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| Tweek |

I woke up to a loud bang and sat up so fast I got dizzy. Out of instinct I turned to Craig, who I assumed slept through it. To my surprise, Craig was no where to be seen. Where did he go? Was he kidnapped? I don't have enough money for ransom. I'd never find him, even if I did he'd be dead by the time I got to him.

I calmed down a little when I heard a familiar voice ask the Alexa to play the High School Musical Soundtrack. What a dork. I stood up, put a shirt on, and walked into the kitchen. Which conveniently was only about a ten step commute in our living space.
Craig and I had to go long distance for the duration of post-grad school. He went on to study science, while I continued with business. It's been a few months since then and we have an apartment together. Currently, Craig's been working a lot online and doing internships to hopefully work for NASA someday soon. I've been talking to my parents non-stop about the coffee shop. I really want to turn it around, maybe make it a franchise. They're about old enough to retire, being their only child, I'll get the business.
I stepped out of the bedroom and leaned on the doorframe, looking into the kitchen.

"Hi hun, I made breakfast. Want some?"

"What was that noise?" I said, without answering his question.

"I dropped the pan and as I went to pick it up I knocked over a bunch of forks."

I couldn't help but smile at his antics. There's never a dull moment living with The Craig Tucker. Entering the kitchen, I greeted Craig with a quick kiss before starting the coffee machine and getting Craig an apple juice. It all he drinks, I think he's addicted or something. Funny hearing that from me, I know.

"Sleep well Tweekers?" 

"Not especially." I answered, without turning away from the coffee machine. Though my sleeping patterns have improved since living here, nothings perfect. I still tend to wake up at least three times a night in a cold sweat. Craig, being the heaviest sleeper known to man, rolls over and grabs me while being asleep. We could fall asleep on separate sides of the bed and he would still manage to wake up on top of me. He's the clingiest person I know, which I love him for.

I sit down next to Craig, who set the table. He's a great cook, though a very picky eater. So today he make pancakes. Of course no eggs or bacon because God forbid anything with texture entered the household.

"Thanks for cooking so early Craig, when did you wake up?"

"Like 4:00am. I couldn't go back to sleep so I stared at the ceiling for like four hours and then got up."

"Four hours? You could've woken me up I would've done something for you."

"It felt like 20 minutes, no biggy."

As we finished eating we conversed about stupid things like the weather and TV shows we liked to watch together. I love just listening to him ramble on and on about something he's interested in.
As his rant about who knows what was coming to a close, my phone rang. Usually, I would decline the call and let Craig finish. What was different is this time it was my dad calling.
We haven't been on the best terms since a few months ago. Long story short, my parents say if I don't live a certain way I won't be able to own the coffee shop some day. It's my life! I'll live it how I want! I haven't told Craig about it because I don't want him to loose focus on his work. I don't plan on telling him about it either.

"One sec Craig, I have to take this."

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