Chapter 27

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A Couple of Days Ago...

"Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm alright and they didn't lay a hand on me."

"Ok that's good" I sighed in relief

"All I know is that we are somewhere around Compton Boulevard. There's a red Honda Civic parked outside of a house with the license plate number starting with LKS although I can't remember the rest

"That's ok that's more than enough information," I told her.

"I gotta go I heard some footsteps" Nae began to whisper.

"Alright, Nae just know that we will be there soon ok."

"Trin be careful I doubt that these guys are unarmed I gotta go bye."

The line went dead.


As we cruised down the highway, the only thing that was running through my mind was my mom. The last words that she uttered to me were to take care of Nae like one of my own.

Instead, I abandoned her

"Are we almost a gas station? I can't hold my pee for much longer," Kya whined.

"We have two more miles till the next exit. Can you wait til then like a grown adult?" Delano told her.

Kya mugged him

"I've been holding it since we got on to the highway."

"What do you want me to tell you?"

"We are also out of snacks" I commented

"I got you like five chips" Delano looked at me through the rearview mirror.

I shrugged my shoulders

"Never confront a pregnant woman about her cravings." Kya lightly hit his arm.

"Are we buying more snacks or not?" I asked

"Just hold on for five minutes or so," Delano answered

After several minutes we reached a small gas station. Delano was outside filling up his gas tank meanwhile Kya and I were using the washroom and stocking up on snacks and beverages.

"Everything will be ok," Kya said out of the blue as we walked down the chip aisle.

"What are you talking about?" I curiously asked.

"I can feel your anxiety radiating off of you girl," she went on.

"I'm fine really" I smiled

"Delano has a plan and it will work out. He has dealt with a lot of these things in the past."

"You saying it like it's a normal thing"

"You're right it ain't normal but I got faith in my brother. Now c'mon let's go pay for these things and get back on the road."

I nodded my head

A few Hours Later...

"Hey, why are we pulling up to a motel?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You're pregnant Trin and I'm not going to let you hurt the baby or yourself." Delano looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"No, this wasn't a part of the plan" I folded my arms across my chest.

"He's right," Kya said

"So I'm supposed to sit back and do nothing?" I mugged both of them.

Delano sighed

"I'll be here with you while Delano handles business" Kya spoke.

"So when are y'all going to tell me any of this or was I not a part of the plan?"

"Why do you think we didn't want to tell you?" Delano side-eyed me.

"This is bullshit" I dry laughed

All of a sudden I felt dizzy and a wave of nausea hit me. I leaned back in the seat and took a deep breath.

"You ok?" Kya asked

"Just trying to hold back my nausea" I breathed

"Even the baby telling you you need to listen" Kya chuckled

I mugged her. "Not funny why don't you try being pregnant."

"No thank you" she grimaced.

"Alright, both of y'all are gonna check in while I go check out the area. Compton Boulevard is not too far from here."

"Right now? Ain't it dark out?" Kya questioned

"Best time to do it."

"Kya" I groaned, "I think I'm gonna vo–"

"No you ain't girl" She rushed out of the car and opened the back door.

"C'mon," she helped me out of the car.

"Gimme a second and I'll get our stuff Genie."

"No, I got her" Delano hopped out of the car stealing me from Kya, and lifted me bridal style into his arms.

I leaned my head on his chest as he brought me inside the motel.


My eyes scanned the streets and sidewalks as I drove through the third neighborhood around Compton Boulevard.

This neighborhood was further down towards the south and looked more beaten down than the first two I searched

"I pressed on the brakes a little when I saw the red Honda Civic and license plate that matched Trinity's description. I'd say about five hood niggas formed a circle around it appearing to be in a conversation with people in the car.

I parked a few houses down from them watching closely. Paying attention to every detail down to the shoes that they had on.

Each of them for sure had straps on them. They didn't appear to be doing much except chatting and smoking until I saw one of the guys open up the car door.

A girl stepped out with her hands tied behind her back.

"Shii Renae" I whispered

The taller one of the guys ushered her into the house and the Honda Civic drove off. Everyone went inside except one who was still outside on the step smoking and checking his phone.

I waited a few minutes and there was still no action so I started up the car, made a three-point turn, and exited the neighborhood.


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