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"It was a she." Haerin says.

"Oh..." I say feeling a little pain in my heart even though it's from the past. "What is her name?" I asked. "Was..." Haerin mumbled under her breath. "Her name was Eunchae..." She continued. "The first girl I fell in love with..." She said while playing with the water that was surrounding us.

"My mother caught us...kissing once and then after that day of my mother screaming at me, I never saw Eunchae again." Haerin said while looking at me deeply. "You think...that'll happen to us?" I ask while caressing her arm. She nods. "I know it will Danielle...I don't want you to disappear like Eunchae. Believe me if I could leave my mother I will and be with you!" Haerin says while pulling me closer as I wrap my arms around her shoulder.

"Haerin I won't disappear. I promise you." I kiss her forehead and she melts in my embrace. "You don't know what she's capable of..." Haerin says as she as she snuggles into my neck. "We will be fine." I say.

"Now are you going to let me draw you?" I clear my throat and she chuckles. "I guess." She rolls her eyes at me. I peck her lips before getting out of the water and going back to grab my sketchbook.

"Pose." I say as I look at haerin with a determined face. She blushes before striking a adorable but sexy pose, her face is just adorable in general. She places one hand on top her head while she tilts her head up to the sky, revealing her sharp jawline, definitely can cut you. Her other arm rests on her side as she leans against the water and holds the pose.


"Not bad." Haerin shows me a small smile as we look over my drawing before finalizing it. "Teacher will definitely give us an A+" I smirk at haerin and she nods. "I should get home..." Haerin says while rubbing her arms up and down. " should get a cellphone..." I say. "Mother won't let me..." She lowers her head. I go deep in thought...should I buy her one?

"How about I buy you one!" I jump up and down. "No no! Danielle it's okay! Don't waste your money on me!" She shakes her head and stops me from jumping up and down. "Haerin..I want to be able to communicate with you outside of school! I want to make sure you are okay, always!" I say while caressing her cheek with my thumb.

"I'll be fine Danielle. It's nothing I can't handle." She shrugs and we began to pack up our things and head to our homes.

We walk hand in hand to haerin's house first, I don't want her walking alone. "We are here..." Haerin sighs and let's go of my hand. "Please. Be careful." I give her a small smile. "I will. I promise." She says and quickly pecks me on the lips. I notice her rosy cheeks after our contact and I smirk. "Shut up." She says. "I didn't say anything princess.." I raise my hands up and chuckle.

"Be safe Danielle." She smiles at me and heads into her castle. I watch her walk through her gates and to her front door which opened as soon as she got there. Haerin was yanked into their castle and her mother stands outside the front door. "Stay. Away." She yells through gritted teeth at me. I flinch at how rude she yelled those words at me. She storms off into her house and slams the door shut.

I really wanted to drag Haerin out of there...

Like so bad...

She doesn't deserve to be put what she's going through, she is a really kind soul, I don't know how her own mother can put her through hell...

"Minji! Bring the girls with you!" I say on the phone with Minji. "What why?" She says through our call. "Because we need to get Haerin out of her castle!" I say and she chuckles. "Why?" She asks. "Because...she isn't safe in there! I can feel it!" I say with my voice slightly quivering from being anxious.

"Alright give us 5 minutes! I will speed to the castle but whatever ticket I get, you're paying for it!" Minji says. "Deal. Just hurry your ass up!" I say and finally hang up.

"STOP!" I hear a scream coming from the castle. "FUCK!" I say to myself.

I pull the gate and it surprisingly opened...she didnt lock it?

I rush over to the front door but stop in front of it once I hear glass smashing and a hard thud on the walls. "ANOTHER GIRL?!" I'm guessing her mother yelled from the other side of the door. "Mother! She is just a friend!" I hear haerin's cries from inside and the amount of rage that began to course through my body was insane.

I couldn't even think straight, my hands, my entire body was trembling from anger, I needed to do something. I go over to a window that was exactly closed and had a perfect view of Haerin and her mother. I take out my phone quickly and press record.

"Let's hope this works." I whisper to myself as I set up the camera and run back to the front door, knocking loudly on it.

"WHO IS IT!" An angry woman yells.

The door was harshly pulled open and I come face to face with haerin's mother. Her knuckles were bloody and her hair was a mess. I glance behind her and see Haerin is in a terrible state. Both her eyes are swollen, and bruised badly, her arms and legs have cuts on them and little pieces of glass stuck in her skin, she slowly turns her face to my and meets my eyes.

Her tears fall from her eyes and she shakes her head, "Go..." She whispers lowly to me.

"No." I say and her mother stares at me with a confused face before grabbing me by my hair and pulling me into her house.

"You love Haerin so much huh? Are you willing to die for her!?" Her mother shouts at me as she grabs a kitchen knife after throwing me on the floor. "Yes. Yes I am willing to die for her!" I yell back at her before grabbing a piece of broken glass near me and throwing it with all my force to haerin's mother. "AH!" She screams as the piece of glass pierced right through her leg, causing her to fall to the ground and onto some more glass beneath her.

"FUCK-" she yells as she glances down at her lower abdomen. The kitchen knife had stabbed her in her stomach. "BITCH!" She yells at me as she bangs her head on the wooden board behind her. "I will never let you be with Haerin! Either I kill you or I kill Haerin! I'm done with Haerin being like this! She never learns!" Her mother says to me as she slowly stands up, yanking the knife out of her stomach and walking over to me.

"Which is it...Danielle Marsh!" She says while hovering over me.

"You or Haerin?" She asks.

Shes crazy 🤪

The princess and her princess? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now