Chapter 28

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"I say we should kill him tonight ain't no point in keeping him around. It's already the end of the month and the money ain't come in. All he keeps doing is ranting off his bitch ass mouth tryna stall us or sum."

"Doug will you shut the fuck up you sound like a lil bitch right now."

"It doesn't matter if we keep him around for longer. Not like he has family out looking for him. His daddy left for some milk a long time ago and his momma is a whore."

"That's fucked up"

They all snickered

"Nah but some shit gon go down tonight. Overheard old man talking bout it this morning."

The glass slipped out of my hand and hit the floor. "Shit"

"Ayo what's going on in here" Kev approached me in the kitchen looking at the glass on the floor.

"My b-bad I'll c-clean it up"

I bent down to pick up the pieces.

"That's right bitch clean this shit up and finish washing these dishes" he mugged me.

I bit my tongue from saying something

"You wanna say something bitch?"

I stayed silent

He kicked some of the glass and a piece slit my finger.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I mumbled

"What the fuck you say to me bitch?" he pulled me up by my hair and slammed me into the kitchen counter. I felt something icy cold in my temple.

"N-no no p-p-please!" I begged

Tears were streaming down my face.

Shots fired


"Something ain't right. They seem agitated at every sound. Look at the way how they go for the strap when a car horn went off."

"Maybe there are a bunch of scaredy cats " Kya chuckled

"Nah" Genie shook his head. "Past two days they weren't like this."

Kya's phone began to ring

"Oh hey girl" she answered

"Yeah, we are out grabbing some food. You feeling better now?"

"We'll be back soon tho watchu want to eat? Chipotle?"

"Alright I'll see you soon. Bye"

"I hate lying to her" Kya sighed

"It's for the best," Genie stated

"Yes, but I feel like we should at least let Trinity know the full plan," Kya told him.

"How will that help? She ain't exactly able to do much in her current state."

"Betrayal ain't something easy to come back from."

"Dip your head!" Genie yelled sinking back into his seat.

"What's happening?" Kya dipped her head while giving him a confused look.

The red Honda Civic passed by them. Windows down and speakers booming.

It slowly came to a halt and one of the men walked out of the house and jogged down the steps towards the car.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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