Chapter 5

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"NAEE! Where you put my got to b spray you know I gotta get this wig done or else Ima be late for the interview" I kissed my teeth harsh runny the hot comb by the root.

"Girl why you blaming me for?" she appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. "You see me touching your stuff?"

"Oh my god I'm suppose to be there in a hour and I don't even got my outfit put together yet."

"Since when you quit your job?" Nae asked me

"Last week cause the paycheck wasn't worth it at Five Guys and these bills ain't gonna pay themselves."

"Since I'm done with highschool now wouldn't hurt to get a job too over the summer before I leave"

"Nae it's all good what you need to do right now is focus on school and get ya degree I'll figure something out." I told her.

"Yeah but I don't wanna see you stressing yourself. I'm worried for you Trin cause when I'm gone who gon be here with you."

She was right and I wasn't use to being by all by myself before. Ever since the breakup I just have to learn to do things on my own now.

"Nae I'm good you don't need to worry about me."

"That's what you say for now" Nae rolled her eyes.

"This bold hold have to do"

"I have one them glueless ones you could use" Nae offered.

"And you didn't mention that to me before you see me here struggling."

"What you getting mad at me for I'm not the reason you late for your interview"

"Girl just go get the damn wig" I kissed my teeth.


"Are you kidding me?" I looked at the empty tank of gas. My lazy ass didn't wanna get gas last night and I forgot I had to fill it up this morning.

The time on my lockscreen read 1:32pm and my interview was 2:00pm and it was a twenty five minute drive from here.

I pulled up my phone to call Kay hoping she not doing anything right now.

"Hey girl can you do a favour for me right now? My car don't have no gas and I'm already late to this interview"

" Sorry I can't right now I got a client"

"Oh ok I'll talk to you later then" I hanged up
the phone.

Same time I was about to climb out my car and head back upstairs already accepting I'm not gonna get the job, Delano came out the underground parking elevator who I haven't seen in a while.

He was walking in my direction and I held my head down and pretended I was checking out my tires.

"Hey" a shadow appeared on the floor in front of me.

I looked up into those dark eyes and my mind went suddenly blank.

"You ok?" he looked at me weird.

" Yeah yeah what we're uou you saying?"

He gave me an even weirder look

" I said hey"

"Oh hi"

At this point I need to shut the fuck because this is getting embarrassing for me. Is not like I don't know how to talk to guys, he just makes me nervous for some reason.

His eyes trailed down my body. "You look nice you heading somewhere?"

"Oh I was suppose to go to this interview but looks like I'm not going no more."

"Why not?"

"My car needs gas and I'm already late" I explained.

"What was the job interview?"

"This receptionist thing" I waved him off. "Not even my type to be honest and the only reason why I'm going cuz that's literally the only company that reached out to me for some weeks now"

"You into stripping?" he asked and my jaw dropped.

I know he not serious right now and how does that even fit into what we're talking about right now?

"Ok stop playing"

"Who said I'm playing" he looked me dead in the eyes. I could tell he was serious by his calm face.

"What makes you think I'd be interested in stripping?" I chuckled folding my arms across my chest.

"You looking for jobs right? So I'm offering you one."

"Do I look like I showcase my body for the whole entire male population to see? I can't even dance" I told him.

"You got a nice body"

"Ok and so what?" I raised an eyebrow

"I'm saying you'd make twice as much even more than what you we're making at your old job. Where did you think the money I gave you came from."

My eyes widened

I'm sorry what?

"You work at a strip club?" I cocked my head to the side looking him up and down.

"Actually that's where I'm heading right now you can join me if you want." he offered

"Stripping might be for other girls but not for me"

"How bad do you need the money right now?" he asked me

Very bad

"I'll check it out but I haven't made up my mind yet."

"Ok cool" he said

"Lemme go change first I look like someone's mom" I commented and he laughed a little.

"You look fine" he placed his hand on my back slighty pushing me forward.

"What if your boss don't approve of it. I'd still get the job? " I asked.

"He don't judge he's cool with it"

"Ok then" I followed him towards his car. When I noticed we were walking towards a hellcat I turned my head towards him.

"This your car?" I pointed at it.

"Yeah this the kinda things you can get from stripping and you telling me you don't want to do stripping? You different" he chuckled shaking his head.

"Maybe I'm not sure yet" I told him.

"Alright" he gave me a smirk then proceeded to open the passenger door for me.


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