Chapter 4

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"What is she doing here?" I raised an eyebrow keeping my eyes on Lydia as the both of them took a seat across from me in the lobby.

"She's only here to apologize and explain" Ayo warned me.

"I don't need an apology from her" I sized her up. "And here's your stuff including tge ring. I want nothing else to do with you" I handed him a large duffle bag.

I was about to walk to the elevator to head up to my apartment when I heard her talk. "I took the video down"

I turned around

"Good for you?" I gave her a weird look. What exactly do I gain from that because she already fucked up my engagement.

"Listen she's really trying" Ayo said and my eyes shifted over to him. I know he didn't come here to defend her ass.

"Trying to do what?" I dry layghed. "You got your stuff now leave I didn't ask for her to come here."

"You said we could talk once the video was down"

"Ohhh" I laughed. "You think bringing her here letting her talk for you gonna fix us?"

"Why you gotta be so difficult?" he kissed his teeth.

"On top of that she pregnant with your child. You two deserve each other. I'm out" I scoffed holding my hands up in the air before I approach the elevator.

"Yeah sorry about that" Lydia pouted.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I turned around once again giving her the side eye.

"You heard what I said" she sized me up.

"I told you to only speak when I tel you to" Ayo told her.

"Nah she want to hear the truth. I'm not gonna feed her lies you want me to feed her." Lydia stood up.

I walked up to her

"Your fiance" she quoted with her two fingers . "Have been fucking me non stop before and meanwhile you guys were in a relationship and this baby" she held her stomach. " is the result of it and he planned the whole thing. How since you can't have babies he might as–"

"Lydia shut the fuck up" Ayo said through his teeth mugging her.

"He might as well start one with me since he loves me very much and kiss your sorry ass goodbye" she smiled. "And I'm not sorry for leaking the video of us two weeks ago I just wanted you to know the truth since he was too fucking scared to tell you himself. "

My eyes began to tear up

"Baby that ain't even the half of it"

Ayo just sat there saying nothing. His eyes on the ground.

"Nah keep it to yourself" I walked off.

Then I heard a loud thump and screaming coming from Lydia.

I turned my head to see what was going on and Ayo was laying on the ground getting his ass beat.

I made eye contact with a familiar tatoo sleeve and I smiled to myself continuing to approach the elevator.

Once in it I didn't think, I just pressed floor two and walked out looking for door 24B. I waited a while before he approached his door.

He looked good except for the cut at the side of head that had blood dripping from it.

"What are you doing here?" stopped a few feet away from me.

"I don't know" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why did you beat him up?" I asked

"Cuh he deserved it"

" I didn't  ask you to do that for me"

"You alright?" he asked

"Yeah" I answered

"You sure?" he asked me again.

No but I will be

"Yeah" I answered one more time.


"Thank you"

"You don't need to thank me" he said.

"Ok well let me help you with that cut. It's kinda my fault." I told him.

"I'm no baby I'm good" he reassured me

"Alright see you then" I walked off towards the elevator.


"Trinity Marie Jones get out of bed" Kay said before I felt bright light on face.

"Kayda what you doing?" I mugged her covering my eyes with my arm.

"Janae had to call me" she sat on the edge of my bed.

"For what? Can't I just sleep in peace" I rolled my eyes.

"For two days now?" she raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?"

"Nothing" I threw the covers over my head cuddling up into my pillow some more. "Can you close the door on your way out."

"I known you my whole life" she said


"So I know something is going on and you not the type to be crying so easily." she told me.

"They having a child together"


"Yep" I popped the p. "She also shamed me for being infertile"

I trusted Ayo with that information


"Yep and he was cheating on me the whole relationship."

"Oh" Kay said once again.

I took the covers off my head and Kay had her arms wide open. " I miss her so much" I began to cry again.

"It's ok baby it's ok" she cooed gently rubbing my back.

My mother died of ovarian cancer and the doctors wanted to run some tests on me but I haven't gotten the results yet.

"But he did get his ass beat tho" I laughed

"By who?" Kay asked

"One of the guys who live here"

"Good cuz he doesn't deserve you"

Damn right he doesn't


"Are y'all rocking with this story so far because I'm thinking of discontinuing it.

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