Chapter 2

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"If I don't receive the rent money by Friday I have no choice but to give you an eviction notice." My landlord explained to me.

"Could you please give me another week" I pleaded with him.

"I was generous enough to give you an extra two weeks to provide the payment Trinity and you've come up with zero."  he raised his tone.

"Ok thanks anyways have a good day" I hanged up the phone.

"Any luck?" my best friend Kay asked

"Nope" I chucked the phone onto the couch so I could finish install her wig over at her place in downtown Sacramento.

"So what are you going to do" she asked

"I'll figure it out like I always do"

My mind went to the ten grand I got a few days ago that I hid in my closet and haven't touched since I got it. 

No one had come to claim it yet

It was weird money showing up at my apartment like that but maybe it's a sign from above. With all the money issues I'm going through right now this money could solve all of it.

"I could lend you some money to–"

"I don't need you to do that Kay you got a child to feed and take care of" I reminded her.

"Alright girl I just don't want you to end up on the streets."

"Thanks Kay but you got your own problems to worry about."

I finished up her edges and gave her a mirror to see the results.

"Ouuu you slayed like always" Kay turned her head from side to side checking out the 36 inches honey blonde wig.

"The color compliments your skin tone as well" I commented

"Mhm yess" Kay agreed. "Thank you" she got up out the chair to give me a hug.

After I helped put away the hair supplies and tidy up the area I decided to head back to my apartment because it was getting late and I wanted to take a shower and relax.

I stepped out the elevator and turned the corner walking towards my apartment door when I saw a tall darkskin guy leaning on it with one leg on the door and arms crossed.

When he saw me approaching him he fixed his stance standing upright looking me over with his eyes.

He was attractive.  Long Dreads, broad shoulders, muscular biceps, and a tattoo sleeve on his right arm.

"Can I help you?" I asked, stopping at a distance from him.

"Your door 36B ?" he pointed at it. He also had a thick New York accent.

"Yes" I answered

"I think you got something that's mine"

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow looking him over.

"You didn't happen to get a hold of a large amount of cash in an envelope three days ago?" he added a little more detail.

"I don't know what you're talking about. You've got the wrong person and I don't even know you" I stated

This guy could be anyone

"Sorry my bad I just moved here.  My name is Delano and I live on the floor below. Room 24B."


"I've got informed that one of my clients delivered something of mine to the wrong apartment number and they delivered it here instead. I know exactly how much is in there and where it's coming from."

"Oh really"

"Yes you must really need the money since you're not willing to give it up easily." he commented

I gave him a once over look

"Oh come on I know how much you girls are money hungry and the money doesn't belong to you either. I'll give you ten percent seeing how much you really need it." he offered.

Money hungry??

10 percent could really help me out

"Twenty percent" I demanded

"Alright twenty percent" he smiled

"Just wait here" I told him getting my keys out to open my door.

"Where else would I go?" he commented before I shut the door in his face.

I hurried up and got the cash and met him back outside. "Everything is inside to prove that I'm not money hungry."

"I didn't say you were ma relax" he chuckled. "Here's your cut" he opened the envelope handing me a stack of cash.

I looked up at him then the cash

"How much is this?"

"Ten grand" he said and my eyes widened. My estimate had been wrong.

"Then how much is in the envelope?" I asked

"That's nun your business ma" he smiled.

I gave him a suspicious look

What kinda business he be doing

"Thanks for returning my money tho" he walked off without another word straight to the elevator,

"Hey you–"

"Trin who you talking to" Nae cut me off approaching the front door.

"Nobody" I looked back at the guy who was now gone.

I put the money in my jacket pocket before going back inside. " You want some Chinese food? I'll order"

"Since when you be offering me food?" she eyed me.

"Since now" I told her. "You better hurry up and make up your mind before I change my decision"

"Of course I want some sis"

"Alright lemme go shower first"


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