Chapter 19

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"I'm here in your apartment where are you?" Trinity said once I answered the call.

"I'm busy right now I'll meet up with you later"

"Really you made me wake up early in the morning for nothing? Thank you for that I really appreciate it."

"You sounding more and more like my sister" I chuckled

"Is that such a bad thing" I heard Kya in the background.

"I'll take you out to eat later to make it up to you but right now I'm in the middle of something" I told her.

"Alright later then" she said then cut the call.

"Who you on the phone with?"  Valentina walked out into the living room in a thin pink silk robe.

I walked up to her and slid my hands around her waist."Mmm you smell good" I gave her a peck on the lips.

"I know but you smell stink of weed" she pushed me off her. " You know I don't like when you smoke around Zay."

"I went outside"

"And he been asking when you gonna take him to Disneyland."

"This upcoming week gonna be busy for me. Maybe the week after." I told her.

"I get it you busy with your club" she said and I eyed her.

"How you know about that?"

"Even though you left me back in New York I still keep tabs on you Mr. Jailbird."

"So why you acting like you don't know wassup"

"You didn't think you'd get out of being a father" she cocked her head to the side.

I heavily sighed

"Genie you should already know that the stupid shit you do ain't gonna slide with me."

"I didn't leave Brooklyn for no reason Val. I did it for Zay as well. You really think a one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn was enough for all of us?"

"So why not New Jersey or somewhere closer to us? Why Cali?"

" That was my choice. You don't have to know everything that's going on in my life especially when we're no longer together."

"But we co parent. We have a child together. I couldn't care less what's going on with you but Zay does. He's being asking about you every day for four months now wondering where you are only to find out you abandon him for some club." Val pointed a finger at my chest.

"I didn't abandon him for Genesis Val. The two grand I send you every two weeks for him isn't enough for you to see that I'm trying? I've been there for him since the day he was born and now that I'm away for some months I'm considered a neglectful father? Nah I've been doing my part."

"The two grand you stopped sending for a month now. Having me to provide for my son myself."

"The club shut down and yeah I've been having some financial problems, but is it so bad that you're now putting in the work for him yourself for a while. I've been providing for you and Zay over the few years and you've never chipped in a couple hundred for him."

"That's a lie and you know it" she mugged me.

"Are you sure because as I remembered I broke up with you for wasting your money on drugs and parties."

"I've changed Genie a–"

"Nah you only started to work on yourself once I told you I'm moving to a different state. You couldn't handle that so you pin me as some deadbeat father."

I picked up my belongings off the coffee table and walked towards the front door.

"Where you going? I was going to cook some food." Val yelled after me.

"I got plans" I yelled back shutting the front door behind me.


"Finally you're here" I welcomed Delano inside.

"Sorry I was busy with something" he told while he followed behind me into the kitchen.

"Oh hey Genie" Kya waved as she stirred some macaroni that was boiling on the stove.

I went back to preparing my cheese sauce for the macaroni and to check on the fried chicken.

"Y'all cooking up a feast in here" he looked around the kitchen. Kya was working on the macaroni and potato salad while I was frying chicken and preparing the sauce.

"Do you expect us to feed on burgers and two lil fries every day" Kya remarked

"And when since you know how to cook Kya. Last time you did you almost poisoned the whole family."

"Funny" Kya gave her twin a tight lipped smile.

"I wanted to talk with you about the planning for the event. You almost done?" Delano asked

"Yeah I already picked out a bunch of stuff that went with the theme. I was thinking you'd give me the address to the place so I could ship them there instead of my apartment."

"Yeah and I was thinking I could help by decorating the interior." Kya pitched in.

"How much did it cost?" he asked

"Around $1500" I told him and his eyes widened.

"Damn y'all think I'm Elon Musk or something.  Ight Trin I'll e transfer you the money and text you the address. Kya I guess you could help out as well. I need all the help I could get."

The doorbell rang again which made me scrunch my eyebrows. I wasn't expecting no one else.

I made my way toward the front door and looked through the peep hole. "Shit"

"Trinity what the fuck? You can't be texting me this type of shit over the phone" he barged his way into my apartment as soon as I open the front door.

"Ayo I told you that I'm busy and I'll come over later and tell you. You can't be here right now" I grabbed his arm trying to usher him out the door.

"Why not wh–"

"Trinity you invited this asshole over here?" Delano appeared behind me.

"I- I- uh..." I stuttered like an idiot.

"Nah what the fuck is he doing here?!" Ayo raised his voice. "You disobeying me after I told you I don't want you hanging Al with him no more?"

"My nigga you think you own her?!" Delano also raised his voice.

Oh my god this exactly what I didn't want to happen.

"Ayo you need to leave" I pushed him.

"Leave for what so you can go let him put his hands on you?" Ayo mugged him.

Delano laughed. " You heard her she said to leave my nigga. Clearly you not welcome here" he stepped closer to him.

"That's not what she said when I up in her guts a few days ago" Ayo smirked and

Delano turned his head towards me but I avoided eye contact looking at the ground.

"Go before I beat your ass a second time. This time I won't go easy on you." Delano threatened, clenching his jaw.

"Should've let you rot in prison"

That's when Delano threw the first punch. I screamed, shielding myself with my hands from any punches coming in contact with me. It wasn't fun being in the middle of a crossfire.

I was then knocked to the ground and I yelled out in pain as I hit my hip.

"Hey what are you guys doing!" I heard Kya yell, rushing to my side.

"Are you okay?" she asked me and I shook my head



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