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"The results could take up to two months depending on how fast they are but luckily I pulled some strings and got yours. So your results here says your at low risk." the doctor told me.

"That's great doctor McClain thank you so much" I smiled. "I didn't think I could get pregnant because of my family history which is why I came here."

"The more children you have the lower the risk because you're not ovulating."

"Ohh ok" I nodded my head

"Ok well thank you for coming in today Trinity. Have you booked your first appointment yet for your baby?"

"Absolutely I will"

To be honest I wasn't sure if I should keep the baby or not and I still haven't told Ayo yet,

"Ok that's great well you're welcoming to stop by anytime to see me again"

"No of course doctor McClain thanks for squeezing me in on such short notice."

"No problem Trinity have a good rest of your day."


"Girl I missed you I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah I know I been busy with assignments and shit." Kay sighed as she seated herself in my car.

I picked her up from her apartment and now we were on our way to Starbucks right across the road before we went shopping.

"Tell me what did I miss"

"Renae still haven't come home yet but I'm assuming she will cause she start college in a few days."

"That's good Trin you just gotta give her time."

"I guess" I shrugged my shoulders,

"So how you been girl?" she asked me

"I've been stressedddd" I smacked my lips.

"With what?"

"Well... since I'm now pregnant I don't know how to feel."

"Wait what hollup" she eyed me like I was crazy.

"What?" I innocently looked at her.

"Trin..." Kay turned her whole body to face me.

"Hmm" I answered

"You not serious... whose baby is it? And if who I'm thinking is right Im'a drag you."

"You acting like I planned it"

"I rebuke in the name of Jesus! "

I rolled my eyes because she was being extra

"So you told him yet?"

"No not yet I'm not even sure I'm keeping the baby."

"Well you better pray that god forgive you of that sin."

"I''m just not ready for a child right now"

"Understood but you don't know maybe the baby will change you and provide miracles.

"Maybe" I shrugged my shoulders. "But Kay, I can barely even afford to pay my rent. How am I suppose to manange a baby on top of that?"

"Maybe you should talk with the baby's father." Kay suggested.  "And tell him before he finds out from someone else."

"I will"

"Welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you for you guys today?"


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