the meet (kinda)

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| time skip, Monday morning 8:00 |

I woke up with a start and immediately thought about phone boy. Can you guess the first place I went this morning? If you said Tweak Bros Coffee you're wrong. That's way too scary, I could never. I may seem like a pretty emotionless guy, but i'm actually pretty sensitive. Instead, I decided to take my little sister, Tricia, out to breakfast. She was pretty excited since we don't have a lot of time left together. Ya know, with me going to college and all. I don't like my parents very much, but I'm really going to miss her.

She came downstairs dressed in a pink dress with leggings underneath. Now, I'm no fashionista, but I'm smart enough to know the two didn't go together. She's only 10 and she just got used to dressing herself so I let this one slide.

| outside walking to breaky 😋🍳 |

As we were walking to the diner Tricia was talking about this new T.V show that she watched, I had never seen it but I'm sure it couldn't beat Red Racer. (could anything?) Funny enough, we pass Tweak Bros Coffee, I couldn't help but try to peak in the window for a glance at my Phone Boy but they were blocked off by displays of-

" UNICORN CUPCAKES"  Tricia exclaimed.

yup. Unicorn cupcakes, what an odd thing, I wonder what the occasion is.

"Craigy we have to go in, we just have to!"

"Oh Tricia I don't know if that's a good idea, we are going to get food at the diner"

"Oh screw the diner I want this, I know you don't like coffee but i'm sure they have hot chocolate."

Maybe this will be good for me? We'll see...

Tricia grabbed my arm and pulled me inside the little shop. It was pretty cute in here, String lights, bulletin boards ya know the usual stuff. There was so much suspense leading up to this, my heart was racing, I pushed open the door and behold there was a... old man? IS THAT OLD MAN PHONE BOY?

" Yeah nope, not doing this. Sorry Tricia let's go"

I was not about to get involved in an illegal online relationship

"Craigy no plleeeeeeeease 🥺"

"Fine. But make it quick"

She smiled as she made her way to the register to order her cupcake.

I can't believe that old guy led me on like that? Am I just like this now? A 17 year who has a thing for older men? No way.

And then I heard it. Thank the Lord, a familiar voice in the back room. I peaked over to get a better look.

"GAH- too much pressure! We're gonna go out of business and starve and die like dogs!"

Now that, was my phone boy. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but i was sure it was him.

I just stared blankly at him trying to get his attention. He had tangled blonde hair and blue eyes. He was dressed in a green sweater and brown baggy jeans with a Tweak Bros apron. I wonder if he could give Tricia fashion lessons. I leaned more and more until I practically fell over.


I Can't believe I found him. This is crazy what are the odds?


This feels like a movie, are we really meant to be?


"huh? oh sorry, I zoned out for a second there"

"Do you want something?"

"oh um- sure uh may I have a hot chocolate?"

The store was pretty much empty so we got our orders almost immediately.

"Okay Craig we can go now-"

"No we're eating here. Pick a table."
I was not planning to leave Blonde Coffee maker Phone boy any time soon. That titles getting pretty long, I shoukd probably figure out his name.

I listened in to the conversation between him and the woman in the back, his mother I'm assuming.  And no, it's not eavesdropping, it's just observing.
Shit, they're too far away
But luckily I'm so clever and I had a plan, I stood up to get some napkins for Tricia, who has icing on her nose. The napkins were conveniently placed right by the back room.

"Hun calm down you're gonna set the whole kitchen on fire"


"Do you need for coffee Tweek? That always calms you down"
I already know his last name I need his first name.

I only had about 20 seconds before I was standing at the napkins for an awkwardly long time, I gotta speed this up. A few more customers walked in, girls I recognized. Bebe, Wendy, and Red, my cousin.


"Hi Tricia! Is Craig here?"

"Yeah he's over by the napkins checking out the coffee boy."

How'd she know? I felt my face heat up and I looked the other way so no one would see. Maybe they know his name, they love to gossip.

"Hey Red! Do you happen to know his name"

"Who, Tweek?"

"No his first name."

"It's Tweek"

"You're telling me his name is Tweek Tweak?"


"That's literally like saying Meth Meth"

We exchanged goodbyes and Tricia and I went home. Tweek Tweak? I definitely don't remember that name from elementary. How could I forget? It's so odd.

Tricia and I arrived home and I practically flew up the steps to my bedroom. I had to make a quick google search and maybe a phone call.

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