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"So how is your ice queen coming along?" Hyein says as I enter the house. "I'm done with her." I say and she chuckles. "Wow it's only been a day and you can't even handle her? I told you!" She chuckles. Something is hurting her...I know it.

"Hyein enough." I sigh as I start to feel a headache forming. "Look! Why don't we go for a hike? Come on! You love nature right!?" Hyein nudges my shoulder. "Fine." I sigh as I go change into some outdoor clothes. "Hurry! I want to hike while it's still daylight!" Hyein says with worry.


"I'm tired!" Hyein pants. "Gurl we barely walked 1 mile!" I chuckle and how sweaty she is. "I'm not the workout type!" She says as she lays on the floor. I chuckle at how exhausted hyein is, "Guess I got the athleticness from mom!" I smile and she just rolls her eyes before hitting my arm. "Come on! Let's just walk all the way to that big cherry blossom tree!" I say as I pull lazy hyein up.

"Ugh!" Hyein says as we finally are in a perfect distance of the tree. I see a girl sitting in front of the tree as she paints something on a blank piece of paper. "Who's that?" Hyein asks as she rubs her eyes with her sweaty palm but soon cries after because it burns. "OW MY EYES BURN!" Hyein says as she drops to her knees. The girl who was painting looks in the direction of the noise, Haerin. We stare into each other's eyes for what feels like hours but I look away first to aid my sister.

"Hyein it's just sweat you aren't dying!" I say. "I AM! I'M DYING!" She cries out dramatically. "Hey that Haerin?" Hyein says as her eyes finally clear up. "Yes now let's go back!" I whisper to her and she smirks. "HI HAERIN!" She yells and waves excitedly as she walks to the said girl. "Hyein-" I whisper but it was too late, she drowned me out.

"Go away." Haerin says as she continues painting. "Oh wow...that's actually really good! Looks exactly like the tree!" Hyein smiles. "That's the point." She says not sparing a glance to either one of us. "Hyein come on! She doesn't like anyone invading her personal space!" I shout and hyein looks at me before smirking.

I walk over to them and grab hyeins wrist. "Hyein come on!" I pull her but she is too strong surprisingly. "Haerin, Danielle likes you!" She smiles and then walks off as I fall to the ground. I throw death glares at hyein as she now starts walking down the hill, leaving Haerin and me on the floor there.

I was about to get up but my arm was hurting, I have a cut on my forearm from a tree branch. "Curse you hyein!" I mutter under my breath and hear Haerin move beside me. She wraps one hand around my non hurt arm and lifts me up. "Than-" , "Shut up." She says and walks away. I chuckle and walk next to her. "Do you want me to walk you home?" I ask. She stops in her place and turns to me.

"No." She says and walks faster. "Wait Haerin!" I say running after her. "KANG HAERIN!" Another female voice shouts as I realize we are in front of her gate. "You again?" Her mother rolls her eyes at me. Rude...

"Haerin..why is she with you?!" Her mother asks Haerin in a demanding tone. "She keeps following me mother, I told her to go away BUT-" Haerin's voice cracked. "Are you lying to me Haerin?" Her mother says as she grabs haerin's arm aggressively. I hear Haerin wince in pain. "No ma'am Haerin is right! I was just trying to be friends with her so I kept following her, I'm sorry!" I apologize while looking down.

Her mother let's go of Haerin and kindly smiles at me, "Well...Haerin doesn't need friends like you! You're filthy! You peasant!" Her mother says to me as she comes closer to me. "Peasant? Ma'am...what generation are you living in?" I say with sarcasm.

She raises her hand as if to slap me, "Mother let's go inside!" Haerin says as she drags her mother inside. Her mom just stares at me with a cold, death glares before disappearing into the castle.

"That was a show!" Hyein claps. "Where were you!?" I ask. "I went to get a snack for the show duh!" She smiles as she shows me a bag of cashews in her hand. "I'm going to kill you come here!" I chase after her as she runs away from me. "I'M JUST A KID NO!" She says.


"Ms. Marsh! What are you doing here?" The art teacher asks me. "Um...I was wondering if you have Kang Haerin in this class?" I ask. "Yes she is during 2nd period why?" The teacher asks me. "I was gonna take art with her if that's alright with you?" I ask nervously. "Why sure! She doesn't have many friends in that class so yeah you can come!" The teacher smiles and I thank them before going to my first class.

"Hey guys!" I smile at my friends. "Hey!" Hanni says while minji feeds her some strawberries. "Gross.."I say. "Don't be jealous! It's not our fault Haerin is introverted and doesn't want a relationship!" Hanni rolls her eyes and I stare at hyein. "YOU TOLD THEM?!" I say. "Girl it's obvious your eyes are always glued to her and you always blush when she does her confused face!" They all say in unison. "Whatever!" I blush and sit in my seat.

I see Haerin come into class and sit in the back. "See your eyes are glued again!" Hanni whispers to me with a smirk on her face. "Class...exams are next Monday so that's in 3 days! Make sure to study!" My teacher keeps reminding the class as if we don't know already.

"Class we are going to do a little study game with partners today! Go ahead and pick your partner then study with them!" She says as all the kids start picking their partners.

"Hyein-","Sorry Danielle I'm partnered with Eunchae!" She smirks and I glance at Hanni and minji of course being partners. I look at the back of the classroom to see Haerin opening her notes and studying by herself. Just go Dani, you got this!

So I sit next to Haerin. "Danielle I already told you to leave me alone." She says in her cold voice. "Haerin..." I say as I put my hand over hers. It felt as if my entire body had just gotten electrocuted. Her hand was warm and it fit perfectly in mine. I come back to my senses and Haerin jerks her hand away, feeling the same electricity coursing through her veins as to mine.

"Why is your mom so mean to you?" I ask and she stiffens her posture. "She's not. She loves me and just wants the best for me." She defends. "Why did you wince in pain then?" I ask and I see her tapping her leg quickly. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to ask things that is none of my concern." I apologize as I turn away from her and look at my notes.

I can feel her intense stare burning holes through the side of my head. I turn to her and she looks away. "By the way...I liked your painting..." I smile at her. "Thanks..." She slightly smiles.

She smiled at me!!

Is she finally gonna crack??

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