Chapter 17

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"Girl you ok you barely touched your breakfast" A'kyiah hovered over me while I was vomiting into the toilet.

"Yeah I'm good" I groaned getting up.

"You sure you might not be pregnant or something?" she raised an eyebrow.

"No I had my period....shit"

I actually don't remember

I rushed outta the bathroom and stepped into the kitchen to get my phone. I went on the Flo app and my eyes widened when I saw that my period was twenty days late.

"Well shii" A'kyiah grimaced from over my shoulders.

"Oh my god" I fake cried

"How many days you been throwing up for?" she asked me

"Like two days now" I answered

"So what we standing here for let's go get you a pregnancy test."

I can't be pregnant

This is way too early I'm just twenty

"C'mon" she tugged on my arm but I was frozen. I just wanted time to stop then and there because eventually I'd have to take the pregnancy test and I'm definitely not ready for no child.

"Trin girl you gon be okay this is good news and besides whoever the baby father is he can't be that bad."

Girl you have no clue

"Ok I think I remember the way to Walmart so I could go and you can go rest in bed."

"Ok" I nodded my head.


"You got the pregnancy test?"

"Yup" A'kyiah waved it in the air.

"I'm not ready" I groaned into the pillow before getting out of bed.

"I'll give you two mins" she handed it to me then walked down the hallway into her room.

I sat on the edge of the tub biting my fingernails as I waited for the results.

At this point I really need a slap in the head to get my shit together. I had a plan and I should've stick to it but no my grown self had to go start shit up again with my cheating ex.

Honestly what was I thinking

The sex is good but is he the kinda guy I want my kids to be around? No

Once the test was done my eyes widened when I saw two lines. Nah maybe I'm tripping.

"Kya come here cuz I don't think I'm seeing this shit right" I walked into her room.

"It said positive?" her eyes widened

"Is this for real or am I tripping" I handed the test to her.

"Girl this is two lines"

"Oh my god" I put my hands on top of my head.

"What this is good news. Imagine having a mini you that would be so cute."

"Oh my god" I said once again

"It's gonna be okay" she pulled me into a hug.

"This is not ok"

"You know who the daddy is right? Is it Genie"

"No no you can't tell him" I shook my head

If he found out who the baby daddy is I'd definately lose my job not to mention how much of a terrible I'd seem like.

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