Cold Girl

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"Danielle Marsh! Please explain this problem to the class!" My teacher said and so I did. "That's my sister y'all!" Hyein screams and I just smile.

"Um..Kang Haerin! Can you explain this problem to the class?" My teacher says and the entire class doesn't dare to look at haerin as she gets up and writes down the answer on the board, then sitting back down without a word coming from her mouth. "Thank you..." The teacher says and it's like the entire class finally let out a deep breath. "Is she that intimidating?" I whisper to hyein and she nods while looking scared.

I turn around and look at haerin. She was looking outside, her palm resting under her chin as it holds her head up for her. She is truly beautiful, how can anyone ever treat her with such ignorance?! And so...I get up from my seat and sit next to her.

She glances at me as if I have something on my face. "Is something on my face?" I slightly panic, trying to make a good first impression. She just looks away and scoots away from me. "I'm Danielle Marsh! Or you can call me Mo Jihye!" I smile at her and hold out my hand. She glances at my hand for a while then at my eyes, then the bell rings and she leaves me there with my hand still waiting for it to be shook.

"Well that went great!" Hyein claps sarcastically. "Oh shut up!" I say and get out of the seat.


"Hey guys!" Hanni and minji greet us while holding hands. "Ugh there are always holding hands! People will think y'all are a couple!" Hyein rolls her eyes. "They are hyein." I pat her shoulder. "Oh my, oh my god! You for real?!" She gasps and hanni and minji nod. "AWW CUTE I KNEW IT!" She applauses. "Right.." I asks and they all nod.

"Look Danielle your ice cold princess is sitting alone!" Hyein smirks. "What where?!" I ask completely ignoring her teasing.

I follow hyeins finger and see Haerin sitting in a dark corner, unwrapping her sandwich while looking out a window that was next to her. "Be right back!" I say and hear hyeins sarcasm.

"Hey!" I smile sweetly and her eyes meet my eyes but she quickly averts them to another location. "Why are you all alone?" I ask and she takes another bite of her sandwich. I stare at her, thinking of what else to say against this wall. "You can come sit with me and my fri-", "I'd rather not." She interrupts me. Her voice... somewhat deep and cold, I can hear the rudeness in her voice; yet, it's so attractive.

"I- uh- well..." I clear my throat as I can feel my cheeks slightly burning up. She stares at my cheeks then my eyes, and my lips before looking away once again. "You may leave." She says coldly. "What?" I ask. "Leave I do not enjoy your company." She says now staring into my soul. I smile kindly, "No thank you!" I see her stop chewing and glance at me.

"Do you have any socials?" I ask her. "I'm not allowed too." She says. "What? How do you communicate with people?!" I gasp. "I don't." She says and gets up. "Wait Haerin you want to grab a coffee later? You know exams are coming up before Christmas break and we could maybe study together?" I ask her. I see a hint of warmth slowly be seen within her eyes but then disappears with the cold look she plastered on her face again. "No." She says finally walking off. "UGH!" I sigh as I walk back to my table.

"Wow! That lasted....a whole 5 minutes! You're getting there!" Hyein smiles and gives me a thumbs up. "Fuck off." I glare.


"Class! Exams are coming up! Make sure you study everyday!" My teacher says as i leave my final class.

I hear whispers floating throughout the hallway. "What's everyone whispering about?" I ask minji who was waiting outside of Hanni's classroom. "" Minji smiles nervously. "Me? For what?" I frown. "Because you keep trying to talk to Haerin so they are calling you a pick me..." She says while grabbing Hanni's hand once she comes out of the classroom. "EXCUSE ME!?" I shout and the whispers stop.

"Are y'all calling me a pick me just because I want to talk to Haerin?! Well sorry..if I find her extremely attractive and just want to get to know her!" I huff a puff of air out of my lungs and pull some strands of hair out of my face. "She is bad!" The class says. "No she isn't! I don't know why y'all think that!" I groan.

"I am bad." Haerin comes out of a classroom. "What?" I ask. "Stay away from me Danielle Marsh, you won't like it." She says while staring at me with coldness radiating off of her eyes.

"We told you!" The students say. I just shoot them a glare before walking off and following Haerin.

"Haerin!" I yell out her name but she just keeps walking. I follow her from a distance after giving up on her reply.

We walk and walk through a field of flowers. "These are pretty!" I say mostly to myself. "No they are not." Haerin replies. "Wow so the princess finally replies!" I say with sarcasm and she stops in her steps making me bump into her. "Ah! You crushed the flowers I picked for you just now!" I pout. "I would've crushed them anyways, they are hideous!" She says with a straight face. "Rude." I frown. 

"Go away." She says. "No! I don't want to!" I say. Then a bee lands on her shoulder, "AHHH!" Haerin screams and jumps into my arms as the bee flies off. I hold her and her arms wrapped around my neck as she is shutting her eyes closed tightly. "It's gone." I tell her and she pushes me away. "Get away from me Danielle." She replies back with that same old cold tone in her voice.

"Why are you so cold to everyone?!" I shout as I step in front of her, blocking her path. "Because I am." She says and goes around me. I pick up my flowers and give them to her. "Here." I smile sweetly.

She stares at me before grabbing them from my hand and ripping them apart. Haerin throws them on the ground and stomps her foot on them, then she walks away. "Get lost." She says lastly.

"Maybe there is no hope in changing you!" I shout as water slowly forms in the corner of my eyes.

She'll come around...right?

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