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I hopped on my computer and opened Google Chrome. I clicked on the search bar and entered the name "Tweek Tweak". Lots of results, unfortunately, all of it involved meth.
Again, my cleverness comes into play here. I looked up "Tweak Bros Coffee Owner" which gave me the result Richard Tweak. With some more buttons pressed and a few facebook stalkings I figured out his address, date of birth, the hospital he was born at, height, and weight. I was pretty good at this.
I picked up my phone and dialed Tweeks number. I waited until the fourth ring as always and then lifted the phone to my ear. A fifth ring? Sixth? Seventh? VOICEMAIL?
yeah this will not slide with me
I was almost too busy cursing him out to take notice to the text he sent.

tweek: at work. call you later?

craig : oh right, Tweek Bros doesn't close until 12:30


shit. I blew my cover. Maybe I'm not as clever as I thought. I guess this will move things faster, this is a good thing. Right?
( it in fact, was not a good thing)

| time skip 12:30 |

If you told me I sat and stared at the clock for almost 2 hours waiting for a random boy to call me back I wouldn't believe you. Funny enough, that's how I spent the remainder of my morning. Every time my phone gave me a notification I immediately checked it, if it wasn't from Tweek I put my phone back down and kept waiting. This process repeated until 12:32pm when Tweek's shift ended.

T : You called?

C : Hi! Uh how've you been?

"I've been alright, now it's my turn to ask the questions, how'd you find out my families business?"

"oh ya know... just through the grape vine."


"okay, alright. I was there this morning with my little sister and I saw you in the kitchen rambling about burning the place down. There's only one coffee shop in South Park, I just kinda guessed. "


"well I wouldn't call it stalking"

"YOU WOULDNT HUH? what else do you know?"

"your parents are Richard and Helen Tweek. Your birthday is August 17, you're a meth addict...
I pretty much repeated everything I had gathered earlier in the morning


"woah dude calm down everything's fine"

"i'm not a meth addict!! AH-"
He hung up. What a bitch.

No way I just screw up my only shot. I knew I never should've went in the coffee shop. Kids, don't be bold, only bad things come out of it.

I deleted the number from my recents, I don't plan on contacting Tweek again. I walked over to my bookshelf and picked out my favorite space book. I like space, I always have. Knowing its scientifically proven that there's more than our world gives me a little bit of comfort. I'm going to college to major in Aerospace engineering. Only one more week and I get to leave this hellhole.

| tweek |

What's his deal trying to figure out everything about me? I can't believe he stalked me! This is too much pressure, are other people stalking me? WHO KNOWS? I didn't hang up cause I was mad, to be honest, I don't have many friends here being homeschooled and all. This was a good opportunity, it just freaked me out. I stared at my empty suitcase, I'm about to go to college in a week, I don't have time for him anyways.

| time skip 6 days |
| craig |

Only one day until I leave for college, I should probably start packing. I looked around my room. What do people bring to college anyways? I decided to bring some of my favorite clothes, my Space posters, and my 5 step haircare routine. What? I'm scared of going bald. I brought nothing else besides those 3 things, it adds some adventure ya know? I was pretty nervous to be honest, most people from South Park would be going to University of Denver, so I wouldn't be completely alone. I wonder who my roommate would be? They better not be annoying. I don't know if you can tell but I'm not the most emotional guy, I say most things with a straight face and a monotone voice. I don't really laugh, I just smile a little and breath out of my nose. I don't cry either, ever. The only emotion I really feel is anger, I guess that's just the one emotion I don't have control of.

After I finished packing I went downstairs to put my suitcase in the car, that way I wouldn't have to do it tomorrow. When I walked passed Tricia's room I heard little sniffles. Is she sick? As I was about to go down the stairs the noise increased. I decided to check in on her. I opened the door a crack and saw her laying on her bed crying. Poor girl.

"Tricia? What's wrong?" I asked, no response.

I walked over to her and sat down at the foot of her bed, no one said anything for a little while. Finally she sat up. And scooted next to me. The way she looked up at me with her red swollen eyes broke my heart.

"I gonna miss you Craigy, I don't know what I'll do without you." she admitted

She was crying because of me?

"Oh Tric, don't worry. I'll be back for Thanksgiving and Christmas and even sometimes on the weekends."

"You promise?"

"I promise"

She hugged my waist and hugged her back. Physical touch wasn't really my thing, but i know she needed this right now. I know I said I wasn't big on emotions, but I cried right there with her. After a few minutes we got up and decided to go out for ice cream in an effort to make her feel better. I'd do anything for her.

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