Chapter 22

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"You think they'll ever give him some space to breathe?" Kya said as we both watched one of the few girls who were lining up to take a picture with Delano.

We were almost an hour into the grand opening party.

"As long as he seems to give off a good impression to the social media eye then I don't see a problem." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Valentina looks like she a bout to kill one of them" Kya laughed, pointing at her who was seated in one of the few hammocks hanging from the ceiling, sipping her drink a few feet away from him. She heavily judged one of the girls who walked right by her, giving them a once over look.

"How long you think she'll last?" Kya asked me.

I shrugged my shoulder brushing her question off.

To be honest I wasn't really feeling Valentina's vibe since I met her a few days ago. She's full of herself and loves to be the center of attention.

"How long you think she's staying here for?" I asked

"I don't know maybe a few weeks" Kya shrugged her shoulders. "I can't believe he didn't tell me he had a son."

"Oh my god look who just showed up" I pointed at Nylah who could be seen out the floor to ceiling windows, walking up the driveway with a woman that looked very familiar.

"You ladies having fun?" A hand snaked across my waist.  I made eye contact with Delano before I stepped out of his hold.

"You invited Nylah?" Kya raised an eyebrow.

"I haven't heard from her in weeks. I guess she saw my invitation on Instagram." Delano shrugged his shoulders.

"What?" he jerked his head back giving Kya a weird look who gave him a death stare.

"If I see the bitch it's on sight." Kya told him.

"Ight I couldn't care less about the beef y'all got from years ago" Delano remarked shaking his head.

"Wait what kinda beef?" I asked

"They beefing since highschool over some stupid crush of here." Delano laughed.

"You laughing like it's funny you forget she fucked your opp?" Kya mugged him.

"That was years ago Kya. I don't hold grudges."

"Delano so nice you to see you again!"

I turned my head towards Nylah's who accompanied a woman on her arm.

"You remember Ashley"

"Ashley what a suprise I its great to see you again." Delano pulled her in for a quick hug.

"Your partner here Nylah convinced me to come to your grand opening party. It looks lovely by the way." Ashley spoke.

"Well I hope you're considering on coming back to Geneisis. Everyone misses you."

Ashley grimaced tilting her head left to right. " Yes of course with the promises your partner and I discussed earlier I think we could make it happen."

"I'm sorry what promises?" Delano eyed Nylah.

Nylah cleared her throat. "Ashley dear I told you I'd discuss it with Genie first."

"Oh yes right" Ashley smiled nodding her head.

"Ashley why don't I get you a drink while we continue our discussion." Delano smiled ushering her away from us.

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