Chapter 14

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"Good morning to you too . Your man isn't here" AJ looked at me with a bored face.

"He's not my man and I didn't come to talk to him."

"Oh really?" his face lit up.

"Yes really" I pushed myself into Delano's apartment.

"Ok then make yourself welcome" he shut the front door behind him.

"I won't be here for long. Look Delano might not know the real reason why you came to Cali but whatever you're involved in and think you can hide behind him and use him gonna come back to bite you in the fucking ass."

"That's a big accusation" he folded his arms across his chest.

"Oh really so you don't mind if I tell him that I got ambushed by two men claiming they're look for Andrew." I raised one of my eyebrows.

He took a step towards me and I took one back. "Look whatever you think you know you don't know shit. This ain't any of your business so go stick your nose somewhere else."

"Is either you tell Delano what you got going on and your real reason why you came here or I'll tell him myself."

"Oh you think you tough now cause you got leverage over me" he chuckled. "Cute" AJ pouted giving me a devilish smirk.

"And stay away from Renae"

"I don't got anything going on with Renae if that's what you're wondering she the one that keeps running to me like a lost puppy" he told me.

"Stay away from her" I gave him a disgusted look before I exited myself out the apartment.


"I'm going off to college soon so you're gonna need some new friends to hang with " Kay told me and I gave her a weird look.

"Who need friends when I got you"

"Aww" Kay proudly smiled. "But I'm serious"

"You know I don't be socializing much."

"Well try going out your comfort zone. What about tinder?"

I laughed

"What's funny?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Your joking right? Tinder is for old people Kay. Look at me"

Kay rollled her eyes

"Girl when's the last time you had a date?" she asked me

"Back when I was with my ex fiancée" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ya it's been three months since y'all break up. He clearly moved on and so should you."

"Nah I'm definitely over him" I told her.

"Trin you're young and beautiful and you got a hot body. please try and find someone before you get gray hair." she

"Woow" I side eyed her. "If I was ready for a relationship I would've already been going out on dates. It ain't impossible to find someone."

"But you said you've moved on already?" Kay scrunched her eyebrows.

"Uggh I'm just tired of putting in effort right now. I need a break"

I was engaged then got cheated on and found out my ex fiancée having a baby with his girl best friend. What could be more traumatizing than that?

"Ok so you don't have to do relationships just find a sneaky link or something" Kay shrugged her shoulders.

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