Chapter 24

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As I checked the security footages of the club, everything seemed to be going well. It was around 1 am in the morning and I was physically tired from tiring up loose ends with the club all day.

I shoot Nylah a text to know that I'm leaving and to close for me around 4 am and just as I was about to get up out the chair someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

"Hey goodnight I'm clocking out" Trinity gave me a short wave. It was her routine she did since the day she started working here.

I gave her a short nod

She was about to leave and that's when I got a glimpse of her belly that was finally showing.

Part of the reason why I'm mad at her is because of the pregnancy. It was her choice and I know I couldn't do anything about it, but why would she trap herself with her ex that publicly embarrassed her and cheated on her.

If I had known Trinity before damn right I would never fumble her. She's beautiful and smart and sometimes a smartass, but she can also be a lil stubborn and hardheaded sometimes. She's not fake like the past girls I've dealt with which is what I like about her.

I wanted to say something but I let her go. I wanted to apologize for the other day on why I got so defensive and pushed the only thing that made my life interesting away.

Between the club and Zay– not to mention Valentina always on my ass about shit– I've been really stressed out lately. Hopefully soon enough I can find a balance between the two.

I got up out the chair and grabbed my stuff before I left the office.


"Where have you been?" Valentina asked as soon as I entered my apartment.

I heavily sighed, taking off my shoes.

She was seated on the couch in a thin robe.

"Just came back from the club. Is Zay still sleeping?" I asked, making my way into the kitchen for something to drink.

"Yeah I put him to bed and hour ago" Tina joined me in the kitchen.

"I've been waiting all day for you to get home"

I looked her up and down. "Why is not like you care" I opened the fridge to get a bottle water.

"I do" she began taking off her robe.

I smacked my lips. "Listen I'm hells tired and ima head to bed any second now."

"So let's do a quickie" she stepped closer and u took a step back.

"What's up?" she gave me a weird look.

"I already told you what's up and you not listening." I scoffed

"But since when you not into sex with me no more?"

"Bro I just got back from work and I'm tired. Not everything about sex Valentina!"

"You never been acting like this before. C'mon let's do it" she taunted, grabbing my belt.

I pushed her off me and she fell to the ground.

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