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"Haerin~a..." I feel like I've heard that somewhere when I was younger...

"Haerin!" Danielle calls my name and snaps her fingers in my face. "Are you on earth with us or what?" She chuckles and I punch her shoulder lightly. "Jennie paid for your discharge so let's go, we are leaving!" Danielle smiles and grabs my hand with her.

We walk out into the lobby and see Jennie talking with one of the receptionist. She finally turns her head and is staring at me. "Thanks Jennie!" Danielle flashes Jennie a smile who does the same and continues to stare at me. "Why are you staring at me?!" I questions, starting to feel uncomfortable under her gaze. "You just...have grown..." She shows a small smile before returning to a straight face.

"Haerin let's go home...I need to talk to you." Jennie says and we all follow her to her car.

The car ride back to my house was very... awkward. It was silent the entire time besides hyein occasionally asking if we can stop by a convience store to get snacks, that bish always hungry.

We arrived to the castle, my friends and Danielle follow me in as I unlock the door. " guys are haerin's friends right?" Jennie asks Shyly to them and they all smile while nodding their head. "I would like to speak to Haerin alone..." Jennie says and my friends look at me. I nod and they all wait in a different room while Jennie sits us down in the kitchen.

"Haerin...I'm sorry." Jennie says and I frown. "For my mother? Don't be sorry." I say and Jennie let's out a soft chuckle. "No...for not being there for all those years..." Jennie says and I gasp lowly. "What do you mean?" I ask and she finally looks up at me with slight tears forming into her cat eyes. "Haerin~a...I am your real mother..." She says as a few tears drop onto the table. My real mother...

"I was the time...and dumb...I accidentally got pregnant and when I had you...I wasn't ready for a child...but I did want to keep you, a lot. You were so small and precious to me, i-i didn't want to let you go...but my parents or your grandparents at the time...had all control over my life, which led to my rebel they gave you to my sister and she would raise you as her "own"." Jennie says with quotation marks.

"I was never on good terms with my sister so I was furious with that idea...but I couldn't do anything, if I did they would make me go to the army, so basically I was screwed either way." Jennie chuckles again and I show a small smile to her. "I'm really sorry haerin~a, please just give me another chance!" Jennie says while finally looking into my cat eyes.

"I will mom." I give her a shy smile and she shows me her gummy smile. "Thank you! I won't let you down!" Jennie says. "Its that why she was always mean to me? And controlling? And abusive?" I say out loud. "She was always mean to you and controlling and abusive?!" Jennie frowns and I nod. She quickly comes over to me and embraces me into a tight, warm hug...the kind your mother gives you...

I've never felt such a warm hug before...from my mother, not even the fake one from earlier. "I'm sorry she did that to you haerin~a." My mom says as she caresses my hair, running her fingers through my soft locks.

"Mom...can I ask you something?" I ask and she hums against my head. "Who's my dad?" I ask and she stops stroking my hair. She lets out a small sigh before answering my question. "His name was Song mingi but then he changed his last name to Kang, I don't know why. He wasn't the best...he would drink a lot and smoke a lot. Same as me when we were in highschool." Jennie softly smiles.

"He was a nice guy but of course he had those issues which led to his death." Jennie says. "I never got to tell him that you were his child...I was also too afraid to tell him." Jennie says with sadness washing over her.

I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly. "As long as I have you now, I'll be perfect!" I smile against her shoulder. "I knew you would always grow up to be like your dad..." Jennie rubs my back.



"I CALLED IT GIVE ME $20 NOW!" Hanni raises her voice at hyein who gives her $20. "I mean c'mon bro they literally look like twins!" Hanni chuckles as hyein whines about her $20. "SHUT UP YOU TWO! IM TRYING TO HEAR!" I raise my voice and then and they stick their tongue out at me before going quiet.

"Wow...haerin's real mother is Jennie." Minji mutters beside me as we stand by the door, pressing our ears firmly against it to hear the conversation between Jennie and Haerin.

Then the door was pushed open my Haerin and Jennie both coming in, causing me and minji to fall. "Ouch!" We both say at the same time. Haerin runs to me and hanni runs to Minji, hyein runs to the bed.

"What were you guys doing so close to the door?!" Haerin chuckles softly at Minji and I. "Eavesdropping that's what!" Hanni laughs. "Oh shut up! You and hyein literally made a bet on Jennie to be haerin's real mother!" I roll my eyes and Haerin's fingers grab my chin making me look at her.

"Want to stay over?" Haerin pecks my lips quickly. "Sure.." I say with a little bit of nerves filling up my stomach. "Also...Haerin is it okay if I bring Lisa over? Shes" Jennie stutters as all eyes are on her. "My girlfriend... basically wife if you think about how long we've been together..." Jennie let's out a nervous laugh.

"Mom this is your house too now, you don't have to ask me for permission!" Haerin chuckles. "Well I just wanna make sure you won't get uncomfortable with unexpected company!" Jennie says.

Suddenly a loud voice rang through all our ears, "HA! GIVE ME ANOTHER $20!!" Hanni shouts through the room.

Aww mother-daughter love! Something I used to have LMAO anyways-

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