Chapter 23

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"I invited everyone so we can all get to know each other. I'm now an aunty so it's right to only want to get to know my nephew even if it means getting to know my sister in law as well." Kya walked into the kitchen where I was making some pancake and eggs for breakfast.

"So they're together?" I asked, a lil bit curious.

"I don't know but by the looks of it yeah ... they're living together now. I just came back from his apartment and Valentina seemed well comfy."

So they are planning on staying long

"Well I overheard them saying they're planning to move into a bigger space but I don't know" Kya shrugged her shoulders.

Well Delano is forreal getting his shit together

"What happened between the both of you anyways" Kya hopped onto the counter.

"How did you know something going on between the both of us?"  I side eyed her.

"Because I just came back from his apartment and he would act all weird when I brought your name up."

"I guess we're no longer on speaking terms" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why what did he do" Kya rolled her eyes

"I don't know I guess I was all mad about the baby momma situation knowing no girl can compete with the babymomma and then I thought we were getting somewhere with the kiss but–"

"Girl listen I know for a fact that my brother don't give a shit about  Valentina and would rather be here with you. "

"Righhht" I rolled my eyes

"I promise you're not the problem. He's been stressed out about the club and his baby momma showing up outs nowhere and when he gets stressed out he starts pushing people away."

"But you don't know that for sure tho" I told her

"He's my twin of course I know him"

"Alright... but that still isn't a good reason just to cut me off like that."

"Well maybe you just have to talk to him" she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not sure I'll get far with him. Men tend to hide their emotions"

"Wait it out girl plus don't be so sad over him life goes on. You soon to be a mother yourself anyways and stressing yourself ain't good for the baby."

"You right" I sighed

The doorbell rang and Kya jumped down from the counter.

"I'll get it" she rushed out the kitchen.


"What!??" I scrunched up my eyebrows exiting the kitchen.

"What are you doing here? My appointment ain't for another few weeks" my eyes followed the huge gift bag in his hand.

"Can I come in?" Ayo asked

"Sure" I stepped aside so he could walk in.

"This is actually for you. Part of your bday present"

"My bday ain't for another fee weeks tho"

"Yeah I know which is why I wanted to give you a present everyday leading up to your birthday."

""Why are you doing this?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm just trying to do something nice Trin can't you accept it?"

"No Ayo this doesn't make up for all the shit you put me through a few months ago."

He sighed slightly shaking his head

"I just want things to be like how they use to before–"

"Before you got caught cheating on me?" I cut him off

"Ok stop saying cheating that was in the past so why you keep bringing it up?"

"You don't just get past cheating Ayo and I can't easily forgive you for that."

"Then what can I do to make it up to you?"

"Nothing all you can do is leave" I pointed at the door.

"Please c'mon Trin I'm sorry"

I stayed silent but kept pointing at the door.

"If you change your mind you know where to find me"

He left the gift on the ground before he walked out the front door.

I let out a huge sigh as I walked back to the kitchen with the gift in hand.

"I know that's nun of my business" Kya closed the fridge with a box of orange juice in hand. "But the fact that he's disregarding the fact that he cheated on you is crazy Trin he dont deserve you."

"Yeah I'm just hoping he'll get his shit together by time the baby suppose to come."

I set the gift aside on the counter and began to clean up the dishes before I ate.

"So you not going to open the gift?" Kya eyed me.

"I'll do it later" I waved her off.

"Alright" she shrugged her shoulders. "I'm gonna take a shower"

Kya hopped off the counter then exited the kitchen.



"Aunty Kya aunty Kya!" Zay ran into Kya's arms.

"Hey lil man how are you"

"I'm good I can't believe I'm at my favourite place ever" Zay spinned around taking in the Chuck E Cheese place.

"Zay baby you can't be running off like that. We talked about this before" Valentina said, as she and Genie approached  A'Kyiah.

"Mommm I want that" Zay pointed a huge orange tiger a few feet away from them.

"Zay you have to play the game to win the teddy bear." Valentina explained.

"Can you win it for me mom" Zay gave her the puppy dog eyes.

"I don't know how honey maybe daddy can try for you" Valentines said and Genie looked up from his phone.

Zay gave him the puppy dog eyes

"I can't Tina I'm busy right now with something" Genie whispered to Valentina

"You've been busy all day Genie and your sister actually seems interested in wanting to make this work. She's the one that invited us." 

Genie sighed

"Tina I'm tied up with some business problems right now with club–"

"Why did you come here in the first place if you had no interest in participating!" Valentina raised her voice which cause Kya to give them a weird look.

"Everything ok?" Kya asked them.

"Zay why don't you come with me I'll bet you five dollars you can't beat me" Kya told him.

"You're on aunty Kay" Zay said, running off.

"Y'all better sort whatever y'all got going on" Kya told them before jogging after Zay.

"You promised me you'll do better for Zay but since your club been open that's all you ever have time for."  Valentina folded her arms across her chest.

"What you want me to do Tina?" Genie kissed his teeth, getting a lil irritated with her.

Ever since she been here she's been nothing but needy and extra clingy which he didn't like.

"For you to act on your words" Valentines mugged him before walking off to find Zay.


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