I wasn't in control. Blood was everywhere then I found korra. After that...I woke up in the train. I look down and can see my scar through the water. My body doesn't have any blood on it anymore but the cuts and bruzes remain. Some of them are smaller but they still remain. "What's wrong?" I take in a deep breath. "Did you remeber something?" I can't remeber how we got out. How I got hurt. Nothing could get through my shield. Not even the guns they used could get through. But now...I have cuts. Bruzes. A scar. How could this have happened? "Here." I feel something being wrapped around my chest as something soft is being pressed agenst my head. "Don't worry about what happened." I can feel korra's body heat. "Let's worry about getting somewhere safe. Truly safe." She's shaking. I turn around as I let korra hold me tightly. "Come on. We have to get moving. The infested will be here soon." Korra let's me go as she walks past me. I don't want to move. It feels like somethings wrong. Not with me but...I turn and look at korra as she's walking onto the sand. She kneels down and picks up the wet cloths. My power is comming back but I won't be able to use it. I wonder what will happen if I don't stop myself. Will I still be in control? Like before? Am I even able to control my own power? Use it the way I want to? I slowly walk out of the water and up to korra as she pulls her pants up. I don't know what i should do. Did I cause so much damage? Did I hurt korra? The only person who didn't want to hurt me? I feel my energy start to rise as I'm lifted off of the ground. Did all of this? Images rush through my mind. Blood. Limbs. Those...monsters ripping everyone apart. I didn't do anything to stop it. Stop all of the death. I can't think about this now. I have to follow korra right now. I focus and channel my power around me to dry off. "What are you doing?" I look at korra as she looks at me with confusion. I channel my power to her as she drys off quickly. She pouses. "You didn't have to." I lower myself as I grab some cloths and quickly put them on. I look at korra as she isn't smiling. She's sad. I don't know how but...I can feel that she's on the verge if giving up. She doesn't know what to do. I get close to her as I turn around. "What are you doing?" She pick up the back pack and puts it on. I back up and as I slowly grab her arms and wrap them around me. "Come on echo. This isn't the time for this." I move forward a little to look back at her. I smile. I hope she'll like this. I channel my power as I lift both of us high into the sky as I use my power to glide us over the trees. "W-what are you doing?!" She tightens her grip. "You better not drop me!" Her grip is getting tighter. I look back to see that korra has her eyes closed. She's scared. I look forward as I channel my energy as if feels like I'm flying. We can go slow and take as much time as we want. "W...we're flying?" Korra's grip losens as I look to see she's looking around with amazement. "I didn't know you could do this." I look forward. "How are we gliding like this?" I feel korra's mood change to excitement. "This...this is amazing. I can see everything from up here." It feels like up here. It's cooler and I can breath well. My energy isn't depleting either. "I can't believe I'm doing this." I can still sense something. It's dark and keeps looping through every emotion. "Now we can get to the city before the sun goes down." Her sadness quickly returns. "The city has to be safe. It has to be." Her worry. Sadness and anger. It keeps looping in a circle. It's a fremilier feeling. The constant circling of anger, sadness, wanting to cry then wanting to distroy everything before giving up on everything. Holding onto the thoughts of being free one day. How it'll feel to feel like this. Not having to worry about something that can constantly be around every corner. Having to be reminded by fear. I could only dream about this. Doing what I want. Not having to fight the same people anymore. Finally being free. Only having to worry about what I can find instead of what will find me. Now I can enjoy the wind blowing. Feeling cool air insteed of what I'm used to feeling. Unnatural cold. Now I want to get out. I want to find something new. I want to wonder and do whatever I want. Not be limited to one space. I don't care if it's safe or not. I know I can survive. I know I will survive. If there is anyone out here, I want to meet them. I want to know if they'll be as good as korra. "Echo." What's next? "Did you always want to do something lime this?" I look back at korra as I can't help but smile with excitment. She chuckles. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile before." She smiles back as her sadness turns to contentment. "Let's get to the city. Let's hope there's someplace safe we can find." I hope so too. Finally. We can be free.

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