Chapter 2

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Clary now sat on a bed in her and Sebastian's room. Clary shuddered at the thought of sharing a bed with a monster.

But her mother did it for years so Clary could do it, too. Clary felt like she should be crying but the tears wouldn't come. She felt cold, as if she was frozen.

She thought of Jace, the heartbroken look on his face as he watched her leave the throne room with Amatis, who had firmly gripped her arm and pulled her to the room she was currently in.

Clary had placed Heosphoros and put him under a dresser. She hoped Sebastian wouldn't find it.

The door opened and Sebastian walked in. His dark eyes regarded her with a dark amusement "Hello my Queen, I see you found the wardrobe. Do you like the clothes?" Clary felt a sense of déjà vu. She remembered back at the apartment her, Jace, and Sebastian had shared. He had asked her the same thing.

Sebastian was right, Clary had put on a black lacy sleeveless shirt and a short black skirt. It was the least revealing thing in the whole wardrobe and it still felt revealing. Clary had shuddered at the sight of the other clothes.

"The clothes are fine." She said, hesitantly. He looked like a predator stalking it's prey. Sebastian studied her carefully, his eyes tracking her movements.

He walked over to her a drew her to her feet. She let him again. Suddenly his hands were at her waist.

"Sebastian,don't." Clary warned, already knowing what he was about to do. Shivers of disgust and hatred went down her spine.

Sebastian laughed a crule harsh laugh "You belong to me. I can do whatever I want to you, you are mine."

His hands slipped into the waistband of her jeans. Clary bit her lip while he sickened her with his touch. She resisted the urge to scream for help. No one would come to help her.

He pushed her on the bed and was on top of her instantly. Clary's stomach twisted with disgust. She let him see the hate in her eye's, but she knew she would not fight back against him.

"Don't worry My Queen. You will enjoy this."


Clary woke up in Sebastian's arms. Her body felt sore, as if her whole body was bruised. Clary winced at the thought of the previous night. She felt disgusted with herself.

Clary limped her way to the bathroom, careful not to wake Sebastian, who layed motionless on the bed. Clary was reminded of when they were on the rooftop, and Sebastian had layed motionless in his glass coffin. She wondered where Jace and the others were.

She walked out of the room only in a towel. She went over to the wardrobe and pulled out a strapless green dress, it went only to mid thigh, the material was silky and soft. Clary thought of Jace's hair, but quickly pushed the thought away.

"That dress looks beautiful on you." A voice said softly behind her.

Clary turned around and saw Sebastian staring at her with lust in his eyes. She tried to put her face into an emotionless expression.

Clary reminded herself why she was doing this and said"Thank you, Sebastian." Her voice shook slightly. Clary cursed herself for being so weak. She needed to be strong for her family.

"Let's go we have work to do today my Queen." He said with a satisfied smirk on his face. Damn that smirk. Clary wanted to slap it off his face.

They walked to the throne room. It looked the same as yesterday, but this time Lilith stood in the center of the room.

Clary felt her heart leap with hatred and loathing towards Lilith.

"Hello mother." Sebastian said in an almost awed voice. She wasn't really his mother. Her blood was injected into him before he was born and turned him into a monster. Sebastian could have been a normal boy, who was able to feel emotions, but Valentine took that away.

"My son you have come." She was a demon she didn't have feelings she craved pain and yet it sounded as if she actually did care about Sebastian. Clary wrinkled her nose.

Lilith looked over at Clary, her eyes black holes dug into her skull. They regarded her with distaste, as if she was a strange looking bug.

"I see she has joined us finally." Lilith said in an arrogant tone. Clary gritted her teeth in effort not to say she would only end up regretting.

"Yes mother. And the plan is still the same. Once Clarissa gets pregnant I will train the child and then when he is old enough we will send it back to destroy other dimensions. Including the one we came from. The Great One's will look down at my work and reward me." Clary held back a gasp. She thought she had saved people but instead she will only get more people killed.

"Excellent my son. Make me proud." With that she disappeared leaving only the smell of demon.

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