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"So what happened after you walked wonyoung and Haerin home? I know it has to be awkward..." Hyein asks me as she holds onto my arm for dear life when we enter the school. "Nothing much." I say but thoughts about what happened with me and Haerin at my house, flooded my mind like a tsunami.

"You sure because you're blushing-" Hyein pinches my cheek in a teasing manner. I quickly slap her hand away, "Wha-what no I'm n-not!" I blush. She smirks, "You'll tell me eventually but let's hope Hanni and Minji don't see this because'll be in a hell of a lot of teasing from them!" She widens her eyes. I sigh.

Hyein and I split ways as we walk to our lockers to get our designated books out for our classes. "Hey!" A voice I've heard before greets me. I close my locker to look behind and see it's wonyoung. I start feeling nervous, "Oh, hey!" I force one of my kindest smiles to her.

"Are you okay? You haven't responded to my text messages since last night?" Wonyoung pouts. And so the memories of Haerin and I last night flood my brain causing heat to rush to my cheeks. "Woah. Are you okay? Are you sick?" Wonyoung places her hand on my forehead feeling if I have a fever. I take her hand off of my forehead, "Uh- no it's just- it's hot in here!" I smile and fan myself. "It's because you're in here." Wonyoung smirks at me and my eyes widen.

"Hehe yeah! Thank you." I smile at her and glance behind her looking for my friends or sister, or anyone! "Do you want to hangout later?" Wonyoung tilts her head so I'm looking at her. "Um... I still have my art project to do!" I say and she pouts. "I can help you." She smiles. "I already have a partner, it's Haerin and we have to draw each other." I say and I see her face turn cold. "Haerin is your partner?" She asks and I nod.

"That's bitch..." She mumbles under her breath but I heard it. "Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow and she smiles. "Nothing. Um well I can...take you home after?" She steps closer to me. "Well I usually walk with Haerin." I say stepping back from her. "You're always with Haerin, Danielle!" She rolls her eyes. "So." I say. "So? What about me? I like you a lot Danielle!" She whines as she grabs my arm and pulls me towards her.

"Wonyoung...I'm sorry but I like Haerin." I say and push her shoulders back gently. "Danielle!" I hear a voice call out my name. "Haerin!" I smile and run to her, away from wonyoungs touch. "Are you okay?" She asks me while glancing at wonyoung, more like glaring. "Yeah she just...won't leave me alone...she's likes me Haerin." I say and see Haerin turn to wonyoung coldly and walks to her.

"Danielle doesn't like you like that. She likes me." Haerin says coldly and wonyoung scoffs. "Guarantee you she'll fall for me cold bitch!" She says and gets all in haerin's face. "Wonyoung." I say and pull Haerin away from the mad girl. "Danielle...I don't know what you see in her." She rolls her eyes and storms off. "Bitch." Haerin whispers to herself.

"Come let's got to art." Haerin says and grabs my hand, dragging me to class.


"We are going back to our spot right?" I ask Haerin who still has not let go of my hand. She stops briefly and glances at me while smiling, "Our spot?" I blush at my words that just came out of my mouth so smoothly, "Yeah, I still have to draw you!" I chuckle nervously.

"Oh yeah. Let's go!" Haerin nods and drags me out of the school.

"Danielle!" Wonyoung calls out while pulling my other hand, making Haerin and I stop our movements. "Yeah?" I chuckle nervously. "Where you going?" She asks while tilting her head at me. "Haerin and I are going to finish our art project!" I say and Haerin starts to pull me again. Wonyoung pulls my other hand making me stop once again, "Can I come?" She asks me with pleading eyes. "No." Haerin says while finally turning around and staring into wonyoungs eyes.

"I don't know what she sees in you. You are such a bitch!" Wonyoung says as she pushes haerin by her shoulders, making her stumble back a little. I hear Haerin wince in pain quietly and it made me raise an eyebrow at her. "Wonyoung, enough." I say and stand in front of Haerin protecting her. "Danielle...all I am asking for is once chance, please!" Wonyoung says as she grabs both of my hands and hold them. I pull away from her warm hands, "Wonyoung...I like Haerin. I'm sorry." I say and finally grabs haerin's hand and we run away from Wonyoung.


"Haerin..." I mumble out as she takes off her shirt. "Yeah?" She says not facing me as she gets in the water. "You have to face me. It's a portrait I draw of you! Not your back." I chuckle at her. " back is a part of me so." She says. "Haerin." I say finally getting up and walking over to her. She turns the other way so I don't see her front. "HAERIN!" I sigh in frustration.

I take off my top and bottom and finally get in the water with her, she better face me.

"Kang Haerin!" I raise my voice and she stiffens upon hearing my voice. I make my way over to her and put my hands on her shoulders, she flinches a bit and I frown. "Haerin...what's wrong?" I ask as I make her turn to face me.

My eyes widen as I see bruise on her collarbones and shoulders. "Haerin who is doing this to you?! And don't lie to me!" I say in frustration. "No one! You don't n-need to know!" She raises her voice and tries to push me away but I hold onto her arms, making them wrap around my waist. "Haerin. Please...I don't like seeing you like this!" I say with tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"I can't tell you. It'll bring you pain as well..." She barely whispers. "HAERIN! I don't care if it brings me pain! I would rather be in pain myself rather than see the person I love be in pain-" I say but quickly cover my mouth.

"You love me?" Haerin asks me and her eyes soften. "YES! Haerin! I do okay! And I don't want to see you in pain like EVER! So please just tell me...who is doing this to you?!" I practically beg her to tell me who is causing her pain.

"My mother..." She mumbles. "What..." I say and I see tears start falling from her beautiful eyes. I quickly but gently pull her into a hug because of her shoulders. "Haerin...I'm sorry!" I caress her hair as she softly cries into my shoulder. How could a mother do this to their own child?! Just how!?

" and you...we can-", "We can and we will be together no matter what Haerin! I will protect you! You just have to trust me Haerin, please! I love you so much you don't even understand!" I say as I place my forehead on hers and tears start falling from my eyes too.

"My mother will come for you, like she did to the other..." Haerin whispers. "The other? Who's the other?" I ask. "My ex." Haerin says and looks into my eyes.

"Tell me about him." I say while giving her the same stare.

"It was a she." Haerin says.

Fuck haerin's homophobic mother 🙄like who TF is writing this story and making the mother abusive AND homophobic 😒

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