Chapter 13

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"Are you ok?" Delano walked up towards me on the lobby couch.

" Yeah I'm ok" I responded

"I accepted her offer"

"What?" I side eyed him.

"Trinity you and your sister clearly got some issues to work out but I'm not going to say no because she's your sister. "

Wow unbelievable

"Thanks for being on my side" I rolled my eyes at him.

" I'm looking at it from both sides, She was wrong to out you like that and it's clear she's going through something why she pushing you away . I know you care a lot for her why you feel the need to control her–"

"I'm not controlling her I'm just doing what's best for her" I corrected him.

"Let her decide for herself"

"Genie I'm gonna head out" Nylah yelled as she walked out the elevator, interrupting our talk.

"Ight see you Friday?" Delano turned his head towards her.

"Yeah and don't forget the rum this time " she smiled,  pointed a finger at him.

"Ok" he chuckled

"Bye Trinity" she looked at me briefly before she proceeded out the building.

"What's the relationship between you and Nylah?" I asked which caused Delano to scrunch his eyebrows.

"We go back a long time from high school"

"Oh" I nodded my head taking in his words.

So they have history

"Why you ask?"

"Nothing" I waved him off. "I was just wondering" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ok so you good now?" he asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah I'm gonna be ok I just don't know what I'm gonna do with Nae" I said honestly.

"For now let her do what she wants to do" Delano shrugged his shoulders then stood up from beside me.

"I guess so" I sighed standing up as well.

" Well I'm gonna head back up to my crib. You wanna join?"

"And do what?" I asked

"We can do each other's nails and put a face mask on."

"Very funny" I rolled my eyes.

"I was gonna put a movie on and cook some dinner."

Ahh so he cooks

"Depends if your making two plates."

"Why not I can show you some of my cooking skills as well."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow skeptically looking at him.

"Yes just because I'm a man doesn't mean I don't know how to cook for myself. My sis taught me well."

"Alright fine " I agreed


"And you say you know how to cook but scared of hot oil" I laughed, watching Delano jump back as he added the plantains into the frying pan.

"Aye that doesn't count" he pointed a finger at me.

"Whatever you say" I laughed

" You suppose to be seasoning the beef. Pay attention" he shot back.

" I think you should be paying attention to your plantain" I eyed the excessive smoke coming from the pan.

"Shit" he turned the fire down.

"Everybody hatess chrisss" I sing along to the theme song playoing on the tv in the background.

"You have a beautiful voice" Delano smiled

"Ok stoppp" I turned my head away from him, laughing.

"Stop what I'm telling the truth" he scrunched up his eyebrows.

Delano's phone started to ring so I passed it to him, but my eyes doubled back when I saw the name Andrew displayed across the screen. " Your phone" I gave it to him to answer.

My mind instantly went back to the incident that happened a few weeks ago with those two men.

"Yo brotha wassup" he answered

My mind went into thinking mode. in AJ?

No but it can be

A for Andrew... make sense

"But what kinda trouble could he be involved in?

"Ight I'll see you soon" Delano then hanged up the phone.

Should I tell him or should I not tell him

"Who was that?" I asked, eyeing him.

"Just AJ he called telling that Renae asking if she could move in with him."

"What" my eyes widened as my jaw dropped down to the floor.

"Yeah that's it" I scoffed briefly raising my hands in the air. "She's taking this too far." 

"Calm down" Delano rushed over to my side and grabbed my hands with his.

"Remember what I told you"

I heavily sighed


"Now let's get back to cooking" he went back over to the stove.

"Hey Delano" I hesitated unsure if I should tell him or not.

"Yeah" he turned his head

"... could you pass me a knife"

"Sure" he looked at me weird

Another problem for another day


Next chapter coming on Sunday

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